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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I don't play SE. Never bothered with it, as a fair few of my 'must have' mods don't exist for SE..... LE still runs good on my win 10 machine, even fairly modded..... Was playing starfield of late though..... but, haven't even been doing that since I cam down with some virus or other that seriously kicked my ass....... Couldn't even concentrate enough to play...... Still not out of the woods yet... and it's been almost two weeks...... Holy smokes. What did beth do with SE, aside from various updates??? I know that caused some version issues for mods...... and CC content? Don't you have to actually buy that, to play it?
  2. Explosives you place/toss do indeed scale, I do not believe the environmental ones do. They sure can put on a good show though.
  3. Ok, just curious, but, WHY can't you play Skyrim any more?
  4. Just got a badge for being a member for 1 year??? And, I'm a 'Rookie"??? Really? Hhhmmm..... Where did the last 15 years go?
  5. So "Thank You Todd." :D Likely have to wait for the CK to release before you can get that one..... but, I will cast my vote for that one too. :D
  6. Yep, this one comes up fairly regularly. There is a LOT of infrastructure on there in the worlds, that no one claims, some more that is held by folks you can kill outright with zero repercussions, etc. I would LOVE to be able to plant an outpost beacon, and have all that stuff become "Mine". :D
  7. You can bet that a mod of this nature will be forthcoming, shortly after the tools are released. (sometime next year) Just like settlement blueprints for FO4, we will certainly get them for ships, and possibly outposts as well.
  8. Right there with ya. :D I purposely keep steam offline, so the game only updates when I want it to..... Once SFSE, and various plugins I use, are also updated, I'll go online, and update it all at once. No interruptions in my play time. :D
  9. Yes, it IS your fault you chose to play the game on gamepass. Currently, neither Beth, nor MS support modding the game, but, that will change. Beth will release the tools, and likely a patch to make modding easier, but, GamePass, and others, likely STILL will NOT support SFSE. Wanna use the script extender? Buy the game on Steam. Not like you haven't already gotten your money's worth out of it.
  10. Problem being, there are a LOT of options for resources.... having individual containers for them is gonna take up a lotta space..... Now, if we could also make the build area MUCH larger..... that would be nice. :D
  11. Have a slider in the game settings for how thick your skin is. :D
  12. Would need a function or trigger to play the animation, which would need to be added as well, of you getting in and out of the PA, would need a separate system for durability of the PA parts, which is an engine level system not easily "added" in, would need a system of protection from the PA, in previous games you have the PA frame which gives the fall damage, 40% DR, radiation resist, then 6 pieces on top of it, which in starfield there is only like 3, suit helmet and pack. So it's not "impossible" to do, just as I said I doubt it'll happen, at least over the next year or 2. I would think you would wear the PA INSTEAD OF your spacesuit.... and there are no animations for putting on your suit... you just equip it, and there ya go. But yeah, would likely require some heavy scripting to get it to work properly...... Someone will do it. :D
  13. Actually, I EXPECT power armor to show up in Starfield. :D AFTER the official modding tools are released though... So, sometime next year.
  14. Link to the mod? Guessing this is for Starfield? Should post this in the appropriate starfield forum. Find it here.
  15. My take on it is: If it's there when you start modding the ship (on a per session basis) it should STILL be there when you finish. :D So, anything on tables, etc, is still there, things in displays/containers should also still be there.
  16. Well, there *kinda* is power armor.... one of the Legendary's is "Mechanized" which increases your carry weight. :D
  17. Yeah, I went thru a lot of effort to clean my ship, only to discover that if I so much as change the color of something, everything gets reset...... Highly Annoying. I would LOVE to see a mod/plugin/whathaveyou that remembers what you have where, and what you DON'T have any more...... and puts stuff where it should be. (captains locker for instance.....)
  18. It's a BETA patch.... as in, not thoroughly tested..... I believe it even states "Use at your own risk".... That said, SFSE isn't going to support beta patches, at all. They change far to often for it to be practical. When the patch is finalized, and actually released, THEN SFSE team will update.
  19. Good question.... I think they have a form for it on their site??
  20. I just build something on top of it.... Habs are great, as you can set them high enough, that you are out of the area of effect. :D
  21. Link to the utility? Search for it only turns up this thread.
  22. Vortex doesn't really understand Starfield yet...... and it should really tell you that when you try and manage starfield.... but no..... You need the 'plugins.txt enabler' mod for the plugins.txt file to do anything at all.
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