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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I have hundreds of hours in the game, and I think I have seen maybe one CTD in the last three weeks.....
  2. The board searches have NEVER really worked all that well.
  3. Creatures are leveled to the system they are in as well. You can usually see what level a system is in the Star Map. I would expect that value would override your modded value.... I think the mod is more for spawned enemies at POI's.
  4. Erm, why on earth would EVERY game Modding forums be dumped into the same forum? Given the number of games here, that is going to make keeping track of mod issues/requests pretty much impossible. What happened to each game having it's own forum for such purposes???
  5. Probably not until after the Construction Set comes out..... But, you can BET there will be a few.
  6. Grab and esp/esm mod that DOES add something to the game you can easily test. See if it loads.
  7. So they are testing a fix for xbox/MS store, which is for PC..... But, not the steam version for PC? Wonder what that's all about. Likely the same cause, is the code THAT different?
  8. Are those supposed to be links? If so, they don't work for me. If they are copy/paste of the comments, those don't show up either.
  9. Did you sign up to beta test the patches??
  10. Even if the locations/number of NPCs at a given POI were a bit more varied, it would help..... as it stands, they are EXACTLY the same, right down to the locations of the bad guys.....
  11. Starfield has the potential to be a modders paradise. We already have folks figuring out how to add new star systems, re-implement features that were cut from the game, (refueling your ship, require ammo for some weapons), etc. Consider the number of mods for this game already, and the tools haven't been released yet.... Once the CK comes out, I expect to see some truly amazing mods hit Nexus. After all, modders have done what was considered 'impossible' on several of the older games. The game is ok, fun to play, but, WAY too repetitive. Adding a variety of POI's is something I expect to come out fairly quickly. That will help a lot..... (I fully expect 'new pois' are going to be rather popular among both mod authors, and mod users.) And of course, the Outpost building system will be expanded DRAMATICALLY. Should be interesting. And yes, mods WILL contribute to this game hanging around for quite some time.
  12. You guys should be posting in the game specific forums for the game in question.
  13. Would it be possible to have Subforums listed as more than just a link on the main 'club' page? I don't want to have to go thru ever category there just to see if there are unread threads.
  14. You don't need to refuel your ship. The H3 tank automatically fills again after every jump.
  15. Now that's funny. And on that note, I am out. If all you have are insults, then I have no use for you.
  16. Non sequitur. I go to macs for a big mac, if I want a whopper, I'll go to burger king. (home of the whopper.....)
  17. No, they are decided by random emotional decisions in some cases..... Nexus has changed a LOT since the days of TESNexus.... and not all of those changes were for the better.
  18. Well, not exactly true..... McD's has added things to their menu, which the public didn't like, and they disappeared. Mcd's has removed things from their menu, which the public DID like, and lo and behold, they came back. If you don't give the customers what they want, they will go elsewhere where they CAN get it. On the flip side of that, just about everything the 'customers' want IS available here..... and the stuff that ain't, folks do indeed go elsewhere for it. (lovers lab, anyone?)
  19. Actually, yes, he can. And he is, and he won't notice it on his bottom line, which is what he REALLY cares about. Robin is in a position that he can be as draconian as he cares to be, and Nexus will still continue to be the number one Mod site on the internet.
  20. Aside from the spiderman thing, your interpretation of Robins interpretation of the data is flawed.... So, lacking as well. This ain't my first rodeo.
  21. Ah, the spiderman incident. Yes, I recall that. I would be real curious if that made any difference at all. Userbase has been growing steadily in any event. I remember when hitting the 1 million members milestone was a big thing.... now, there are what? Well north of 20 million. (that stat isn't on the front page any more.)
  22. Erm, as Robin doesn't host those mods, he won't have any stats on userbase having those mods here, so, your premise is patently false.
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