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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. What hardware are you trying to run the game on?
  2. With the previous version of CCR, it probably wasn't even running, until you updated it.
  3. HeyYou


    YouTubers? HHhhmmmm.... Not sure I would base decisions on reviews I saw there... Those guys are just in it for the clicks. Yeah, Beth started going more 'main stream' after morrowind, and it got worse and worse with each subsequent game. The went from making RPG's, to Action/Adventure games with some RPG elements... Still, fun games to play, in my opinion. Starfield continued that trend, with the addition of being OVERLY politically correct..... I can ignore it, but, due to that, the game is not nearly as good as it could have been.
  4. NPC's don't do boarding parties. That seems to be the exclusive venue of the player. If you are outside your ship though, yeah, everyone and their cousin will want to kill you.
  5. Should post this in the vortex support forum....
  6. Boot from some other form of media, Hirens Boot CD, Parted Magic, or something similar, and copy files you wanna keep to an external drive. Then, boot from your installation media, and reinstall windows. You can blow away all the existing partitions, for a fresh install, or, you can just reinstall windows in the existing windows partition, and see what happens.
  7. CCR shouldn't have anything to do with it. One (or more) of the commands that actually use it might.
  8. The redundancy of showing it twice seems kinda odd....
  9. Beth has never had anything remotely resembling a 'dynamic' economy.
  10. Going thru the links to get to the starfield forums, takes me to the exact same places as the 'community' link does...... There is discussions, and mod ideas forums. The creation kit forum, and the others that were there in the previous iterations of the forums, are gone.
  11. Backup the ini in the game install folder, put your changes in there. (archive invalidation) That worked for me.
  12. Welcome to the internet. I am not a fan of Reddit, at all. I consider it the Mos Isley of the internet..... There is sometimes some good info to be found there, but, overall, I want nothing to do with that 'community'..... As for the rest, yep, there are buttheads everywhere. The anonymity of the internet makes them brave, they will type things they would NEVER even consider saying to your face..... Finding a good community for your interests becomes harder every day. Welcome to the 21st Century.....
  13. I have never tired installing windows on an existing partition, that had windows on it already.... I don't know if the installer would format the partition, hence, destroying all data on it, or simply overwrite what was already there. If you have a couple extra USB drives, could install Parted Magic on one, boot to that, then then copy whatever data you want to some other media..... What bluescreen error are you getting? I might have a workaround for it.....
  14. Yeah, not being able to open containers and such while in scan mode is a pain... I suspect that relates to the possibility of the container being locked... I have noticed though, that *some* containers show you whats in 'em, and others don't. The 'scan' key also being mapped to the same key is the "action" key doesn't help either. Not sure if there is a workaround for that..... On the containers that DO show whats in 'em though, if I grab things individually, it doesn't kick me out of scan mode.....
  15. If your computer was a pre-built, it should be documented somewhere.... either a sticker on the machine itself, or in the specs in the manual. You don't want to use the DVD to install windows. That is going to be SERIOUSLY out of date, and you will spend DAYS doing updates. If you have a slow internet connection, that'll be "weeks". Use one of your USBs. Download the media creation tool from Microsoft, create your install media, install windows. That won't even scratch the lifespan of your USB stick. It's also possible that your machine has an embedded license key for windows, in which case, it won't ask for it, it will just install the correct version.
  16. I have several USB drives at work that I use to install windows. (11, and 10, 7 was never really happy about installing from USB, and I avoided installing 8 like the plague) Reading from the drive doesn't do any harm, its write cycles that eat 'em up, but, even that is a lot less of an issue these days, as the technology has gotten a LOT better. For windows, what you are paying for is the license key to activate it. If it has already been installed on the machine, and activated, then you no longer have to have the license key, MS knows the machine had 10, and it will activate shortly after getting online. (I usually install windows, then, once it actually gets to the desktop, run updates, and windows activates.) Have to make sure you install the correct version though. Home, or Pro.
  17. The machine that used to be your gaming rig. That's the one that has the data you want, isn't it?
  18. Pull the drive out of the failed machine, put it in an external enclosure, take ownership of the user profile folders, and back the data up to another machine. (need sufficient space to do so......) After that, reinstall windows 10. Don't need to worry about the license key, as MS remembers your machine was licensend for 10. (even if it was an upgrade from 7, or 8...) Just make sure to install the same version that is on there now. (home, or pro.) After that, reinstall whatever else you want on there, and call it a day. And when you reinstall 10, do the 'custom' install, blow away ALL partitions on the drive, and let windows installer recreate them. Don't bother taking it to staples. They don't have any idea what they are really doing...... They used to be pretty good, with techs that had a clue. Not any more......
  19. When Beth first set up their 'new' site, switched to new software, and started hosting...... It was friggin' laughable that a multi-million dollar company was so inept. I commented then that three teenagers with a zero dollar budget could do it better. (and in reality, they had.....) Dark0ne even offered to 'consult' with them on it, but, they blew him off. Then proceeded to make every single rookie mistake in setting it up. It was friggin' stupid. They even changed software, when they discovered that their new 'wonder software' WOULDN'T do half the things they needed it to..... so, they 'upgraded'.... to a very similar software package, that really wasn't any better..... Probably whey they don't have forums at all any more..... They had no idea what they were doing when they first started getting into hosting, and they have not really improved.... one could argue, they have gotten worse...... But, its not really a surprise. Corporate just doesn't put things like 'search' as a priority. That holds true in many cases. Netflix is the same. Their search engine just sucks...... the FREE sites do a MUCH better job.
  20. Beth isn't supporting mods for Starfield yet though, at least, not to my knowledge.....
  21. Provide links to the complimentary mods to yours. Including their content in yours is a no-no.
  22. For some obscure reason, I don't seem to be able to respond to ANY threads in the Starfield Discussions forum....... I am indeed logged in, and can respond to this thread ok, apparently..... Is the Starfield "community" a separate entity from the forums???? That's really confusing....
  23. What laptop? Specs? How old? Blown out the fans in recent memory?
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