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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. This has been the case since Morrowind. :D I don't use quick saves at all, and rarely will I load an auto-save.... (only if I get killed at some inconvenient time....) In previous games, quick/auto saves were notorious for introducing file corruption, that wouldn't necessarily become apparent until hours later, at which point..... finding where it went wrong was almost impossible. I got in the habit of making hard saves on a regular basis, and so far, that has done me good. :D
  2. Yeah, a Master level lock for a few credits, and maybe some ammo..... Talk about disappointment. :D
  3. Probably very possible. Just editing some menus as SFInventory did for the various inventory/vendor screens. Just need someone that is familiar with the menu system to step up and do it.
  4. I really don't have a problem destroying ships/folks that START the fight with me. Pirates, Ecliptic, Bounty Hunters, etc....... If they show up red in my hud, they are fair game. :D
  5. Just a matter of opinion. I have literally hundreds of hours into the game at this point, and I am not bored..... I am STILL finding new things to do, and explore. Are there issues? Yes. Are they game breaking? Nope. Granted, I have already installed a selection of QoL mods, and 'adjustments', but, I did that with EVERY beth game I have played.....
  6. Pretty much this. :D Beth uses this engine because it does what they want. End of Story. They support modding, because they get a few more sales because of it, but, the main reason being, it adds dramatically to the longevity of the game. Beth will also be churning out content for the game, from DLC sized expansions, to the equivalent of horse armor. (you know something like that is gonna show up. :D )
  7. Wonder if those settings are on a per-item basis?? But, they have to be set up somewhere...... May need to wait for the CK for this one. That said, I would LOVE to be able to adjust the height of the various landing pads/cargo links.....
  8. I don't generally use companions/crew, so lockable doors isn't really that high priority for me. That, and even when I made areas that should have been inaccessible to settlers and such in FO4, they could still spawn in those areas when I showed up. I suspect ships will behave the same way. More habs? Yep. Never a bad idea. :D Being able to see what's IN THEM when building your ship would be nice...... Placeable doors/ladders. Yeah, I would LOVE this one. Would give the ability to build a truly custom ship. :D Turrets? Don't use those either..... Turrent control: There is a mod that lets you set up power profiles, and switch between them with a hotkey. Setting up a profile with the turrets powered down would accomplish what you are after. I can't view your pics, as I do not have a google account, (it wants me to sign in....) and I don't have any desire to create one either.
  9. Not sure I qualify as a "modder" for Starfield, but...... The problem with multiple cockpits/landing bays/dockers is pretty much fast travel, and boarding/leaving the ship. The game expects ONE choice for where to put the player on those events. For some items, the 'there can be only one' restriction makes sense.....
  10. In Vanilla NG+, you are rather unlikely to encounter a 'different' universe than vanilla. Chances for a 'new' universe are like 10%...... There is a mod that changes that to 90%....... should make for MUCH more variation in NG+.
  11. From what I have seen they are nodes that are added to a module similar to the snapnodes. A 1x1 hab has 2 ladder nodes (1 top, 1 bottom) and 4 door nodes (1 aft, 1 fore, 1 port, 1 starboard) What I have not found is the script that is responsible for the logic behind where a door and where a ladder is placed if you connect habs and have 2 door nodes or ladder nodes touch each other and why more then 1 loop is not possible. Somebody will figure it out or create modules that represent "blind walls" you place on the hab so no door or ladder will be generated on that spot. Or they remove the door and ladder nodes and make those into object we can place on a hab so a door or ladder will be created at that spot only. If it turns out that is not possible, creating an item or via scripting, well there is a solution I thought about but it's an insane one really. "Just" create habs with those nodes removed. for a 1x1 hab that would mean remove the top ladder node = 1 module, remove the top ladder node and aft door = another module, remove the top ladder node and fore door, remove the top ladder node and aft en fore door, remove the top ladder node aft en port door, etc. etc. etc. etc. I think you get what I mean and how many habs you would get and have to scroll through. Not to mention creating them would be a work of biblical proportions considering 2x1, 3x1, 2x2, 3x3 habs. You'd probably go insane, throw your PC out the window and become a hermit :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah, the number of possible permutations would get stupid in a hurry. :D And doing that for ALL the ship parts???? Truly scary. This is likely one that will have to wait for the CK to come out, so we can get a better idea of what's going on. Placeable nodes would be ideal. :D
  12. Mods folder needs to be on the same drive as the game in order for hard/symlinks to work.
  13. Figuring out the logic of door/ladder placement would be good too... What I would like to see, is REMOVE the 'autoplacement', and have 'parts' that are doors/ladders, so they are place manually. Would make ship building much more flexible.
  14. Apparently there are two camps among the starborn, those that would prevent ANYONE from reaching Unity, and those that think anyone that can collect the artifacts deserves to reach it. We only see one representative from each respective side for the most part. Until you are actually on your way.... Then things get interesting. They actually DO get together with ya, and have a chat....
  15. I would expect that anything you change, will be reset again, if you modify the ship again.....
  16. But, it requires yet another exe file to be run alongside the game. When that mod only needs SFSE, I will happily download, and install it. Otherwise, nope. Given that this guy managed it, I fully expect that an SFSE version will be out in the not-so-distant future, either by the same guy, or, someone else....
  17. Sh!tty no site has that info. It would be nice to know what habs(shopping guide) looks like before going through hassle of building a ship, walk through it, only to replace with another manufacturer till you find or like how it looks. May have to wait till SDK releases and the creative modders will create custom habs or it be possible to customize it ourselves. Folks are already working on tweaking ship parts. :D Which is a good sign. But yeah, we are likely going to have to wait for the CK before we get a good 'wiki' on just what is inside which ship parts....
  18. I went lookin' for it for the very same reason.... Trying to snipe in the dark was really hit and miss. Mostly miss..... :D There's another one that makes all the reflex sites clear, which was also a god send. :D
  19. What is twitch? And why should I care how many folks are playing a game on it? (if that's a thing) I really don't care what anyone else thinks of the game, I don't need other people to tell me what I should like, or not like. Their opinions are exactly that, THEIRS. What makes their opinion oh-so-important? Because they have a YouTube channel, or blog? Yeah, that just shouts "I am qualified." Yeah, OK, maybe not. I enjoy the game. I don't need other people to validate that for me. Same thing goes for if I DIDN'T like it. Why folks feel this need to glorify those people is beyond me. Most of 'em are just folks that couldn't GET a real job.
  20. I will third this request. The mechanic is already in-game, as you can drop quests you pick up from mission boards. (like 'destroy the crimson fleet in the Krypt system.... you know, where there are literally DOZENS of ships???? Yeah, that's not gonna happen....) It's likely just a binary on the quest on if you get that option or not.
  21. I would just like to see what the inside of the modules look like without having to build then buy a ship.
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