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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. HeyYou


    What you seem to be missing is, folks aren't voting for the MAN, they are voting for his policies. Yes, Trump is not really a good person, but then, I don't know of any politicians that are...... I really don't care if good ol' Joe is a friggin' saint, and sits at the right hand of the Pope. I still won't vote for him, because I disagree with his POLICIES.
  2. I think there is way to transfer the installs to the new machine, may be something in the Vortex forums on that, may wanna post there. :)
  3. Wow, the new Xbox is gonna be pretty powerful, and with a potential 2TB of SSD storage? Nice.....
  4. I would just clone it, its actually faster, and more effective. You can download a free version of Macrium Reflect to do the job.
  5. I would suspect a script, or texture..... given its frequency...... But, that's just a wag.....
  6. There is another thread about this that was up relatively recently......... I think texture was in the title...... enb was not, it was some setting or other, which I can't remember what it was.
  7. A server CPU, and a workstation GPU......... Triple channel RAM?
  8. .ESP, and .ESM files count toward the limit, most of the CC content is going to be .esl files, and those do not count. (you have to enable showing file extensions to see what's what, by default, that's turned off in windows.
  9. Welcome to NEXUS. If you have modding questions, find the forum for the game in question, and then the Mod Talk forum, and post your questions there. :)
  10. What are your save habits like? Using quicksaves, autosaves, etc, isn't a good idea. Overrighting saves isn't a good idea. You could try cleaning one of your later saves with Fallrim tools.....
  11. Tachyons travel faster than light. :D Hypothetically :rolleyes: A LOT of what we 'know', is purely hypothetical. :D
  12. It's been my experience, that the 'smarter' folks are, the worse their social skills are. This is VERY easy to see at any sort of Mensa event...... :) Sure, there are the few odd ones that can actually interact socially, and 'seem' fairly normal, but, they are rare, and it is generally quite the effort for them to do so. Sometimes I think social skill is inversely proportional to intelligence. :D
  13. I don't use ENB to make any graphical improvements at all, just the memory management fixes. Couple ini edits, and down the road you go.
  14. I use ENB just for its memory fixes, on its own, FO4 doesn't handle memory management well. Might be worth a shot.
  15. What hardware are you running the game on?
  16. If the users are coming here to browse mods, why not just download them from here as well, instead of resorting to a third party tool..... This particular topic has come up before as well. (like, every couple of years, since morrowind released.....) Never has really gained any traction. Most of the mod managers will interact directly with the sites, making downloads/installations fairly easy. A couple clicks, and down the road you go. Most folks simply aren't interested in adding yet another layer of complexity to modding their games, (or, installing yet another program......) It's an interesting idea, but, I don't see Nexus integrating support for it into Vortex.
  17. Where could I find the old archived forums? Web Archive.
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