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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Folks have been working on preventing 'unwanted pregnancies' as long as I can remember, in all reality, likely far longer...... And we still see pretty much a consistent number of abortions per year. From that bit of information, I can draw the conclusion that what we are doing, and have been doing for generations, ISN'T WORKING. Teaching abstinence as the ONLY thing in whatever sex education classes you get in school is just stupid. It OBVIOUSLY doesn't work, but, we can do something different? Apparently not..... And that one, I lay right at the feet of the religious right. And given THAT bit of information, I don't see anything changing any time soon.
  2. Who told you, you had to go that far? Why do people always assume others who care about them want them to go above and beyond. Just a few measelly exercises a day. The school course only required us to do ten push ups, ten sit ups and so on, Unless we were in sports we had gym three times a week. You don't even have to do that many repetitions. Just do crunches instead of sit ups just as you lay there awake in bed. 5 of them. Do five push ups after you roll out of bed. Flap your arms like a bird a few times instead of jumping jacks, and forget squat thrusts, remember where your aches are and stretch for ten seconds to loosen their painful reminders. Then take a hot shower. You don't have to be a powerful supreme example of a man, just be a little more sensible one. Your family and friends will see and may even benefit from the mild changes you begin to show. And of course, you family and friends may have some kind jests you can tolerate. That might even make that smile you share with them a little brighter in the morning. You've been hanging out with my doctor, haven't you. HAVEN'T YOU!!! :D I think I have heard that same speech, almost word for word.
  3. Or maybe I just don't take life that seriously. :) Sure, there are folks that are a LOT worse off than I am. There are folks that are healthier than I am. There might even be folks that are lazier than I am....... There are certainly folks that are FAR more motivated than I am. I have a comfortable life, a short drive to work, a job I enjoy, a warm and dry place to sleep, and a few toys to play with. I am not hurting for money, though I am by no means 'rich'. I have good friends that I see every now and again, but I can be perfectly happy hanging out around the house, and doing whatever. I have a wife that loves me, (god only knows why....) and puts up with me. :) I really don't need anything else. Would I like to have more? Sure. But, I am NOT going to kill myself trying to get it. Screw that. Too much work. I want to ENJOY life, while I can.
  4. Better than living on opiates...... :) Yeah, getting more exercise would certainly be good for me, but, I am inherently lazy. :) (except at work..... where I do my headless chicken impression......) My doctors keep telling me I should, as does my wife...... :) I suppose a gym membership would be a good idea, but, not only am I lazy, I'm cheap too. I CAN make the buffalo s**t. :D
  5. I don't have an answer for that... Especially considering you likely have an admin account, and the guest account most certainly does NOT have those privileges... It's just bizarre...... If you right click on it, and select 'open', will it do anything?
  6. Something in windows group policies??? That IS weird. :)
  7. The docs I see are actually pretty good. When I was initially diagnosed (MS), my neurologist put me on a fistful of drugs to control the disease, and deal with some of the symptoms. For two years, I was on a battery of drugs, some of which made me feel worse than the condition they were supposed to treat..... I told my doc that the side effects of some of these drugs were horrific, and I just wanted to stop taking ALL of them. I almost fainted when he agreed........ That was six or seven years ago.... (maybe longer, I have issues keeping track of the passage of time.....) and I am actually doing better today, than I was when I was on all the drugs. Sure, there is pretty much constant pain, but, it is only at the 'annoyance' level, and usually not debilitating. That's coming, but, I am not there yet, so, I only take pills for it when its REALLY bad..... All things considered, I am doing fairly well. I am still able to move around under my own power, work part-time, and do most of the stuff I used to. Sure, I move a lot slower, don't have the stamina/endurance I once had..... I can only go for a few hours, then it's time to stop. I can push it, and go longer, but, I pay for that later... (and it ain't no fun.) I go to the VA (Veterans Administration) hospital up in Ann Arbor. They are affiliated with the University of Michigan hospital, and my Neurologist is actually head of that department at U of M. :) I've been seeing the same docs since roughly 2007..... so, we have a good relationship, and my docs are VERY familiar with my issues. My only real problem with it is, they are 50 miles away..... and my truck gets horrible gas mileage. :D....
  8. Uh huh. What's really funny is, the 'right wingers' feel the exact same way about the left wingers. What's even funnier is when you are in the center of the political spectrum, and right-wingers call you a left-wing nut job, and left-wingers call you a right-wing extremest. Indeed. It seems you can only be one or the other, the middle ground was pulled out from under us...... Maybe that makes me a leftrighwing extremist nut-job???? Seems perfectly reasonable. :D nah just a nut job :happy: But, I WANNA be an extremist too!!! :D
  9. HeyYou


    And there is a very good reason to keep them OUT. Want to come to this country? Do it LEGALLY, and we don't have a problem with you. Cross illegally, and that makes you a criminal. And we DON'T want you.
  10. There is a whole section here for NMM, and while it isn't "officially" supported, it is still being developed and supported by 'non-official' folks. Forums are at the bottom of the list of forums on the main page. :)
  11. Uh huh. What's really funny is, the 'right wingers' feel the exact same way about the left wingers. What's even funnier is when you are in the center of the political spectrum, and right-wingers call you a left-wing nut job, and left-wingers call you a right-wing extremest. Indeed. It seems you can only be one or the other, the middle ground was pulled out from under us...... Maybe that makes me a leftrighwing extremist nut-job???? Seems perfectly reasonable. :D
  12. Look in the windows event viewer, and see if there is anything in there that relates to it. Also, check your A/V logs, and see if it is blocking it.
  13. Uh huh. What's really funny is, the 'right wingers' feel the exact same way about the left wingers. Given some of the utter BS the left is going on about in their presidential campaigns, I am more inclined to side with the right....... After all, destroying our economy in the name of 'global warming', or, whatever the pet term is these days, to not make any difference whatsoever, is just another form of insanity. At least the right wingers aren't trying to destroy our constitutional rights..... (aside from the abortion thing.)
  14. HeyYou


    Where do you get that from? I LIVE here, and I am not seeing this. We are having an issue with foreign invaders on our southern border, but, we haven't taken to shooting them wholesale yet, but, I wouldn't be surprised to see that happen.... I think the question really should be, why aren't those folks taking back their own countries, instead of coming here seeking (EXPECTING) handouts??? There is some accuracy to that statement. But, no, Iran does not require nukes to defend itself against the US, they need to stop supporting terrorism in that part of the world. What would be REALLY nice is, if the Saudis would ALSO stop supporting terrorists...... I suspect there is little hope of either of those coming to pass though. If you ask the typical american, (one that hasn't been elected to pubic office) if they want a war with Iran, you will get a resounding "NO!!!". We don't need any more foreign wars, we are not the 'world police'. We can't afford to be, nor SHOULD we be. We have flushed enough money down the toilet, along with american lives, to no good purpose. I am sure the defense contractors are loving it..... and their upper management types are getting lovely bonuses every year.... But as for the rest of us? Nope. Had enough, don't want any more, think we should get out of the ones we have been involved in for over a decade now...... If we can't do anything in almost TWENTY years, we never are going to accomplish anything. GET OUT! Bring our boys/equipment home, and let the sh**holes go back to being the sh**holes they were before we got there.
  15. Almost definitely mediocre, rather than lazy. I think calling Bethesda lazy is disingenious. They put a hell of a lot of work into the games. They just aren't that good at their jobs. Kind of a gray area. :) They DO make FUN games, if you can get past the bugs. Their writing leaves a bit to be desired, and they feel free to violate their own lore whenever it suits them...... (or, is convenient.....) I still think Morrowind had the best story. :D
  16. That looks like a nice machine. :) I would be tempted to run a smaller SSD though, as they start getting slower above 500gb. On Skyrim, my loading screens only last a few seconds, FO4, they tend to be a bit longer, even WITH the load accelerator mod. (uncaps framerate during loading screens.) Still and all, MUCH better than on mechanical drives. You want at LEAST 8gb of system RAM as well, 16 would be about perfect. (easily upgradable if the machine doesn't already have it.) I understand the whole 'warranty' thing. :D
  17. If you play bethesda games, you really don't want to go over 60FPS in any event, as the physics starts getting really strange beyond that. The hardware in your laptop is actually pretty good. Maybe jump to an 8th gen intel i7, and a 1080 GPU.... though those are expensive. As a gear-head, have you considered building your own machine?
  18. If it's alive, than it can exist outside of its host on its own, yes? Take a biology class What part of Pro-CHOICE don't you "Pro-Life" people get? Just because abortion is legal doesn't mean they're MANDATORY. Why do you people hate CHOICE so much? What about these hypocritical Right-Wing Congressmen who are "Pro-Life" but get caught getting abortions for their mistresses? They don't believe any of that "Pro-Life" stuff, they just regurgitate that crap to get people to vote for them. Besides, it's none of your damned business what other people do, but People always on the Right, want to tell people what they can do in their own bedrooms with another adult, who they can marry, and who has to have babies. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS IT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU. Using politicians as examples of 'morality' is really a non-starter. We already know that none of them are honest, and they all lie, cheat, and steal, to further their own ends. What really boggles the mind is, yes, we KNOW they are all crooks, in one form or another, but we continue to vote them back into office?????? Really???? WTH???? The jury is still out on when "life" begins...... and the definitions thereof, are at best, murky. Some believe that life begins at conception, others when there is a detectable heartbeat, and even those that believe that it is when they take their first breath..... And that whole 'survive on their own' thing? Well, once could argue that a great many species produce young that CANNOT 'survive on their own' for quite some time after birth. (like, most mammals......) In all reality, I simply wish the government would NOT try and legislate the way I live my life. Both parties are doing it, and neither party can claim the moral high ground. Because neither one of them are anything remotely resembling 'moral'. Ah, the old "Both Sides" nonsense. I used to use that argument when I watched Fox News back in the day, I did it to seem like I was "Fair" The Right just tried to slam through an anti-abortion bill that they stripped of the Rape and incest clause, and they did it, by quickly announcing it, and not letting anybody vote on it, and passed it. It didn't get tabled until everybody complained about it, but the Right has NO intention of having a two-party system, as we see every day now in the news. Point is, it's nobody's business who does what. Right-Wing Talibangelicals want to dictate what everybody does based on their religion, and they need to STFU or start paying taxes, they also need to GTFO of our Government and Schools Most of them are the biggest hypocrites anyway. Bristol Palin is a shining example. Toured around the US with her "Abstinence Program", while having kids with two different fathers out of wedlock. I don't even need to talk about Josh Duggar... So yea, these Talibangelicals want everybody to live up to the standards they set for everybody else, while acting like the same rules don't apply to them. Maybe they should take some advice from their own text that they pretend to read Nonsense? So, you believe that everything the dems are doing are 'in the best interests of the people'? Terribly sorry, that simply is not the case. Neither party has the best interests of americans as a whole at heart, all they want is what is best for THEM, be it better benefits, higher pay, bigger bribes, larger kickbacks from their political supporters, or simply a giant game of oneupmanship against their political rivals. They all have their own pet 'religion', for the dems, is AGW, for the repubbies, its their religious beliefs. Neither side has the higher ground. So far as I am concerned, there is no lower form of life than a politician. They are the bottom feeders of society, and are generally the SOURCE of most of societies problems. What party they come from just doesn't matter.
  19. If it's alive, than it can exist outside of its host on its own, yes? Take a biology class What part of Pro-CHOICE don't you "Pro-Life" people get? Just because abortion is legal doesn't mean they're MANDATORY. Why do you people hate CHOICE so much? What about these hypocritical Right-Wing Congressmen who are "Pro-Life" but get caught getting abortions for their mistresses? They don't believe any of that "Pro-Life" stuff, they just regurgitate that crap to get people to vote for them. Besides, it's none of your damned business what other people do, but People always on the Right, want to tell people what they can do in their own bedrooms with another adult, who they can marry, and who has to have babies. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS IT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU. Using politicians as examples of 'morality' is really a non-starter. We already know that none of them are honest, and they all lie, cheat, and steal, to further their own ends. What really boggles the mind is, yes, we KNOW they are all crooks, in one form or another, but we continue to vote them back into office?????? Really???? WTH???? The jury is still out on when "life" begins...... and the definitions thereof, are at best, murky. Some believe that life begins at conception, others when there is a detectable heartbeat, and even those that believe that it is when they take their first breath..... And that whole 'survive on their own' thing? Well, once could argue that a great many species produce young that CANNOT 'survive on their own' for quite some time after birth. (like, most mammals......) In all reality, I simply wish the government would NOT try and legislate the way I live my life. Both parties are doing it, and neither party can claim the moral high ground. Because neither one of them are anything remotely resembling 'moral'.
  20. They've done the work on it, I think we can expect it to show up in some form or other in subsequent games. Wonder if we will be able to build our own castles in the next TES game. :smile: That would be REALLY cool. I think beth expected settlement building to be more than half the game for most players......... I imagine they'll help themselves to Kinggath's "Sim Settlements" mod and slap it into TES6, like they did with a ton of other mods for Fallout 4. The majority of Fallout 4 is player Mods That's really nothing new. Beth was 'adopting' ideas from modders, and incorporating them into their games starting with Oblivion. (they couldn't with morrowind, as the previous games weren't technically modable.) They went so far as to HIRE one modder. (arelorn, though I think I slaughtered the spelling there.) He was the one that wrote 'morrowind enhanced, a more advanced scripting engine.
  21. They've done the work on it, I think we can expect it to show up in some form or other in subsequent games. Wonder if we will be able to build our own castles in the next TES game. :) That would be REALLY cool. I think beth expected settlement building to be more than half the game for most players.........
  22. Take a look at the demographics of just whom is producing the most children...... By and large, it is the poor folk that tend to reproduce the most. It's a self-perpetuating problem. We should take a page out of China's book, and restrict reproduction to two children per family....... and only if you can actually afford to support them. Of course, that would never pass here in the US......
  23. Exactly. :) The right seems oh-so-concerned about "life", right up until you are born, then you are on your own.
  24. Isn't all morality arbitrary though?
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