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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Wait, you mean, they AREN'T doing that NOW???? :D
  2. Are you getting an error? Does the download ever actually start?
  3. We aren't really "Free" here in America either. The government is constantly passing laws regulating how we live, how we raise our children, how we educate our children, and numerous other aspects of daily life. Granted, we have more 'freedoms' that a fair few other places...... but, those freedoms have been eroded and paired down as time passes. Folks trying to convince us 'we don't need those particular freedoms in an enlightened society'..... Hhhmmm..... Show me an 'enlightened society' and I might actually buy into that. Or not. Safety is also an illusion. Even the most restrictive governments cannot keep their populations safe. No government can assure safety, merely by passing laws, or restricting rights. (which is the tack they generally try and take anyway, even though they already know it won't work.......) Those that would give up freedom, for the promise of safety, deserve neither.
  4. You really shouldn't be using IE any more. Far to many folks don't support it anymore, including Microsoft.... it is outdated, insecure, and was crummy when it was new. :) Firefox, or Google Chrome are far superior.
  5. Would I like to be immortal? You bet. But, NOT if it means just being data on a drive somewhere..... I want to be able to move about, interact with my fellow man, (and woman......) and LIVE life. Not merely exist.
  6. It's a more powerful card than the GTX 1080..... For the money you spend, vs. the performance you get, no, not worth it. Most games don't take advantage of multiple cards in any event.
  7. It's just another harddrive, works exactly the same as standard drives, just a LOT faster. The game plays from where it is installed, if it's installed on the HDD, that is where it is loading from. On games that you frequently see loading screens, installing the games to the SSD is a REALLY good plan. If you are doing steam games, I *think* it has a tool to migrate your game storage to a different drive. Also, depending on what game you are playing, these days, they put the save games in your user profile, in the stock windows location. (usually C:\Users\whateveryourusernameis\documents\my games\game name\saves)
  8. Are you using a mod manager to install? If so, it should tell you which mods are missing masters.
  9. HeyYou


    I don't think there were many folks attempting to get in to Russian controlled territory. :) There were, however, a fair few trying to get OUT. A significant percentage of them had a very bad experience with that..... which discouraged further attempts.
  10. Apparently, the mic isn't really off..... You can check that theory by looking at the input line levels with the mic in various positions.......
  11. Actually there is. The constitution guarantees rights of citizens , it does not extend human rights for the whole world. And a person becomes a citizen in this context when they have a certification of birth. So no birth certificate , no birthday , no constitutional protection. However with my understanding using the "seems to me method" And the whole reason I started this thread. Is the meaning of abort and what / when that applies. Now albeit the birth process is not instantaneous ... I think it is separate from what is called the pregnancy. So imo I think the right to abort applies to the pregnancy , and not the birth process. Because the pregnancy has come to full term delivering its effects to a womans body that she should have a right of choice over anybody elses. Therefore nothing to spare her from involving termination of a new viable human. But the viability of that human still is a point of choice imo for someone to now step into the shoes of parenthood. Basically, all that really means is according the constitution, it isn't ILLEGAL to have an abortion, as the fetus, technically, has no rights. Applying that logic, a woman should technically be legally able to abort her baby, right up to the point of birth..... at which time, it all becomes moot anyway. So, seems to me, (I like that method too. :) ) what we need to do, is clarify just WHEN the fetus *should* have rights..... At the moment, that one is really up in the air, and the timeframe is determined by which party is in power.... (see Alabama, Mississippi, et al.) Either that, or the government should just stay the hell out of it. (my preferred solution.) The current conditions are intolerable... Democrats: We don't care about you UNTIL you are born, at which point, we want to take care of you, and tell you how to live your life. Republicans: We care about you until you are born, after that, you are on your own. Oh, and by the way, you better live your life the way we tell you to, or we'll slap you in prison. The republican position is simply untenable. They want to force girls that get pregnant, regardless of circumstances, to bear their child, but, on the other hand, offer zero support for that child, once it is born. Folks like to offer adoption as an alternative to abortion.... but, that still plays merry hill with the girls body, and you end up with a child that most likely is raised by the state in any event, as adoption is a major pain in the US, and hideously expensive. Which makes the target audience of folks willing to adopt rather small. Almost every adult that I know, that actually adopted a child, went to another country to do so. Why? It's less expensive, and less hoop jumping. In all reality, I think we need FEWER laws, not more..... and the state should not be telling anyone what they should do with their life, and their body. Including suicide. (which is technically illegal....)
  12. How politically INcorrect of you. :smile: Unfortunately, that scenario applies both ways. It seems that folks decide which side they want to be on, and from there on out, the 'other' side is automatically wrong. Well sorry I implied it is a one way street ... which I did not intend ... but I did gloss over it , only speaking from where I stand since it is what I have experience with. But this brings up what I think is a pertinent question to ask ourselves. What are the present reactions and hyperbole being fueled by ? Is it just the right reacting to the left , which is reacting to the previous right , which reacted to the previous left , that reacted to the right in the first place ? ( add in another 10 reactions back and forth maybe ) In which it seems people are just holding on to history without learning from it. Therefore it seems we might be better off to just forget about history if that is all we are going to use it for ? The US has already demonstrated that we can't learn from history. At least, our government can't. They seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. As for the problem itself, I think it's a feedback loop, one side does it, so the other side follows suit, and so on and so forth. Only way to break the loop, is for one side or the other to STOP DOING IT. Trouble is, there are too many folks involved, and convincing enough of them that what they are doing now is a bad idea...... is going to be difficult, at best. In all reality, at this point, I don't think we CAN fix it..... We simply don't have the ability to boot enough of the 'stuck in a rut' crowd out at any one election. By the time the next election rolls around, the folks that replaced the previous rutters are now rutters themselves. The only real way I see to affect any meaningful change would to replace ALL of them, at once. And, short of a revolution, that's not going to happen. So, what do I expect to see instead? More of the same, more stupidity from our government, until the world realizes that all that US debt they are holding, isn't worth the paper it's printed on. At which point, the US can no longer spend a trillion or more dollars every year, that they don't have..... and our creditors are going to be looking to get paid back. So, our economy instantly tanks, the dollar becomes worthless, the world economy follows very shortly thereafter down the tubes.... and then the only real alternative is war.... WWIII anyone? That should be interesting. I hope I don't live to see it. Have a look here. Notice that congressional approval rating hasn't topped 30% since about 2009 (and even then, it was only briefly). It hasn't topped 50% since 2003, or so. Yet we still keep putting these same guys back into office???? The press goes nuts when Presidential approval rating dips below 40%, yet we rarely, if ever, hear about congressional (dis)approval. That just pretty much proves my point. Americans have some intelligent individuals, but, taken collectively, we got nuthin on a box of rocks.
  13. HeyYou


    Did that work in East Berlin? No. No, it did not. Actually, it worked fairly well. They did not have nearly the problem with border-jumpers that we do here.
  14. Well, when your arguments can't be based on logic and reason, (as in this case) the emotional appeal is the only thing you have left. Kinda like the Dems campaign for gun control. :) Basically, what this tells me is, the government is in the business of wanting to legislate most every aspect of our lives. Of course, that's nothing new. And there is no constitutional right to an abortion. That requires some interpretation of what has been written...... and not everyone agrees on the interpretation. Big surprise there huh?
  15. I think they don't reassign the phone number for like six months, though, that is likely to vary from carrier to carrier. The idea is, they don't want the folks that get the old number, to be getting calls for you for months...... What's funny is, I STILL get calls for the previous owner of my phone number 7 YEARS after she stopped using it...... Always love getting calls from collection agencies that don't believe me when I tell them I have no clue who they are looking for. Don't know her, never met her, don't know where she is now. Don't know where she went. Don't know any of her family. No, she doesn't live with me. No, I am most certainly not her..... (I am male, born that way, not a trans.) It's hilarious.
  16. How politically INcorrect of you. :) Unfortunately, that scenario applies both ways. It seems that folks decide which side they want to be on, and from there on out, the 'other' side is automatically wrong. Regardless of the issue, or their position on it. But, not everyone is like that, just the folks that are most likely to vote....... And voter turnout has been rather volatile for the last several decades.... but, rarely gets over 60% since the 60's........ I suspect that there are a fair few folks out there that are just disgusted with the entire process, and how meaningless it has become, so, simply choose not to participate at all. I don't blame them.
  17. HeyYou


    I agree with you to a certain point, however, the concept of the "wall" should be more pragmatic than just simply to build a fence across the border. It should mean to fully "stop" everything that has, is or will allow illegal immigrants to cross, live, work and suck our resources as it has been happening. We have thousands of them already living in US that could continue working in those farms so he economy will not suffer as you said. We should stop women to cross the border and giving birth and automatically get the citizenship for their babies, which they use not only to declare them in the income tax return and get money from the government but at the same time, because their children is already a US citizen, the entire family will also get the citizenship sooner or later .... US is the only country in the world with this stupid policy and that policy was not made by the illegal immigrants nor by the worker program, but by the Congress. Before thinking about letting come in, we should think about what is the cause for them to cross the border and violate this country law as they please ? The answer is simple : their governments are thieves that steal all the money from the country, do not create jobs for them and they have no other option to look for another place to get a job. This is very sad but it is not our problem. Instead crossing the border, they should fight and resolve their own issues as a country and people and that is why, when US decides to build the "wall - fence", it will force them to take their business in their own hands. I am a tax payer and I have to pay a lot of money for my insurance and not only that, I have to pay back to the freaking IRS every year and I know ( because of the job that I have allow me to be in touch with everything I have said ) that my taxes are being used not only to support the war in other countries but to support immigrant programs that allow them to get for free, what I cannot get myself and I am a citizen of US. Selfish ? No I am not. I have no problem with other people coming to US by the legal channels but not illegally as it is happening. Yep, birthright citizenship actually made sense back in the day... but, not so much any more. Trump was talking about changing that at one point, but, he got shot down. Apparently, it would take another amendment to the constitution to affect that change, and that is not a simple process. Question becomes, would 2/3rds of the states ratify it?
  18. What jack is your microphone plugged into? Is this some particular software suite that is giving you issues? Keep in mind, there is a difference between the 'audio in' jack, and the 'microphone' jack.... they are not interchangeable. :D
  19. HeyYou


    LOLOLOLOL. I LIKE it! Of course, that would do absolutely horrible things to the 'gun crime' numbers........ and the left would be pointing at that, and screaming to high heaven "BAN ALL GUNS". Even though guns ARE banned in Mexico. :D
  20. Endorphins are wonderful things. One of the reasons nicotine is so highly addictive...... it prompts the brain to release them.......
  21. And don't forget the obstructionist aspect. Neither side wants the other side to do anything that actually is GOOD for people. They don't want to allow them to have those 'bragging rights'. I think that really got into full swing with the Obama presidency. The repubbies REALLY didn't want him to do well. At anything. And they did their level best to make sure he couldn't. Yeah. Politics in America are broken. I don't see any real way to alter course either, short of a revolution, kicking them ALL out, and replacing them with a fresh crop, along with some additional checks and balances on them. Term limits, banning paid lobbyists, etc.
  22. HeyYou


    The folks that come here on the migrant worker program are actually here legally. Granted, there are a fair few illegal migrant workers as well, which makes them difficult to find. But, we still have industries that will hire them, and have them show up at a fixed location on a daily basis, simply because they can pay them less, and don't have to pay all the other costs associated with legal employees. (social security, workmans comp, etc.) Going after THEM, and making it painful to employ illegal workers would go a long way toward reducing the desire to hire them... and if there aren't jobs to be had, the illegals have less motivation to come here. Trouble is, there will ALWAYS be folks willing to hire them..... all in the name of greed. It's a problem that we aren't going to be able to fix. So, next best thing is, control the border. Be that a wall, armed border patrol, that are actually authorized to shoot..... Maybe if we take a harder line on folks storming our borders, fewer folks would be willing to risk it. Currently, the only drawback is getting caught, and shipped back. And then they are right back at it, trying to get across again. I have seen far too many news articles about various criminals that have already been deported multiple times. (one guy had been booted out NINE times in just the last two years......) If they are dead, they won't be trying it again. Because face it, when you have THOUSANDS of folks coming en masse to our borders, that is not immigration, that is Invasion. Treat them just like any other enemy combatant. Shoot first, ask questions later. They are in the midst of committing a crime, the slap on the wrist they are getting now, simply is not a deterrent. Yep, that's pretty callous. But, I bet we wouldn't have to resort to that for very long before folks got the hint..... and we would see FAR fewer folks trying to cross illegally.
  23. Folks have been working on preventing 'unwanted pregnancies' as long as I can remember, in all reality, likely far longer...... And we still see pretty much a consistent number of abortions per year. From that bit of information, I can draw the conclusion that what we are doing, and have been doing for generations, ISN'T WORKING. Teaching abstinence as the ONLY thing in whatever sex education classes you get in school is just stupid. It OBVIOUSLY doesn't work, but, we can do something different? Apparently not..... And that one, I lay right at the feet of the religious right. And given THAT bit of information, I don't see anything changing any time soon.
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