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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I am not exactly sure how NMM deals with that... Does it actually copy the files to the right spot? Or are they just symbolic links? If they are just links, then, yeah, the game is trying to read them from the HDD..... I have two SSDs, (no mechanical drives.....) so for me, it just doesn't matter where they are.
  2. Processor is weak for a 'gaming' PC....... an i3????? You should be able to upgrade that without changing the system board..... an i5, or i7 would certainly wake it up. :smile:
  3. SSD won't make those kind of noises. No moving parts. :D Sounds like your mechanical drive may be having some issues. Would your machine be trying to read anything from that while you are playing? O/S installed on SSD as well?
  4. Just think of all the bandwidth I am saving you by NOT having to serve all those ads to me. :D
  5. Oddly enough, the times when you are experiencing the stutter, is when the game needs to load some new textures. I would be that the stutter while turning, only happens once, in any particular area, and then not again until you move to a new area. I see this on my machine, and I don't use any texture enhancers at all. It was DRAMATICALLY reduced to moving from a mechanical HDD, to an SSD though...... With high res textures, I could see that little problem being exacerbated by the larger than stock files.
  6. Have you tried it without the hi-res textures? I wonder if that isn't at least part of it.....
  7. You ARE a Somebody here. :D Your title will change with your post count. Once you get to a certain point, (no clue just what that is though...) you will gain the ability to edit your title. :D
  8. Welcome Mark! You are spot on. I will warn you in advance though, (and I suspect you have already discovered this....) Modding is ADDICTIVE. Once you start, you won't be able to stop. You will be browsing thru mods, looking for some other incidental tweak to your game. You will spend more time tweaking your load order, than you will playing. :D And what's even worse is, with that shiny new gaming PC, you will have the ability to run the construction kit...... and you can tweak and mod the game to YOUR will and vision. Then, no one outside your home will hear from you, or see you, for extended periods of time. Folks will call/stop by, "just to check on you", as they haven't heard from you in a while. Etc. Welcome to the world of Mods! We are HAPPY to have you. :D
  9. Keep in mind, energy weapons are exactly that. Directed energy. Metal armors may absorb more of that energy, but, they have to dissipate it somewhere. Generally, that's in the form of heat. A laser heats its target. Metal will absorb the heat, and then radiate it in every direction. Including back at the wearer...... Sure, a laser may 'burn thru' leather faster, but, then its just a bit of a whole, while metal armor will scorch a significantly larger area of skin. And all of this totally ignores laser trauma. After all, a laser thru flesh will flash boil any fluids it encounters, with devastating affect. (considering the human body is about 98% water...... you can see how this could be a problem.)
  10. Possibly a plugin causing issues......
  11. Check the link in my sig. We have classes there for the various construction kits. :) It will get you familiar with how things work. It's a start. Word of warning though, once you start, it becomes an addiction, and you will spend FAR more time in the CK, than you will playing the game. :D
  12. Need to post this in the site issues and suggestions forum.
  13. That's actually a highly effective method. :)
  14. I use modern firearms, and got a mod that boosts damage of vanilla weapons to match MF weapons.... There are also patches for MF, that reduce damage, anywhere from 25% to 75%. Playing with weapons that deal out semi-realistic damage definitely alters the way you play the game. :)
  15. HeyYou

    RIP Stan Lee

    Yeah, I saw that. Major downer.
  16. What error is it coming up with?
  17. Hhhhmmm..... that is rather odd. 7z generally works really well. Maybe re-download it, (from somewhere else) and reinstall? See if that makes a difference.
  18. That should work just fine then...... Do you have an anti-virus program running?
  19. I suspect that's a problem with the download, not the tools you have installed. Try and download one of the mods again, see what happens. What browser are you using?
  20. What do you mean bud? Bye garden hose? She is suggesting a cold shower for the both of them. :)
  21. Since we are in the 'other system' forum, I suspect he plays on console, so, Loot/NMM/Vortex simply aren't viable options.
  22. There is an updated version of NMM available on github, that still works on Nexus. It was a security thing for logins that screwed it all up. I don't know if MO has been updated, or MO2 either.
  23. Yeah, its in the .ini file. Careful with it though, going to high, can REALLY cause problems. Also, if you save outside, and exit the game, if you change the setting, the game will simply crash when you try to load. Saving inside will *usually* allow you to dial it back without issue. I think there is a script extender plugin to make changing it on the fly possible.... but, I haven't used it yet.
  24. For beth games, to me, anything above 30FPS is definitely playable. But, I don't go in for the 'prettification' mods myself. I DO tend to play with UGridsToLoad though, and that can most certainly have a profound affect on framerate. :D What is UGridsToLoad? The number of grids (cells) the game loads around the player. Picture a piece of graph paper, with the player standing in one of the squares, the game loads the surrounding squares as well. UGridsToLoad determines just how far out the game goes to fully load them. 5 is stock, I generally run 7, to 9. (MUST be an odd number) 9 puts a horrendous load on the system though, so, in really 'busy' areas, (like downtown boston in FO4) framerate can really take a hit, and I get graphical glitches as well. I am running a GTX 1060 6gb vid card. 1080 would likely be able to do 9 without trouble.
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