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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Gun crime is down, but, violent crime, as a whole, is actually up. Meanwhile, in America, violent crime is STILL falling.
  2. Not a single mass-shooter has been an NRA member. Why do you think Adam Lanza went to an elementary school to kill as many as he could? Was it because he hated teachers? Or little kids? Or was it because he KNEW FOR A FACT that no one there would be shooting back? Do you think he still would have done so, had he known there was a real possibility of armed resistance? Who stops the mass shooters? That's right, people with guns. Either by shooting them, or, the shooter kills himself when other guys with guns show up. Handguns are responsible for more deaths than ALL long guns. Long guns, to include so-called 'assault rifles' are responsible for around 3 (three) percent of gun deaths. The 'assault rifles' are tiny subset of that 3%. Most mass shootings are done with pistols, or shotguns. Around 30,000 people are killed annually by firearms. More than half of those are suicides. (and more people kill themselves in various fashions, than are killed by firearms every year as well.) Doctors kill anywhere from 250,000, to 450,000 people every year, depending on whose stats you look at. I don't hear anyone calling to ban doctors. Abortion kills 100s of thousands every year...... Some folks consider that legal murder. I have been around firearms all of my life. I have worked in law enforcement, and personally carried firearms on a daily basis. I have never seen a gun kill anyone. I HAVE seen people use guns to kill people. I have also seen people use guns to protect themselves, and others. Basically, it is impractical to ban firearms in the US. Not only are there too many out there to collect, there is no method to do so. Not to mention that a pretty significant percentage of those gun owners, won't simply hand them over, because someone passed a law. Repeal the second amendment, and you will start the second civil war.
  3. Huh? Seriously? NTA.tv host blaming the headphones. Dana Loesch another NRA harridan that used to promote SUPERBEETS!!!! already said that so many died because of "Gun Free Zones" and that if everybody was armed, this wouldn't have happened. With the NRA, it's always the victims fault, never the gun or the gun owner. Apparently we're supposed to live in fear 24/7 and have "situational Awareness" at ALL TIMES. https://www.mediamatters.org/embed/static/clips/2018/08/27/61314/nratv-stinchfield-20180827-headphones I would point out that the gun won't do anything at all by itself. Left to its own devices, the only thing it will do is collect dust. Its the person HOLDING the gun that is responsible for what happens. Not the gun, not the headphones, not the idiots upbringing, and not society in general. I don't care about their mental issues, or if their daddy beat them every day. If you go out and shoot someone, then YOU are responsible, and should pay for your crime. No one else. The NRA promotes GUN SAFETY. They always have. They are well aware that "Gun Free Zones" are actually mislabeled. The should really be called "Target Rich Environments in which no one will be shooting back." Or, haven't you noticed that almost EVERY SINGLE "mass shooting" has occurred in a.... wait for it........ Gun Free Zone? And what is the immediate response to any such event? Ban Guns. Right. So far, NOTHING the left has proposed to 'discourage' these incidents would make any difference whatsoever. At least the NRA has proposed reasonable ideas. After all, an ARMED society, is a POLITE society. (Robert Heinlein.)
  4. That is supposedly a vanilla asset...... looks like it is missing some textures and such though. Do you have any mods that affect trees?
  5. :) Congrats!! I really hope it works out for you. Everyone deserves happiness. :D
  6. I've had most of mine for over 15 years. Good quality stuff lasts, even if it gets a bit rough and torn up around the edges. Yeah, try and avoid sliding down the road on it as well..... That really does a number on them. (but, better the leather jacket, than MY flesh. Side Note: Blue jeans last about three tenths of a second at 55 mph.)
  7. Possible, but, if your floors weren't sparkling clean, he would raise a dustcloud wherever he went.......
  8. Even with USB 3.0, you are still limited to the speed of the bus. If the drive is going to be permanently connected to the machine, can you install it internally, and plug it in to the sata bus?
  9. Access times are gonna be kinda slow, even on USB 3...... Have you tried doing a drive cleaning? Windows saves all sorts of stuff that you really don't need, and that can clear up a fair bit of space.
  10. Does the game itself actually start? and then crash out?
  11. Sounds like that's another mod..... Which one though... That's another question altogether.
  12. This should be in the Vortex forums.... :)
  13. It looks a LOT like the 20 pound propane tanks we have for our grill. :)
  14. Depends on what processor you have. Find that out, then go to someplace like newegg, and check out heatsinks/fans for that particular processor. They are inexpensive enough, that upgrading to something better than what you have is most certainly a good idea. :D
  15. Good place to come if you have a problem with a game as well.
  16. If you can, report the advertisers you are getting the ransomware from. Another option would be to just pay the two bucks, and you wouldn't get any more ads. :)
  17. Who posted them, and where? Might ask them what they are running.
  18. Anything interesting in event viewer? (windows app.)
  19. Will the game start, and run reliably? If so, look in your "My Games\fallout?" folder (don't know which fallout you are working with here.) and look for the ck*.ini file, and delete it. Try again.
  20. That is correct. You should be able to start the game with the skse_loader, and it should work.....
  21. If a new game works fine, then it is your save that is corrupt. There is no fixing that. Go back to an earlier save, before the problem started, or, start a new game.
  22. Don't buy the latest generation of card. Get a good one from the previous generation. They tend to be dirt cheap.
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