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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. HeyYou


    The american people voted him into office. He IS the president, no matter how much you may dislike him. The only way he is going to be removed from office is if congress does something, or someone shoots him. (or blows him up, or poisons him, or shoots down his helicopter or.... you get the idea.) At this point, all I have seen is some folks making a lot of noise, but, NOT A DAMN THING happening. I don't agree with everything he is doing... but, I haven't agreed with everything ANY president does. I still like him better than Obama, and most certainly a LOT better than Hilary. Although, I note that now it seems even the democratic party is turning on the clintons, and distancing themselves.......
  2. HeyYou


    The trouble with polls is, you can run the same poll several times, and get different results. Just depends on who you are asking....... so, while there is likely some semblance of accuracy there, I wouldn't bet the farm on it. Still and all, I have zero interest in "President Pence"...... jumping from the frying pan into the fire just doesn't strike me as a good idea. The guy is a religious nut-job. NOT what we need in the oval office.
  3. I use MO as well, and so far as I know, it doesn't pop up any advertisements....... If chrome did that all by its lonesome, and not from you clicking a link, I would start running some malware scans immediately.
  4. HeyYou


    Currently, a majority of americans believe our current president is fit for office, it's just a bunch of folks that are still butt-hurt over Hilary losing that are complaining. I will grant you, he is certainly different than any past president.... but, he is still doing the job. (though I may not agree with some of the stuff that is happening, it really wouldn't matter which republican was in office, it would still be happening.)
  5. That's "Wining", no idea why folks think there is a "g" in there. You want to bypass the constitution, maybe you should move to a country where they don't have a bill of rights...... Bye Now.
  6. HeyYou


    President Pence? Is that really what you want? As that is what we get, if we impeach the Donald. The trouble, as I see it, is: The huge corporate service providers have extremely deep pockets, to buy whatever policies they want. The average citizen, does not, so, guess who gets what they want? I would prefer anyone who's fit to hold the office. At least Pence is accountable to his own party, unlike Trump who is a Republican the same way Hitler and Stalin were socialists. If you look in the Encyclopedia under "religious nut job", you will find a picture of Pence....... No, I really don't want him in the drivers seat, even if God is his copilot.... maybe ESPECIALLY if God is his co-pilot......
  7. According to the "victim" no sex occurred. Read his story and tell us what if anything qualified as sexual assault in our country in the 1980's. If it did happen I'd be first in line to call for Spacey's head on a platter, but as far as the established account goes it didn't. My defense of Spacey was and still is motivated by the utter absurdity of judging 30+ year-old behavior by current moral standards. E.g. would you like to know how ubiquitous and socially acceptable terms like f@&#!t were in 1985? Watch the cable TV-edited version of the film "Trading Places" for an example. The word black person is bleeped out but the word f@&#!t is left in. Repeatedly. Just like on this site. :smile: j/k Today a different standard exists and without any doubt, 30 years from now we will have yet another standard. Watch a couple episodes of "All in the Family".... with Carrol O'Connor..... If they censored all the words that are unacceptable in todays society, there wouldn't be any dialog left. :)
  8. Just pick up another little harddrive, install win 7 on that, and the game, and see what happens. Trouble is, that doesn't really eliminate the O/S as the problem, it just tells you its a software conflict. (assuming it runs better.) There may be some background process/service that is screwing everything up.....
  9. I do believe I flatly stated the allegations should be investigated. But, as you point out, in many cases, there is no evidence, so, nothing can be proven. Yet you are still willing to convict them in the court of public opinion, and pretty much ruin their lives. That is simply not acceptable. If we are going to permit folks to be hung out to dry for something someone says they did, 30 plus years ago....... then what about murder? Shall I point at someone and proclaim they are guilty of murder, and we execute them simply on my say so? I hardly think so. The biggest issue is, a significant percentage of these case are indeed about stuff that happen 10 or more years ago, which in most cases, exceeds the statute of limitations. (varies by state, I don't think California has a statute of limitations for an assortment of sex crimes, rape being right up there on the list.) So, legally, there is nothing that CAN be done. Were this ANY other crime, and 'time had expired', there would be zero consequences, even if there was a mountain of evidence proving their guilt. We are a nation of laws. What holds us all together is adherence to those laws. If we start selecting special cases, where laws simply don't apply, and we punish folks without a shred of proof, we are no better than North Korea.
  10. But in some cases, it IS just one person. The media hypes it up, and their career is pretty much over. Also, try reading what I wrote, instead of putting words in my mouth. I said "someone could", Not "they all are." If you think it doesn't happen, you are deluding yourself. There was a case right here in the little podunk town where I live recently, where a woman told her then 4 year old daughter, of accusing mom's ex-boyfriend of 'touching' her. It was obvious she was coached, everyone knew it, but, mom screamed loud enough, that the man was prosecuted, he was threatened with 25 to life, so, plead to five years in prison, for a crime he did not commit. (he didn't trust the court system here, to actually find him not guilty, as the prosecution successfully suppressed all the evidence that pointed at mom being behind the whole thing.) I think your statistics are sadly inaccurate. I would also point out, that in most cases, there ARE NO WITNESSES. It is the word of one person, stating something, with absolutely zero substantiation. Then the rumor mill starts, and it seems folks start coming out of the woodwork with stories about how said person did something else, to someone else, and it just steamrolls from there. Should the allegations be investigated? Yes, they certainly should. HOWEVER, ruining someones career, over unproven allegations, is definitely NOT something that should be happening, like we are seeing today. Unless something is PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt, the ONLY consequences should be AT MOST, suspension of duties. And in a bunch of cases, even that would be too much.
  11. it isn't just hollywood though. There are other folks that are indeed having their lives ruined by the mere accusation of impropriety. Just read the news, you can't go a day without another new story about someone did something, and the media calls for their crucifixion. And those are just the cases that actually make the news. For each we see in the news, there are likely a hundred more that we don't. So, let me ask you this: If one of your coworkers decided to accuse you of something, regardless of if you did it or not, should you be fired from your position, on JUST the basis of ONE persons allegations? As this is EXACTLY what is happening today, and a position you are advocating for.
  12. Right, guilty till proven innocent. Ok. I am NOT attacking the victims. I am just asking you why you feel that these 'crimes' justify conviction with no due process. What happened to constitutional rights? Shall we start throwing folks in prison, merely because they are accused of a crime? Judging by your last post, you seem to think that would be just fine. So, what other rights would you like to take away?
  13. I am not saying they are ALL making it up..... After all, a fair few of them are in Hollywood, a location know for less than stellar behavior.... the term 'casting couch' didn't just appear out of nowhere..... I am just curious how you justify destroying someones life, merely by accusation. I thought we left england a couple centuries ago to get away from that kind of thing.
  14. HeyYou


    President Pence? Is that really what you want? As that is what we get, if we impeach the Donald. The trouble, as I see it, is: The huge corporate service providers have extremely deep pockets, to buy whatever policies they want. The average citizen, does not, so, guess who gets what they want?
  15. I am real curious what's up with all the bandwagon jumping we have been seeing lately. Seems everyone and their cousin was molested, harassed, or raped some time in the past. Why is this all suddenly coming out now? If these incidents had been RECENT, I could see why the hue can cry is coming up, but, most of them were DECADES ago....... Sorry to say, I see it is just a way for some folks to reassert whatever relevancy they thought they ever had. And the folks claiming they were molested/propositioned/whathaveyou when they were 'under age', 30 or 40 years ago? We now seem willing to convict folks on what really amounts to hearsay. There is zero proof, no hard evidence, and there simply won't ever be any. So, some person claims that X 'did something' 40 years ago, and X's life/career is instantly destroyed. Wonder just how many of these claims that cannot be substantiated, are just that, false claims for revenge, or, just because they don't like the person. Whatever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty IN A COURT OF LAW? Not the court of public opinion.
  16. That machine should run the game without any problems at all. Have you tried using SKSE with the memory fix?
  17. HeyYou


    it's not really a power grab FOR the government though.... they are actually DE-regulating the internet.... It is indeed a power grab by the service providers though...... what with shuffling definitions, and allowing them to do basically pretty much whatever they please, it's a major step back for net neutrality. They label it as such, just to make folks believe it's a 'good thing™', but, in reality, its going to just suck for their subscribers. What baffles me is, in Europe, internet service is cheaper, and FASTER, than it is here in the states....... WTF?
  18. HeyYou


    Google goes exploring in any event, they likely have a fair bit of the internet cached anyway. (makes search engines faster) All the search engines use bots, or spyders, to seek out brave new worlds.... erm, to find information, where it hides, and what manner there is...... That's been the case for quite some time. Why on earth some bbcode doesn't work without google cookies is beyond me. That just seems truly bizarre.
  19. HeyYou


    I trust the huffington post to be honest, and unbiased, about as far as I can throw the moon..... However, yeah, the FCC is getting ready to trash net neutrality, even though some 22 MILLION people commented on it, most of which, were NOT in favor of the repeal. Trumps approval numbers may be abominable, however, if you check back, you will find that he isn't the only president that folks didn't like. (especially the 'other' party.....) You would likely find the same results for Obama, if you looked 'em up. And while all the accusations being slung around are concerning, what ever happened to 'innocent until proven guilty'??? Keep in mind, I am not really a fan of The Donald, still and all, I like him better than Hilary. (which really isn't sayin' much.)
  20. Does the stuttering go away if you look down at the ground while walking?
  21. The games will probably work, provided steam is properly installed...... but, NMM is going to be confuse by the missing registry entries for itself, and both games.....
  22. Some folks play on console for the console exclusive games......
  23. Most modded? Probably Oblivion...... FCOM, all it's components, and quite a bit more. :D
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