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Everything posted by HeyYou
Never been a cop have you? Never been in a potential combat situation either, I would guess...... The cops went to a location where there was reportedly a man holding a woman hostage, that had already killed another man. The police MUST treat the situation as an actual threat. They have no way of knowing if this is a prank or not. Sure, chatting with the guy coming out the door for a few minutes would likely defuse the entire situation. However, first the cops need to verify that it is actually safe to do so. Keep in mind, in this situation, the cops MUST assume the guy is armed. So, first thing to do is neutralize the threat. That means getting him under control. If he does something stupid, like, not do EXACTLY what the cops are telling him to do, he is in serious danger of being shot. If he makes what appears to be a threatening move, the cops ARE going to fire. That's just the way it is. Waiting until they are 'sure' he has a weapon, usually just succeeds at getting cops killed. The cops didn't do anything wrong here. They did exactly what they were trained to do. The criminal action was on the part of the guy that actually called in the hoax, (who is already been arrested) and the guy that put him up to it. Those two should be charged with murder, and spend the rest of their lives in prison. I am sure the family is going to sue everyone in sight over this........ but, in this case, the cops were used. Again. And tragic as it is, they should not be held legally liable for this man's death.
None. It's only a dream. And remember, the BLUE pill. :D AHA! you can't fool me that easily *grabs blue pills and swallows it* hmm blueberry, wait a minute *thinks for a second* GOD DAM IT WAI......*wakes up* bagger! Is it bad that i had to google what the blue pill did. in my defence its been a good decade or so since i last saw it DRAT! Foiled again. :) Happy New Year. :) I just watched all three of them again recently. :D
The guy that instigated it, and the guy that actually made the phone call, should both be charged with premeditated murder, and put away for life, without possibility of parole. "Swatting" isn't a prank, it's an outright attempt to have the police commit murder for you, and should be treated as such. Another lesson to be learned here is: If the cops tell you to do something, DO IT. You can sort out legalities/rights later, when they are NOT pointing a bunch of automatic weapons at you.
I would be REAL careful with questions like that...... You might get an answer. :) Yeah, I used to see 'articles' on a fairly regular basis from American companies that used to produce really well-made stuff right here in the states, about how their products were still 'just as good', even though they were now made in China.... and of course, it was a blatant lie. I have two Revereware pots. One is 40 plus years old, that was made here in the states, the other is relatively recent, and made in China, and the difference between the two is night and day. The american made unit is of MUCH better materials, put together better, and shows less wear than the pot that is less than a tenth of its age. "same quality" my ..... erm.... nether region. And that is just one example. There are literally millions of others. I keep seeing folks advocating boycotting 'made in china' products, or anything at all not made right here at home.... problem is, NOTHING is made 'right here at home' any more. Even some foreign brand name cars have more american content in them than the american brands..... it's depressing. Almost 100% of our electronic products are made in China...... and now, even some of our Buicks are made in China..... What's really funny is, we DON'T do business with Cuba, because they are a communist country, with a poor human rights record. Yet here we are, with China, a communist country, with a poor human rights record..... that has 'most favored nation' status. Where in the hell is the sense in that? This is a country that is ideologically the polar opposite of the US, yet we are doing our best to boost their economy, making them a direct competitor on the global stage, and giving them the money to develop their military to be on par with ours. We still have the advantage in numbers, and a bit of a technological advantage, but, that simply isn't going to last. If the feces hits the rotary oscillating device in the south china sea, we are going to be at an EXTREME disadvantage, as they will be on their 'home court', so to speak, and we will have incredibly long supply lines. (which will be rather vulnerable to China's expanding submarine fleet.....) Trade with China is wrong on so many levels, it just stuns me it has gone this far. Basically, in my opinion, this just boils down to our government bowing to the will of it's corporate masters, enabling them to make a fast buck, at the expense of our nations long-term security. But then, corporate america really couldn't care less about that......
And this is most certainly not the first time our government has sold us down the river either. Each and every 'free trade' agreement is just another coffin nail for the middle class. Both parties have been doing it for decades. Some are just louder about it. Obama signed his late at night, with no press, and no fanfare, as he KNEW it wasn't going to be popular. Oh gee, I can't imagine why.......
See, you just went from a bloodless coup, to a purge......... I don't think that will go over well.
I think we have long passed the time when there was any chance of repayment....... The rest of the world is happy just collecting the interest off the money we owe them. And you are right, the current course is indeed unsustainable. But, we've known that for a decade or so as well..... Didn't stop Obama from almost doubling the national debt. (granted, he did inherit an economy that had just tanked in a major way.......) Just the interest on the public debt (which doesn't include intergovernmental debt) is going to exceed 330 billion dollars for fiscal year 2018...... (just under 8% of the national budget) It will double by 2024 to over 680 billion dollars. (almost as much as we spend on the military...... around 770 billion) Of course, that assumes our government stays on it's present course of 'deficits don't matter'. (Thanks Dick......) Seems a fair few folks actually buy into that. What REALLY amazes me is: If a private citizen ran their budget as poorly as our government, they would be in prison by now........
It doesn't matter how you imagine it. If you are replacing everyone in government, even with the same government, that IS a revolution, and will be seen as such. The current folks in power (at the time) will call it 'terrorism' (accurately or not) and call the military out to defend the government.If you honestly believe that, as I mentioned before, imo you really should try moving to China or another totalitarian country. If you seriously believe anyone in our federal government would or could brand a popular and organized march to DC a "terror attack" is beyond absurd and well into delusional.From where I am sitting, thinking that staging a march into DC is going to prompt all of them just to give up their position because 'that's what the people want' is delusional..........HeyYou, you are not the only American who was apparently never taught even the basics of our own government. It is not the place of our own paid federal employees to dictate to their own employers when their job performance is satisfactory, or even whether they are allowed to keep their jobs when they intentionally refuse to do them. Inside your head you already live in China, not America, so imo you might as well move the rest of your body there too. IMO you'd be much happier living in a country where power issues from the top down instead of from the bottom up. Oh, don't get me wrong, I am very well versed on how it is SUPPOSED to work. I am also very well aware that it hasn't worked that way for quite some time. Something you yourself have been pointing out quite frequently in this thread. Denying reality doesn't change it. I would also point out that, the american people have continuously put these people BACK IN OFFICE time and time again for the last several decades. And these are the folks that you are going to depend on to toss the bums out on their ear? And you think I am delusional? I think you should look in a mirror.
None. It's only a dream. And remember, the BLUE pill. :D
It doesn't matter how you imagine it. If you are replacing everyone in government, even with the same government, that IS a revolution, and will be seen as such. The current folks in power (at the time) will call it 'terrorism' (accurately or not) and call the military out to defend the government.If you honestly believe that, as I mentioned before, imo you really should try moving to China or another totalitarian country. If you seriously believe anyone in our federal government would or could brand a popular and organized march to DC a "terror attack" is beyond absurd and well into delusional. From where I am sitting, thinking that staging a march into DC is going to prompt all of them just to give up their position because 'that's what the people want' is delusional..........
It doesn't matter how you imagine it. If you are replacing everyone in government, even with the same government, that IS a revolution, and will be seen as such. The current folks in power (at the time) will call it 'terrorism' (accurately or not) and call the military out to defend the government. You simply cannot have a bloodless coup. The folks that are in power, won't allow it to happen that way. I agree with you on the Free Trade agreements though. They don't help anyone in this country, except for the top 5%. (if that many) Doesn't matter how they try and paint it, free trade is NOT good for america as a whole. Just ask anyone that used to be middle class...... You are going to have a hard time selling 'our government is bankrupt' (even though it is effectively true) therefore, they are illegitimate. Sure, they are 20 trillion plus in debt, there is no way in hell we will ever pay that off, and everyone knows it. What's worse is, it's only going to GET worse. Eventually, we aren't even going to be able to afford to pay the interest on all that dept, and the whole house of cards will come crashing down. And THAT is going to be how our current form of government ends. In a world-wide catastrophe. (as, when our economy goes down, it is going to be a cascade effect, and take everyone else with us.) I don't wanna be around for that..... (as I certainly won't survive very long when it does happen, as I am far to dependent on the government just to stay alive.......)
If I am understanding this correctly...... it isn't really a 'modpack' in the generally accepted form of that term, it is a list of mods, in a specific order, that have been put together by someone else, who is offering their load order as a 'template' for Vortex to build a load order from. It reads the list, downloads the mods from the mod authors page, and installs them into the proper folder. (or, however virtualization is going to work with Vortex.......) So, no one is uploading someone elses work, so there are no rights violations happening. It is still going to require the end-user to make a 'bashed patch', if one is required...... (is this something vortex is going to do as well?) After all, it's a list. That's it.
Gotta remember though, that doing away with the oil industry is going to put a LOT of people out of work. What do you propose to with them? And they are not going to go quietly. That's a few million people whose livelihoods you are going to be taking away. They are going to fight tooth and nail to see that DOESN'T happen. Not to mention that most, if not all, of our large corporations are going to be powerful unhappy with their global markets disappearing. A new age of protectionism, (as that is exactly what it is) is going to have a significant negative impact on our economy, and the rest of the world as well. And no matter how much you may wish it, you aren't going to have a 'peaceful' revolution. (as that IS exactly what it is) The folks in Washington aren't going to simply going to walk away, and give up their lifestyle, the perks, and the wealth it generates. You aren't just taking on the folks in DC, you are taking on everyone that put them there, and all the folks that want to keep them there as well. Nope. The best you are going to be able to do, without bloodshed, is convince congress that net neutrality is a requirement for an open, and honest, internet. Write your various congressfolk. Impress upon them this is an issue that is important to you, and therefore, should be important to them. Talk to anyone that will listen, (and even some that don't want to....) and have them support legislation that keeps the internet as a communication service, and therefore governed by all the laws that pertain to such a service. This shouldn't be a partisan issue..... none of us will benefit from an FTC overseen internet. They simply don't have a clue.
Good luck with that. Let me ask you this: Have you ever been in the military? Do you have any clue what most of those folks are thinkin'? You understand that deposing the current power structure INCLUDES the military-industrial complex? Now, do you think the various generals are going to just sit back and watch their powerbase be erased? Not gonna happen. They will order their troops to defend the current power structure, and the young kids that comprise the bulk of the military will do exactly what they are told. (remember Kent State?) You aren't going to get a bloodless coup. Not a one of those folks in D.C. are going to leave willingly. Especially those that have been there for a couple decades. What you are far more likely to accomplish is the imposition of martial law, and the complete end of ALL your constitutional rights. At which point, we will indeed have a real shootin' revolution.
I think leaving out the word "forcibly" might give ya some more traction.... Trouble is, the folks in power want to stay in power, so, they would NOT go quietly. If they had even a whiff of what was going on before it was ready to roll, they would have measures in place to make sure it wouldn't succeed. And give that you would NEED publicity to get the word out, they would know well in advance what was going on.... Wonder if there is a method for calling for a "no confidence" vote for the entire government????
That's been the case for quite some time now. It's all just a dog and pony show for the masses, while the rich get richer, and accumulate more power. And when the dems get back in power, (which should happen within the next couple elections.....) their war against the 2nd amendment, disarming the law-abiding populace, will complete their campaign. Then they really can do whatever they want, and there won't be anyone to stop them.
Read here. A somewhat later article. And from the FBI wesite: So, basically, if someone else had done it, charges would have been filed, but, since it was Hilary, they did not recommend charges.
Trump isn't doing anything that every president before him hasn't done. Comey later admitted that Hilary should have been prosecuted.
But its NOT a recent development. Our federal government failed us a LONG time ago. It quite literally leapt off the ledge with the invasion of Iraq in 03. (and they were already gone even before that.) Trouble is, it's too much work to stage a revolution, and then rebuild the government from scratch. Or even simply replacing everyone in D.C........
We just learned this lesson in Vietnam. Our Pentagon budgets require routine brainwashing of all their previous memories. Decades of interference and 57,000 American lives flushed directly down the toilet. We finally gave up and within a few years of leaving, Vietnam reverted to its natural state of stupidity and we've been doing business with them without issue since 1995. Or to put it more succinctly, you can't fix stupid and we've spent a half century trying to around the world, simply and only to keep a machine alive that should have rightfully been disassembled at the end of WWII. And it wasn't just our machine that was artificially and tragically saved, e.g. read Gorbachev's books. It was a colluded effort between two ingrained military establishments, not one. This is about what the Korean people want for themselves, not what anyone else wants for them, or thinks they should have. This has been the underlying problem since Korea was absurdly, arbitrarily and completely split in two at the end of WWII, by three people who were neither Korean nor even Asian. And now the same country responsible for one-third of this absurdity is preventing this same country from reuniting after a half century of guards standing useless at Korea's artificial borders. The bottom line is that it doesn't matter whether North Korea can be trusted, as long as we are the ones occupying and interfering with their country and not vice-versa. S. Korea doesn't want a Nuclear North Korea. S. Korea doesn't want re-unification under the kim regime. S. Korea doesn't want a war. They don't want Seoul bombarded to rubble. N. Korea wants to continue to exist. The Kim regime does NOT want to give up its power. China doesn't want a western allied, re-unified Korea. Neither does Russia. The rest of the world doesn't want a nuclear armed N. Korea....... There is no happy solution to the situation. No matter how it all shakes out, someone is going to be unhappy. Unfortunately, at least one of those someones has nuclear weapons, and would likely be willing to use them, if it looked like he was on the losing end of any negotiations/war....... We can't go back in time, and change the current situation. It is what it is. So, what do you propose we do? Continue on a course of action we already know doesn't work? What?
Trouble is, the Kim regime loves their artillery. If any of the western powers were to start something there, it is S. Korea that would get to pay the price. There are literally thousands of artillery tubes pointed right at Seoul..... a city with a population north of 10 million..... NK doesn't have to be accurate to cause some serious hate and discontent there...... and there is no way we could stop it. (not even with nukes.....) We could look forward to thousands dead in a few short minutes of the beginning of hostilities. Now, it seems Trump is looking for a way to give Lil' Kim a 'bloody nose', but, at the same time, NOT start a wider-scale war. It's anyone guess if that is possible. On one hand, if WE fire first, NK can look forward to China and Russia backing them up....... (should general hostilities break out) On the other hand, Lil' Kim knows that HIS country is going to take the bulk of the punishment. Question becomes, does he even care???? Will it be enough to prevent him from waging an all-out war? Or will political pressure from inside NK force him to react...... After all, he paints himself the victim here..... should we have the gall to blow something up, is he going to HAVE to go to war to save face?????
Should I Get A Hard Mouse Pad?
HeyYou replied to TheAngryMudcrab's topic in Hardware and software discussion
My cheapy mouse pad has a non-porous surface, so, if it gets dirty, wipe it off with a damp cloth, and it's good to go. I use a four-button MS mouse, and it works just fine with it. -
There's a substantial probability this professor was employed at a public university. That's not to say I'm a fan of socialism, but the awful truth is that our truest socialists today are now called borrow-and-spend Republicans. "Too big to fail" and all that hogwash. In our country it's socialism now for the rich and capitalism for the other 95% of us. Or in other words, if you mismanage your business and it fails, please don't look for anyone in our government to bail you out. That privilege is reserved for our banks, savings and loans, car manufacturers, real estate industry and anyone else who is "too big to fail" (i.e. contributes enough money to the election campaigns of our government reps). The current example with our internet and last century's cable TV/media/entertainment establishment is no different. The latter is not just the primary force behind this attempt to destroy net neutrality, from my reading they're the ONLY force behind it. This FCC decision benefits nobody else in our entire country, the truth is it doesn't even benefit them. I can't imagine anyone selling out the internet's future, their own protected rights and those of their own families simply to keep Comcast in business artificially. And even more outrageously, to repay Donald Trump's campaign debts to Comcast/NBC, Disney/ABC and Rupert Murdoch/FNC. But that's exactly what our paid employees at the FCC just did, and their action was specifically enabled by our current claimed president. Such a thoughtful gift to the American people this Holiday Season. I guess he found a minute from all his travel bans, refugee bans, wall building and forcibly sending our country to its final and nuclear demise. I wonder how many readers even know that our Secretary of State had negotiated settlement talks with North Korea and these talks were nixed entirely by Mr. Trump. So once again abject treason and collapse have been redefined in our history books. Right. Previous talks with N Korea were always so productive, that's why they have nuclear weapons now. Oh, wait...... That's right. Not a single agreement we made with N Korea lasted more than two years. Each and every agreement was broken, sometimes before the ink on the paper was even dry. Concessions/negotiations/agreements only gave NK more time to develop their nuclear and missile programs. But here we are, and magically Rex has hammered out an agreement that will 'solve' the issue? Not bloody likely. The US does NOT want a nuclear armed NK, NK has flatly stated they are not going to give up their nukes. Where is there even room for negotiation there? Why would we negotiate with a country that we KNOW FOR A FACT will not honor the agreement? Why would we continue doing the same thing that we already know doesn't work? Obama's policy of 'Strategic Patience' gave them another 8 years to move their programs along. With great success. But then, it's Obama...... and his 'junior varsity' terrorists that ended up taking over a substantial portion of the middle east.....
Now THAT is FUNNY. Comey was the only semblance of DEFENSE of the constitution? Seriously? You must be of the school of thought that Hilary violating several policies, not to mention laws.... by having classified material on a private server, (which, it's mere existence was ALSO a violation of several policies, and various laws......) was "OK"????? Comey was a dem schill. That's it.