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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. No, no. I wouldn't even think to do that. This was a failure on my part to understand exactly wtf I'd stuck my hand into. I was just ticked at where my inexperience and ignorance had led me. Here's to a fresh start! Thanks for the support and kind words you guys! :D I will warn you in advance..... Once you start, it's got you. You will always be tweaking something, and checking out the mods, and thinkin' "Hey, THAT one would compliment my game quite nicely!"...... and you will spend more time modding your game, than playing it...... and if you get it REALLY bad...... you won't be able to find 'exactly' what you are looking for, so, you will start in with the Editor. (CS) Then it's REALLY got you. :) Congrats! And: Condolences. :D Modding can be HIGHLY rewarding, and WAY to much FUN!!! Run with it.
  2. Do you get a beep from the mainboard? Do the fans spin up? Think the first thing I would try is re-seating the RAM. Just take em out, then stick 'em back in, and make sure they seat completely.
  3. Because, as is typical for humans, they are all forms of Communism, which got a bad rep in most places that were NOT the soviet union, and folks don't make the distinction between the various forms. They are all "communism". Therefore, bad.
  4. While it is you that turns an essay in humanitarian philosophy into a political pamphlet. That's like saying tomatoes are a very bad fruit because they're used to throw at entertainers in theatres. Engels' and Marx' Communist Manifest has little to do with what politicians made of it. That's why there's Marxism, Trotskism, Leninism, Stalinism and a few other isms I forget. Someone somewhere captured them all under the Communism moniker and that's where everybody is wrong. But it is also why communism will never work. Each of those 'leaders' had their own vision of how things should be. (tilted to their advantage, of course.) They all twisted the original idea into what they wanted. A consequence of dealing with humans.
  5. Not much of a difference between RAR, ZIP, and 7z archives...... just different compression methods. They all accomplish the same thing. BSA, and BA2 archives are very similar, just uses beths proprietary compression method. Now, when you extract the archives, you get some files..... and esp, esm, (or both) and then maybe a bsa, or ba2. For modding purposes, those are not considered 'loose' files. If you had a bunch of folders: Meshes, Textures, Sounds, and each of those folders had various files in them, THAT would be considered 'loose' files. (basically, meshes etc, that are NOT packed into a BSA, or BA2 archive.) Clear as mud? :D
  6. That's a tough nut to crack these days. Although I agree, from what I've seen (from the media, both 'old' and 'new') The U.S. is in need of a major political shakeup. We tried it (and are still trying it) Here in Australia with the "One Nation" party, they push few sometimes pretty radical agenda's, but like Trump did, they also do say some stuff that's hard to hear, but needs to be said. Sadly the "establishment" will probably never let them get any 'real' power, and I fear neither will Trump ... at least not without what would essentially be a "revolution". I suspect that is the ONLY way things are going to change here....... as the changes we need can only be implemented by the very same folks that benefit the most from NOT changing anything.......
  7. There are various utilities that can merge mods, including the CS.
  8. Comparing a beth game to Minecraft, is like comparing a model T to a Bugatti veyron. The games are similar only in superficial ways. There is FAR more going on under the hood in beth games. Pretty much apples vs. hand grenades.
  9. We aren't saying it isn't possible, we are saying it isn't practical.
  10. Missing textures, reinstall the mod. :)
  11. Rich people have more opportunities, that is true, however, it does not imply that poor people have none. Anyone can get ahead, if the expend the time, and effort to do so. in a communist system, there are two layers, the rich leadership, and everyone else. Pure communism simply cannot work, simply due to human nature. Everybody wants more than what they currently have. Some folks are willing to step on others to get it.....
  12. HeyYou

    MOD Access

    So long as you have the hardware to support heavier textures, it's all good. :D
  13. Pure communism will never work because: Humans.
  14. HeyYou

    The act of war

    Democracy seems to work reasonably well in South Korea, and they also eat dogs and cats. There is no way you will get all three countries to pull out, and leave them alone. Just not going to happen. (although, the S. Koreans have something to the tune of 500K and change members in their army, the 25,000 or so we have there would be a very small dent in their forces.) WWI Started with germany assassinating an austrian. They the proceeded to attempt to expand their sphere of influence militarily. We got into it when a German sub fired on a passenger liner....... (Lusitania)
  15. Or until the rest of the world decides that there are bigger and more powerful countries now, and some of them attacks you folks or drops a bomb (let's hope this is not the way; and yet, one can't help considering it possible...). That's the issue here: things ARE coming down for the USA; now, what's gonna crash down the house of cards: the soft breeze of time, or the raging windings of the war? I suspect we are going to do it to ourselves. No one really wants a war. And I would like to think no one wants a NUCLEAR war...... The US only attacks small countries now...... So, N. Korea is firmly in our sites, along with Iran..... Guess we'll see what happens. Well, I suppose that's what we are left with: hopping. I just hope that, when it all comes to an end, it'll be the less bad scenario possible. But even that scenario would be bad enough. Time will speak, when it shall. For now... just good luck. Good Luck to you as well. I suspect we have a few years yet........ Maybe hades will freeze over, and we will change course. Not going to hold my breath on that though......
  16. Or until the rest of the world decides that there are bigger and more powerful countries now, and some of them attacks you folks or drops a bomb (let's hope this is not the way; and yet, one can't help considering it possible...). That's the issue here: things ARE coming down for the USA; now, what's gonna crash down the house of cards: the soft breeze of time, or the raging windings of the war? I suspect we are going to do it to ourselves. No one really wants a war. And I would like to think no one wants a NUCLEAR war...... The US only attacks small countries now...... So, N. Korea is firmly in our sites, along with Iran..... Guess we'll see what happens.
  17. ModPacks: Ok, so, a user doesn't have a lot of time to mod his game, but, wants to use mods. So, said user downloads a mod pack, and plays for a few days/weeks/months, and encounters a bug...... the mod pack was updated with the new version of the fixed mod, but, it requires a clean save for it to properly function. Is the user supposed to attempt to load his game with the ENTIRE pack disabled, prior to updating to the new version? Or do you expect the user to follow directions on how to update properly, by only disabling the one mod that is going to be causing issues? Disabling all of them is most certainly going to trash his game. (especially if there's a bunch of settlement mods in there.....) Expecting users to properly follow directions? That's friggin laughable, as most mod authors are already well aware. Users that install their own mods individually are already notorious deficient in their reading skills. (not all, maybe not even most, but, there are more than you would really like to think, and they WILL be coming back with "your update broke my game!") Nope. Mod packs are simply a BAD idea. The mechanics of the game, and modding, simply does not support it.
  18. Neither party has any of the answers. They aren't in the business of providing solutions. They are in the business of lining their own pockets. NONE of them have the best interests of the country as a whole at heart, only their own interests. Nothing is going to change until we get the money out of washington. The only folks that can change that are the very same people that don't WANT it to change. That would remove their gravy train. So, nothing is going to change. We are going to continue on this course, until the rest of the world figures out that we can't pay our debts, and then the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down.
  19. HeyYou

    The act of war

    China is still violating the restrictions though..... At last count, S. Korea had seized two ships that were illegally off-loading oil to N. Korean tankers...... And: Everything anyone else does, that is not in favor of N. Korea, is considered an 'act of war' by the N. Koreans. Or, at least, by their propaganda wing....... If NK wants a war, all they need to do is fire the first shot. Then, the 'problem' of NK will be solved very shortly thereafter. Of course, lil' kim is NEVER going to actually DO anything. As he knows that would basically equate to suicide.
  20. I run a Windows 7 Ultimate My processor's:Intel® Pentium ® CPU J2900 @2.41 GHz 2.41 GHz Installed Memory: 4.00 GB (3.90 GB Usable) System type is 64 bit As for my skyrim settings I set it on medium and im currently running 86 active Mods If you want my mod order that will take awhile. Open LOOT, (when not using it already, install it to make sorting load order so much easier) hit the three dots top right of the interface and choose "Copy Load Order" from the roll-out menu. Then paste the lot here between My GPU is Intel® HD Graphics My Total Graphics Memory has about 1696 MB Intel graphics? That is at the very least, a significant contributor to the problem. You don't even meet minimum specs for the video.... You really need a discrete graphics card..... not the integrated intel potato.
  21. I would still want to bump that to Win 10 pro. If offers a few more compatibility options......
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