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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. That would work great, if the parents were actually willing to BE involved. Which I see is a good chunk of the problem. No one wants to believe their child is anything but perfect, even when reality rears its ugly head, in no uncertain terms. They will still be in denial. Either that, or it's simply too much bother to even try and deal with it. Just give him some drugs that will make him 'better', and be done with it. When I was growing up, it was rather UNcommon for both parents to be working, and being a single parent was relatively rare. That simply is not the case today. Staying afloat pretty much REQUIRES both parents to be working, which doesn't leave a lot of time to deal with the kids...... and work is apparently more important than children....... so, a lot of parents actually EXPECT the schools to raise their kids...... It's really kinda scary. :D
  2. Some folks, just like drivers.... don't have the time, or inclination, to learn what all is going on under the hood. Due to time constraints, or other concerns, they just want to be able to play. Now, mod-picker as a service, does have some potential for those folks. They can pick a load list, and be reasonably assured of compatibility among their chosen mods. Using an automated system is never perfect though..... it can get close, and I don't know if they are going to do anything about a 'bashed patch'.... That remains to be seen. If it even gets off the ground, given some of the issues they are having elsewhere.
  3. I am so against this sort of thing . In males the brain does not reach full development til 21 - 25 and in females 19 - 23 , there are exceptions to the rule (some earlier , some later) but this idea that your gonna chemically treat children at a time when their brains are at one of the most important times of development , simply because they dont pay attention or are overly rambunctious or whatever is nonsense . All children go through stages like that and the vast vast vast majority of them simply outgrow it and that happens because their brains are still developing. When I was growing up the things that the pyschology/psychiatric fields are now labelling as disorders and medicating were consider just a normal part of growing up. We must be close in age then. :) It seems to me that, in the schools here, if a child is anything BUT perfectly behaved, they feel the need to medicate them........ Which I find highly offensive.
  4. In the county in which I live, fully 30% of students are on some variety of add/adhd medication.... For a condition which supposedly affects only 5% of children...... :) But, I live in the USA, where it seems, every problem can be solved by some pill or other......
  5. Anarchy? In small communities, that may work, in HUGE communities, not so much......
  6. Oh come now, we both know that never happens. :D
  7. I am sure there are a host of republicans out there thinking that folks will vote for anyone OTHER THAN Hilary....... Which really isn't too far from the truth. It seems that a fair few folks will vote along party lines, regardless of how bad their candidate is, or how good the 'other guys' is...... While I don't really want Trump as president.... I REALLY don't want Hilary either....... I have voted a straight democratic ticket the last eight years, but, that is due to change this year. Obama has simply left a bad taste.
  8. It has already been proven that the 'popular vote', and who actually gets elected, bear little relation to each other.
  9. What about all the money being sucked out of the UK, to help pay for other countries financial idiocy? leaving the EU will put the kybosh on that right quick.
  10. It ain't over till the lady sings. :) Should be interesting to watch at least. :D
  11. Generally male, since I am male.... But, I will do at least one play-thru as female, just to see if anything changes. (that, and I look so hot in the laundered red dress. :D)
  12. One of the reason why the "never trump" movement has been so ineffective since it began is because it has never been unified to support anyone one candidate for any particular reasons. If you are suggesting people will be so moved to go out to vote only to stop Clinton from getting elected, I have very little confidence in this working out well. There already is a precedent that only being against a candidate in an election ends up hurting the other candidate(s) in the race more. In this day and age, I think there are more folks that go out to vote AGAINST some particular candidate, as there are that go out to vote FOR some particular candidate. When all you get is the choice of lesser evils..... what else ya gonna do?
  13. I think most of the folks here, that don't want to see Hilary win, will go out and vote against her, in the hopes that it doesn't happen.
  14. Thats a rather disheartening statement in more ways than one . You do realize that if you can't tell which is the dumbest , then by necessity you would have to be dumber than the dumbest choice. Nope. Wrong guess. The problem we run into is, they seem to take turns being dumbest..... so, on any given day, which one falls into that category is a crap shoot. Quite frankly, I will I had a choice of "none of the above", and it was a valid choice. And if NotA won, they would ALL go home, and we would start again with a new crop of candidates. Of course, good chance there that we could go decades without someone actually winning..... Maybe they would eventually figure it out..... But, I doubt it.
  15. I think SKSE generates a log file? Should be in the same folder as the exe. Also, this should really be in the Skyrim tech support section. :) Unless you want to debate the issue? Shall I say you are not having a problem, just so we are on topic here? :D
  16. The other 99.9%? LOL. Unfortunately, I think I fall into that 99.9%.... And don't have any real desire to kill myself. At least, not yet anyway. :D
  17. So who are the ghouls we want to let in, or kill....? :D
  18. Did you drop SKSE into the correct folder? Are you starting it from a shortcut on your desktop? Is it pointing to the right place? (instead of being a shortcut, you didn't copy the skse exe file did you?)
  19. Well, Trump tower is still standing, so, it couldn't have been too bad.... :D Sunny and mid-60's here. Ah, spring. I love it.
  20. I missed the heart-shaped ones for Valentines day.
  21. You would think we would be used to those kind of choices by now. :D
  22. Nixon already went. We have him to blame. :D
  23. China isn't going to fight us in a war, they are simply going to buy us. :)
  24. No, I think its 'the glass is almost empty'. :)
  25. We are doing that anyway, simply from population pressure. There simply aren't enough resources to go around, and in our competition for said resources, we are poisoning our atmosphere and environment. We are our own worst enemy.
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