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Everything posted by HeyYou
Edit: For some reason, this posted twice....
I am disabled, and am on Social Security Disability. Medicaid covers most of my health care costs, and VA deals with the rest. Most folks I talked to about Obamacare didn't much care for it. These were working people, with decent jobs, that USED to get their insurance thru work.... Obamacare changed all that, and now, 90% of them report that their insurance costs have increased DRAMATICALLY. Some have doubled, in a few cases, it tripled, and became unaffordable. The ORIGINAL idea was a good one. The program that we actually got, after everyone stuck their fingers into it, isn't even close.
Beth IS aware of the problem, and they are also aware of the outrage expressed by the community at their lack of preparedness, and seeming lack of action for stolen content. So, according to theory, they ARE trying to do something..... It just ain't happenin' fast.....
It is all nonsense. But every bit of it has been done or said by elected Republicans at the Federal, State and Local levels of government. What is worse, it that the Republican candidate for United States President repeats is in word and deed. I couldn't make this level of asininity up. Include the dems in that as well. Face it. Politicians lie. They makes stuff up as they go, cherry pick their facts/statistics, blatantly falsify claims, and a host of other ills, that we wouldn't accept from our friends. Why do we accept it for our supposed 'leaders'? Nope, every thing in that list was said or done by one or more republicans. And most of then were well before this election cycle got into full swing, so you cannot minimize them by blaming "election politics". One quick example. The line "The constitution is meaningless, the Bible rules supreme" was delivered while standing behind Kim Davis. You remember her, the elected county clerk who defined a Supreme Court Order to issue marriage licences to same gender couples, stating "America is a Christian country and should be ruled by the Bible. This < issuing of marriage licenses to same gender couples > is a sin and I will not go against my religious beliefs. Supreme Court be damned." Kim Davis became a Republican celebrity for her "strong religious stance". Okay, two. The Republican dominated Texas legislature passed some draconian laws governing the operation of places that offered "Free Woman's Health Services". These laws were so restrictive that all but twelve centers have closed statewide. Now, poorer women have to travel to Louisiana, Oklahoma or New Mexico for family planning assistance, for a pregnancy test, or for their annual PAP smear or a Mammogram. Okay, one more. The Republican Presidential Candidate mimed the spasmodic body motions of a man who is physically challenged, all the while ridiculing the man, his profession and his life. I could detail every item in that list. And you will either believe it or not. The funny thing is, I do not care. I could document this same kind of mind numbing excrement for the Democrats. The truth is that I hate the stupid ignorant arrogant hypocrisy of both parties. My honest belief is that both parties are extremist organizations who hold the America People hostage to satisfy their narrow minded ideologies. Trump is an idiot. Hillary is no better. I may just vote for Pat Paulsen again. Or maybe I will vote for "None of the above". I think "none of the above" should be a vote that counts. If NotA wins, then ALL the candidates go home, and we start over again...... :D
What about the libertarian party? X people will vote for Da Dump 'cause their souls have been filled with Da Dump. Y people will vote for Hilarity 'cause they get the joke. Z people will vote for The Head (Peterson is a stoner who stopped smoking weed 7 weeks ago) 'cause the Dump stinks and Hilarity is a joke. With this scenario, the following happens Y < X Z < Y Vote libertarian. You are guaranteed two things. 1, Your vote was meaningless, 'cause The Head has no chance of winning and 2. Da Dump becomes the President of These United States. But if P people vote for Hilarity instead of The Stoner, here is what happens. Y + P > X Hilarity (the big joke but the lesser of two weasels) wins, your ballot has not gone to waste and we can return Da Dump back to the bottom of the outhouse. Valid point, however, I find Trump to be the lesser of the two evils...... Which is really sad. No way in hell would I ever even consider voting for hilary......
And again, that makes him different from any other politician how? He has republican leanings, after 8 years of democratic rule, the people are extremely dissatisfied. Of course, this is quite typical. If you look, following two terms of one party 'rule', come the next election, the 'other' party generally gets put into power. Except during wartime. (real wars, not these little brushfires that are going on now.) It's the fact that he really is no different which is most worrying about it though. It's pretty much 'last chance saloon' and what will happen when all the people realise they have been betrayed... yet again. It really doesn't matter which one we put in office, we are going to get bent over in any event. Just depends on which issue you want to get bent over for. Some of trumps ideas I actually like. Given that I absolutely despise Hilary, I simply will NOT vote for her. So, that leaves The Donald. Provided the republican party doesn't bend HIM over, and find some way to nominate someone else. At that point, I really don't know who I would vote for.... What about the libertarian party? Unfortunately, third-party candidates really don't stand much of a chance, even in this day and age. It is all nonsense. But every bit of it has been done or said by elected Republicans at the Federal, State and Local levels of government. What is worse, it that the Republican candidate for United States President repeats is in word and deed. I couldn't make this level of asininity up. Include the dems in that as well. Face it. Politicians lie. They makes stuff up as they go, cherry pick their facts/statistics, blatantly falsify claims, and a host of other ills, that we wouldn't accept from our friends. Why do we accept it for our supposed 'leaders'?
And again, that makes him different from any other politician how? He has republican leanings, after 8 years of democratic rule, the people are extremely dissatisfied. Of course, this is quite typical. If you look, following two terms of one party 'rule', come the next election, the 'other' party generally gets put into power. Except during wartime. (real wars, not these little brushfires that are going on now.) It's the fact that he really is no different which is most worrying about it though. It's pretty much 'last chance saloon' and what will happen when all the people realise they have been betrayed... yet again. It really doesn't matter which one we put in office, we are going to get bent over in any event. Just depends on which issue you want to get bent over for. Some of trumps ideas I actually like. Given that I absolutely despise Hilary, I simply will NOT vote for her. So, that leaves The Donald. Provided the republican party doesn't bend HIM over, and find some way to nominate someone else. At that point, I really don't know who I would vote for....
And again, that makes him different from any other politician how? He has republican leanings, after 8 years of democratic rule, the people are extremely dissatisfied. Of course, this is quite typical. If you look, following two terms of one party 'rule', come the next election, the 'other' party generally gets put into power. Except during wartime. (real wars, not these little brushfires that are going on now.)
And please tell me, how does that make him any different from every other politician? The problem with the 'refugees' from the ME is, most are not vetted. How are we to know which are genuine refugees, and which are folks taking advantage of the situation to come to america to cause some trouble? Our government is going in the hole at the rate of 1 trillion dollars per year, or more..... but, we 'have the money' to take in folks that celebrate in the streets when we are attacked? And regularly cry out "Death to America!"? Why would we want them here?
Are you attributing all of that to Donald? Or, just the republican party? A lot of it is pure nonsense.....
I don't think Bush had any clue what kind of can of worms he was opening when he overthrew Saddam...... You are correct, 99% of the current problems in the ME can be traced directly back to that, and then Western support of the Arab Spring.
Wasn't aware I was defending any 'cause'....... The numbers: Natives don't need to be a minority, for the immigrants to gain influence. Your statistics are meaningless. London is a prime example. I see folks typing blocks' o' text, and I see folks posting videos. Two different ways of communicating the message they desire. Not spam. Native language: Nope. Not going to punish you, no method to do so, and no desire either. If I COULD do something, it would be adjusting your arrogant/condescending attitude. :smile: You can easily adjust my arrogant/condescending attitude by not throwing your pamphlets on my garden but other than that you can only whine. The title of this topic is "Future of EU..." and playing by EU rules noone can throw their pamphlets on my garden, and now please someone take this literally so i can laugh to dead.... Throw my pamphlets on your garden? WTF is that? Yeah, Ok. I see that even trying to talk sense with you is an outright waste of time. So, I shall bid you adieu, and not waste any more time on you. You have fun now.
War profiteers don't want anyone to have a clear advantage. That shortens the war, and reduces profits. They like wars that drag on, so they can sell arms to both sides, and make huge piles of money.
Wasn't aware I was defending any 'cause'....... The numbers: Natives don't need to be a minority, for the immigrants to gain influence. Your statistics are meaningless. London is a prime example. I see folks typing blocks' o' text, and I see folks posting videos. Two different ways of communicating the message they desire. Not spam. Native language: Nope. Not going to punish you, no method to do so, and no desire either. If I COULD do something, it would be adjusting your arrogant/condescending attitude. :)
Where did anyone mention gun control in EU in this thread? Did I miss it? Where did anyone mention natives being tossed out of their own country in this thread? Did I miss that too? Is English not your first language? As it seems to me you are having some comprehension issues..... Reading more into a thread that no one else sees...... Currently, the EU is experiencing a rapid influx of middle eastern "refugees"..... EU already has a selection of pretty much muslim communities. As it stands, they are not a significant percentage of the population, and don't really have the power to gain much societal/cultural change. However, as their population increases, that is subject to change. If things continue as they are, that change could come in the next ten years, at which point, they WILL have the power to influence elections, if not outright get their candidates into office. When that happens, there is going to be a cultural clash, as they try to form society into what THEY think it should be, and that isn't really going to go over well with the folks that have been living their for generations. Is it happening now? Not really. You get the occasional cultural violence, but, nothing earth-shattering. Will that change as well? That remains to be seen. @Drake: How do the folks in Germany feel about their tax dollars going to rescue the woefully financially inept greeks?
As I have said before, We do have some pretty smart individuals here, however, taken collectively, we ARE morons. :D Consider that we keep putting the same people in power every few years, that we have been complaining about for the previous several years...... and then we wonder why nothing changes. :D
I also see a fair few articles on what dirty tricks the repubbies can play to nominate anyone but trump. Even though he has more than twice the delegates of his next nearest competitor. What is the point of going thru all this crap, if, at the last minute, someone else is going to tell us we can't have who we wanted, yer gonna get this guy/gal instead. Even though our candidate of choice, by all rights, "won"....... Our government is incredibly corrupt, and morally bankrupt. it isn't just the dems, or the repubbies, its ALL OF THEM.
Now there is an interesting idea...... :D Too bad it would never fly in this liberals paradise, where everyone wins, and gets a trophy........ I couldn't imagine the psychological harm that would be done by telling them "You are too Stupid to vote."..... (though I would love to be a fly on the wall for it.....)
The rest of the world sees it a bit differently.
Ok typo..Yogi Berra....sheesh. :laugh: Ah, I didn't think Yogi Bear was it. :D Ok typo..Yogi Berra....sheesh. :laugh: I think he was asking who he actually was. Not the typo. Yogi Berra is actually fairly famous, even today. I knew who he was, even though I am NOT a sports fan. (not to mention, an opportunity to poke at Auriellius. :D)
That's a pretty tall order, given that we are working with humans.... and, far worse, politicians..... It seems that the extremists on both sides are becoming more prominent, and the imported extremists with entirely different views of the way things 'should' be, aren't helping either. It would be great if cultures could share, get along, or assimilate, but, we have a selection of folks that think that THEIR way is the ONLY way, and anyone that disagrees should be dead...... What our politicians don't seem to understand is: The 'new' immigrants from the ME don't WANT to assimilate, or adapt to their new culture, they feel it is up to the other folks to adapt/accept/become like THEM. That just ain't gonna go over well, and violence is going to be the result.
They'll have to come to an agreement, no other way around. This may be another attempt of China to trade for something, and US not pressuring them about this may be a sign that they don't care too much... for now. It's too early to say something accurate about this, but I'm sure it simply can't lead to war. I fail to see any steps of RF to claim any territories and "resurrecting" long dead USSR. Even if there were any, economy is not even half as strong to carry out something like that, and another starvation with complete economical breakdown this nation simply won't survive. I think Putin knows that. In case you mention Crimea it's a very weak argument, because there are absolutely no foreign policy ambitions behind it, only internal presidents' rating boost. And trading entire western Ukraine for this small piece of land, well... I don't think it was beneficial resource-wise for RF in any particular way. I wouldn't argue about Military system of US, but after watching George W. Bush, as he holding book upside down while informed about 9/11 terrorist attack, and his face... didn't really put any trust into the idea that President is one calling the shots. Regarding NATO, in case of an agression from RF territory, in theory, I don't think any member of alliance would hesitate or refuse to take action against it. I'm not talking about real possibility of NATO invasion, I'm just confused about NATO even considering scenarios like this. After the Cold War, German unification, and withdrawl of Soviet Troops, US made a promise to not expand to the East, which after they accepted 12 East Europe countries into alliance... As for agression, we can list here Vietnam, Afganistan (which still burns), Iraq, Libya and now Syria. Missile Defense systems appearing closer and closer to RF borders, makes one wonder, who's really on offensive? What Washington is trying to protect itself from? Or do they preparing for something and to be able to actually deflect saturation attack as the reaction? It all seems like nonsense, but still carries some bad vibe to it. I mean, to be rational, US simply solves their own problems with these conflicts, both political and economical. And Russia does basically same thing in Caucasus and Ukraine, and noone really should interfere with ones business, but the difference is, RF doesn't even try to expand with military, on contrary, many bases got shut down and forces withdrawn. Sometimes they send some troops to protect their own business (like in Syria) and that's it. On the other hand, why US keep accepting members in NATO and expand borders is the question, because any war with "big" countries is completely out of perspective, noone will get any benefits from it, and all can quickly go out of control into total disaster for both sides... Crimea? Ukraine? if not part of a 'war of expansion', what is it?
Then the universe will change all the questions. Either that, or it will simply end. :D Bugt we've known the secret of the universe, and the question since 1978. The answer is 42, and the question is "what is 7x7?" :laugh: But seriously, the question about fluidity of time is a valid an necessary one Im glad was raised, since I overlooked it entirely. Is time only as real as we perceive? There's a story ascribed to Einstein as he was trying to explain relativity to a lay-person, and he said "5 seconds holding a hot coal feels like eternity. 5 seconds Kissing a pretty girl feels like only an instant." I would think that if this is true, and time exists only in how we see it, that as we are tied to the 3 dimensions, time would be a function of them, maybe? And thanks all. I love these conversations, but being a shut-in, have had no one to have them with. I always thought there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe. :D I agree with Einstein. I think time is merely perception based...... as the old adage "my how time flies when you are having fun" is oh-so-true. Similarly, nothing seems to make time drag on forever like boredom..... We will always be here for ya to pique your mind. :D