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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Ahhhhh, ok. I thought maybe this was one of the new abbreviated terms that has sprung up from nowhere. Thanks for the clarification! :thumbsup: All very true, but when did making you think become insulting? Are we so sensitive now that if we have to research a little bit to understand something we are insulted? Instead we want to be spoon fed everything like "bad fan-fiction"? And do any of us really honestly care what the actors writers directors or producers political whatever is? Or are you more like me; because these are my thoughts when I hear some actor/singer/athlete try and tell me how great X politician is. "I could honestly care less I pay for your stuff to be entertained, if I wanted wrong opinions I would watch the news. Now dance or something entertain me." Most people do want to be spoon fed. Thinking is hard. It requires people to abandon their preconceptions, see past their biases, and to allow new information and ideas to percolate into the process. The overwhelming majority are too wedded to their opinions to allow any of that to happen. Want proof, read this forum. As for caring about the writers and producers politics, how many shows (and even networks) have been boycotted because the main character was gay, or because the lead couple had vastly different levels of melanin, or for some other perceived "woke agenda"? Naiveté is not becoming, so stop it. The reality is that most audiences want to hear their beliefs, their opinions, their biases and their prejudices coming from the lips of the actors. They don't want to stretch their intellect nor to hear anything new or different. They want their echo chamber. Why do you think Fox News is so popular? If you're being sarcastic, or snarky... then I agree with you. If you think this is reality... then I gotta say that you're running around with the wrong people. Critical thinking is a requirement. Free thinkers are a must. But then, this comes from an anarchist who grew up in the "Show Me State" where we have to see it to believe it. And groups that believe that anybody who just believe something blindly are just sheep for the meat grinder. The kind of people that you're describing... seriously need to get out of that bubble, and start seeing their world through their own eyes, make their own decisions, and accept consequences for their own choices. Trouble is, they don't WANT to. They are comfy in their little bubble, where only their beliefs are valid...... and accept consequences of their actions??? C'mon man, this is the 21st century, where no one is responsible for their own actions. It is always someone elses fault..... Society, bad parenting, bullied at school, etc.
  2. Those are amongst the least problematic. Remove the 'garbageman' from ant city and they will look like that in no time. & even today's 2nd army in the world Ukraine uses rusty weapons. Not as unrealistic as dead fauna, irradiated water, rad storms & (dirty) people (still) living in makeshift huts after 210 years, to just name a few. When it comes to textures: I suspect (hope) there will be a bunch of new stuff coming with the announced update. Maybe some changes (new options) for the engine too. I would call it mandatory for a 'next gen. update', but I'm not Bethesda. The only people who use rusty weapons are the very people you don't want using a weapon - because you know they won't take care of it. Rusty weapons only make sense when you first find one. Once you'd found it you shouldn't be caught dead firing it in a rusty state. Playing the entire game with the same rusty weapon is literally an insult to the player base. I'll make an exception, you found a rusty Colt SAA - you keep it rusty, it's worth more rusty (and you wouldn't dare fire it) than it is if you cleaned it...... That said, that weapon is useless to you in a firefight...... Makes a decent club....... :)
  3. I have an extremely low tolerance for stupidity.... and politicians demonstrate new depths of it every single day. It's depressing. :) Maybe the US NEEDS a good civil war, to oust some of our less savory 'leaders'...... Though I doubt it would really make much difference.
  4. Alls well that ends well??
  5. HeyYou

    why ?

    Right there with ya, my aussie friend. :D I wish he would just go away, and STAY away. His followers will slowly fade from the scene as well..... The republican party is already moving away from him.... his support keeps evaporating, but, he doesn't notice. Trump and Putin have a fair bit in common......
  6. HeyYou

    why ?

    Well, he didn't really do that bad of a job, with a few exceptions..... his personality though? Yeah, that leaves a lot to be desired, right along with the whole 'casual acquaintance with the truth'.... I would like to think the majority of folks have figgered out that he WOULD NOT be good for the country in a second term.... Quite the opposite, actually..... And I really would prefer NOT to find out. :D
  7. @stormwolf01 LarannKiar Has a mod that lets you catch and throw back grenades. :ninja: But I don't want them to be able to do that to me. :no: Range is the key. I throw grenades at fairly long range..... so much so, that they tend to still be airborne when they go off. :D
  8. I have to admit, putting a few of them on ice does have a certain appeal to it. :)
  9. HeyYou

    why ?

    Well, fortunately, (hopefully?) we aren't stupid enough to re-elect him....... Although, we have done stupider things before......
  10. HeyYou

    why ?

    *snicker* Of course he is going to run again. In his mind, the country loves him, and needs him. Most of the republican party has pretty much abandoned him now though.... so, not sure if he will get the nomination. I certainly hope not. If he does, we can look forward to another dem pres. Even Hilary could win against him this time around. :D
  11. What problems are you having with the new version?
  12. *snicker* Yeah. There ya go. Personal attacks, and ad hominem attacks. That's wonderful. Very good. Welcome to my ignore list. You simply aren't worth the time or effort to respond to. Bye Bye troll.
  13. I saw this in Fallout 4 with one specific item. Turns out, it had a script on it that would run when it was added to/removed from the players inventory..... The more of them there were, the longer a transfer would take, grab more than 500 of 'em, and the game would just lock up, and you were done..... See if you can isolate it to specific items, then check and see if those items are scripted.....
  14. Yeah, there will be a couple folders both installations will want to use. My Games, and also, a folder in App Data, where the plugins.txt file resides. So, without some hoop jumping when switching between the two installs, they will have to run the same mods.... which makes having two installs kinda pointless. If you want to have more than one load list.... A mod manager that supports Profiles would be a better solution.
  15. Russia isn't spanking anyone. They are getting their arse handed to them by the Ukrainians. You are spewing nothing but propaganda, and I notice that ALL of your posts on this site are in this thread. It appears you joined specifically to post in this thread, and spread your nonsense. No clue what you hope to accomplish, but, if you think you are going to convince anyone that Russia is either 'in the right', or 'justified' in their invasion of a sovereign nation. you are dreaming. There are too many other information sources out there, that all say pretty much the same thing, and it bears no resemblance at all to the pap you are trying to push. So, take your propaganda/misinformation elsewhere.
  16. What I find amusing is, Abernathy farm is the closest, and I don' think I have EVER gotten a quest from preston to go there..... :D But yeah, going to the other side of the map, and then trying to take on the Forged at low levels??? That's insane. Especially considering the population of Gunners nearby as well.....
  17. I keep forgetting to try this when I am playing...... :D I was actually thinking about it today, while I was AT Sanctuary, where I dump all my stuff this playthrough.... but STILL managed to forget..... Maybe I need more coffee....
  18. Wow, the Russian trollskys have even made it to Nexus??? I am impressed. That is sinking pretty farking low. So, let me tell ya what it is, like it is. Putin invaded Ukraine to 'de-nazify' it, supposedly. Considering Zelenski is Jewish, that was the obvious first (of many) lies. His initial intention was to take ALL of Ukraine, he flatly stated that. He also said it would be over in a week. Well, here we are 9 months later, and not only is Ukraine NOT under Russian control, the Ukraine army has pushed the INVADERS back to almost the original starting lines. Russia is getting spanked, they had to call up 300,000 more men, that they couldn't even supply properly. They are getting soviet-era equipment, and a lot of it, they have to pay for themselves. No. It can't go on forever. Russia is going to run out of ammo, and vehicles, and in the not to distant future. They keep doing stupid stuff like blowing up dams, and they will get a taste of what an ACTUAL NATO attack looks like. Right now, its just the Ukrainian army, and volunteers from just about everywhere. If NATO gets involved, two possible results. The war is over in a few days, with Russia getting spanked like a red-headed step-child, or, Russia launches a nuke, and the whole world goes up in flames.
  19. Is the Cait mod loading after your Unique NPC's?
  20. I turned it off completely. I don't wanna be the glow in the dark person. :)
  21. Won't that eliminate ANYTHING respawning though?
  22. I think it's gonna be a long time before anyone trusts Russia again, regardless of what happens to Putin.....
  23. What disturbs me the most, is that the 'settlers' don't seem to be able to do anything at all for themselves..... Can't build houses, can't plant crops, but, they CAN tend crops that YOU plant...... How in the world did the human race survive without you there to hold their hand?? I can see the player wanting to build his OWN house, but, building one for every tom, dick, and larry that comes along??? Nope. You want to sleep indoors, BUILD IT YOURSELF!
  24. But, you can go to most any red rocket station, and pick up a map. :D
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