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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Adding mods mid-playthru is not without hazard..... Does it work if you start new game?
  2. I would think that after the new update, give it a day or three, and F4SE will update as well, and your mods will be working again.....
  3. Bad writing. I see it happening in just about all of the tv series that I watch. The whole 'inclusivity' thing is getting tiresome, quickly. If we were to believe Hollyweird, fully 30% of the population is a member of the LGBTQ+ population segment...... And about the LAST thing I want to see on TV is two men having sex..... or, anyone else, for that matter..... Hollyweird has become FAR too liberal.
  4. I could not find that when I went lookin'.
  5. It's my understanding that that was a "possible" policy change, but, was never implemented (mainly because it was of questionable legality). That, and I haven't heard of ANYONE being 'fined' by paypal..... and I am quite sure that would make the news.
  6. Erm, you do understand that Brave is simply an offshoot of chrome, right? I run firefox, and I don't seem to have any issues, the site works fine for me.....
  7. Well, the hard limit is 255 .esp and .esm files. The number of .esl files can vary dramatically..... and don't count toward that limit. As for the type of mods you can run, alot of that depends on your hardware.... the meaner the hardware, the more you can run. :)
  8. Nexus - This site, and the collection of game specific sites. Vortex - Nexus new version of it's mod manager, designed to integrate seamlessly with the site. Loot - Load order optimization tool, or something similar. It's already integrated into Vortex, so, not anything you need to worry about. NMM - Nexus Mod Manager. The previous incarnation of Nexus modding tool. It has been replaced by Vortex. Do not try and use more than one 'mod manager' on your game, that can cause some truly intriguing problems. :)
  9. Download and install Vortex, it's a mod manager, and makes installing/activating mods pretty straightforward. There are also tutorials on how to use it. If you haven't played the vanilla game, I highly suggest you do, for at least a couple hours. That will give you an idea of what you would like to change. Mods here are separated into categories, have a look at the categories you are interested in, and see what appeals to you. It's different for everyone. :) So, you may not necessarily like the same mods that I do..... Also, keep in mind, that there are quite a few REALLY GOOD mods that are NOT hosted here on Nexus..... but, Vortex will still install them for you. (tutorial for that is available as well.) One thing to note..... Modding your game can become addictive... many folks have found they spend more time picking out mods, than they do actually playing. :D
  10. F4SE will need an update. :) It'll be interesting to see what all they do.
  11. On the main page of Nexus Mods, it lists the games, and how many mods there are for each game. Keep in mind, there are almost 2000 games listed there...... But, you can sort by mod count, download count, etc.
  12. And EVGA dropped NVidia.... They will no longer sell EVGA branded NVidia cards.....
  13. Pics are too small, can't really see what you are getting at.
  14. Depends on what we mean by "written on the mod page". There's a massive amount of mod authors who skip setting proper permissions, so I wouldn't call the preset Permission Box "written". If the mod author has actually written something on the permission tab or the mod page, I think that should always take presedence. If the idea was to improve the reputation of the platform, unverified PM screenshots shouldn't be counted. There will always be lots of people who think the screenshots are faked. Excellent point. For this question, anything provided by the mod author on the mod page would count as "written on the mod," including the permissions tab. However, we do prioritize explicit author statements in the description/comments above the permissions tab. I'll edit my post to clarify, thank you! A fair few authors don't fill out the permissions tab..... and it defaults to very closed permissions... I would think a PM authorization would take precedence over permissions on the page......
  15. Yup yup. :) There IS a way to install win 11, WITHOUT setting up a Microsoft account. I do it at work fairly regularly. (I have the page book marked. :) ) I don't have an MS account on any of my machines, nor do I want one. I would REALLY love to see some other company come out with an O/S that directly supports DirectX, so I don't have to deal with MS any more. Problem is, MS owns DirectX....... and I seriously doubt they will let anyone allow a competing O/S to support it natively.
  16. Now THAT... is extremely interesting. Totally did NOT know about that translation of Bing. Serious Irony. Even tho he no longer owns the company, MS still is, and will for many more years, still associated with Bill Gates in many people's minds. Bill Gates. Wanted in 3 countries, for crimes against humanity. Reason: Harmful inoculations against diseases which have caused deaths. OR Many of us do refer to windows as a virus. Medically speaking... virus... disease... common mental association. Have a look at the sheer amount of Data windows 10 (and 11) want to report back to microsoft..... I see it as spyware masquerading as an operating system. :) You can turn off a bunch of it, supposedly, but, there is still a lot of data sent back to MS.
  17. Hhhmmm.... I've been using paypal for a couple decades now... and have never had a problem with them...... I started way back when, when I was selling things regularly on EBay..... used them pretty much exclusively. Sometimes, I though their fees were a bit high... but hey, you know how that goes. :)
  18. So get a card with just enough to cover what ya want here, use it once, and call it a day.
  19. Doesn't nexus also accept credit cards though??
  20. And how do you pay steam for games/services??? Do you send them a check?
  21. Actually, the poles have shifted several times over the course of 4.5 billion years. :)
  22. DRM is pretty much useless, and a waste of money. Why game companies continue to pretend otherwise is beyond me. Look at Spore, lo these many years ago. The publisher was touting it's 'unbreakable' DRM, right up until the game hit the pirate sites, 3 weeks BEFORE it's official release date. Of course, the same goes for pretty much any title..... it hits the pirate sites within days of release. (if not mere hours.....) The game companies think DRM prevents piracy, but that simply isn't the case. ... true, the leading concern for gamers is the quality of the content, not the presence of technological protection measures, compromising their system, os or privacy. And what was really aggravating was, For FO3, folks with legit copies couldn't play, because of GFWL, while the pirated versions worked just fine..... GFWL was free, and easily obtained, and still is. Any complaints about GFWL are based in ignorance, foolishness or deliberate falsehood. Sure. Uh huh. Never did I say that it cost anything, and yeah, it was installed right along with the game, from the game disk, don't know why you are whining about that. And yes, it DID cause issues. Denying reality is based in ignorance, or deliberate falsehood.
  23. DRM is pretty much useless, and a waste of money. Why game companies continue to pretend otherwise is beyond me. Look at Spore, lo these many years ago. The publisher was touting it's 'unbreakable' DRM, right up until the game hit the pirate sites, 3 weeks BEFORE it's official release date. Of course, the same goes for pretty much any title..... it hits the pirate sites within days of release. (if not mere hours.....) The game companies think DRM prevents piracy, but that simply isn't the case. ... true, the leading concern for gamers is the quality of the content, not the presence of technological protection measures, compromising their system, os or privacy. And what was really aggravating was, For FO3, folks with legit copies couldn't play, because of GFWL, while the pirated versions worked just fine.....
  24. I think you are being overly paranoid. :) Asking the mod author to note the permission for the port in his permissions section is NOT unreasonable, and makes life easier for anyone trying to verify that someone actually DOES have permission. Given the rampant mod theft that was going on when beth first started doing mods for consoles, I think Arthmoor has the best solution there. Very little changes.
  25. Shouldn't matter which way you start the game, installed mods, regardless of where you got them, should load anyway. Unless, of course, you are running mods that require the script extender, if so, then there are a few other hoops you have to jump thru. :D
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