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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Check and see where vortec wants to stash various thing. Downloads folder, staging folder, etc. If one of those paths are wrong, I would expect to see errors of this nature.
  2. Scandals used to be the bane of politicians, yet, here we have Donnie involved in several, and folks STILL support him..... That just boggles the mind. I was hoping that after he lost in 2020, he would just kinda fade from the scene. Guess that was too much to hope for... His ego is to fragile to actually admit defeat, and if he runs again, he will lose again. Doesn't matter who he is running against...... Fair few republicans will vote for an independent, before they will vote for donnie.... and a third party candidate has NEVER won a presidential election here. Donnie will essentially be handing the election to whatever dem candidate happens to be running. Can't say that I am thrilled about another four years of Biden...... NRA IS about gun safety. However, the media won't cover that. The antics of Wayne, and the whole 'guns are evil' crowd will see to that. Heaven forbid anyone say anything nice about guns in general, or gun groups...... That would pretty much end any journalism career. Cancel culture at it's best.
  3. Looks like a bad texture to me. Looks like a bad texture to me. I removed all the skin textures to see if it fixed anything, but the issue was still there. Were you talking about skin textures ? Not sure how they do things in FO4, but, on the older games, the 'stretchy' effect was generally due to a bad texture. Which one that would be, I am not entirely sure.
  4. The NRA advocates for gun safety. No where will you find them advocating guns for toddlers. That's just idiotic. The NRA is about gun safety, and gun rights. Some of their positions may seem extreme, but few of them actually are. Gotta remember, that whole second amendment thing, and the key part the NRA supports "Shall not be infringed"...... Yeah, the whole 'trump follower' thing has me scratching my head as well. Trump has more than adequately demonstrated that he lives in a different reality than the rest of us, and his version bears little resemblance to ours. WHY folks still support him is well beyond my comprehension. I think the republican party is cutting their own throats by supporting him.... But then, I also subscribe to the old adage: "Never underestimate the stupidity of your fellow man."... Here we have a shining example of the truth of that statement.
  5. Try starting the game directly from the F4SE_Loader.exe in the game directory. See if the game starts. Steam should already be running in the background when you try that.
  6. Do you have two different video solutions in your machine? If you have one plugged into an add-on card, and the other plugged into whatever on-board solution the MB may have, I would like to think that simply going into the launcher, and telling it to use the correct video card *should* take care of it.
  7. Wow. Where did you get THAT from???? i just googled two year old gun nra and here we are Just because she is stupid, don't believe that everyone is. That, and I seriously doubt that either child has ever actually held "their" guns...... let alone fired one.
  8. Then you are probably SOL. Why do you need access to the old account?
  9. Why does Vortex want access to the root of C????? That's just not a good idea.
  10. I think there is an online form around here somewhere for an unban request..... Yep. Here ya go.
  11. No. If you want to post dodgy pictures of yourself in your birthday suit, there's special websites for that sort of thing.... c'mon..it's nexus not facebook.. i was obviously talking about mods.. ..is it allowed to post mods that contain nudity ? like, posters with nude woman on them. (stuff like unp and cbbe for skyrim already shows nude parts ..) Yes, but, they have to be marked as "Adult" content.
  12. Real curious how that works..... I wouldn't think they are including the code for the AI with the game..... network connection?? (I didn't watch the whole vid.)
  13. Shouldn't be. Theoretically, you can have an infinite number of profiles...... Don't know that anyone has found a limit yet. I would think you would run out of disk space first. :D
  14. Wow. Where did you get THAT from????
  15. Defender can do some weird stuff.... and MS updates are always all they are cracked up to be. Add an exception for the folder where vortex is installed, see if that changes anything.
  16. And that is why you don't get information from just one source..... Trust, but verify. :)
  17. HeyYou

    why ?

    Yeah, I am not sure what makes Donnie think he can win against Biden *this time*...... And it's not like his popularity has increased since then..... Personally, I hope the republican party smartens up, and runs just about anyone else...... but, not holding my breath on that. i see no chance that this happens soon or even ever. the best indicator is that trump and maga still works for no reason and the fact that at least one american apart from trump believes in the power of such slogans and believes this slogan or anything hiding behind is relevant or rational at all is a clear sign that americans the world is not ready. as long as alternative facts are accepted or treated like facts and leaders can misuse their power like that without consequences while treating integrity as an empty hull nothing can and will ever change to the better - not for any party or any country on this planet! like in 1933, we all learned extremely late but in this case not too late due to some capable leaders - but it was probably the last chance to learn and to understand. the ukraine war, many other wars in the meantime, the russian nuclear threat or the climate change show clearly - mankind is not ready to handle the complexity and to save the planet within time. people currently in charge are in best case ready to save their vanity and their narcissism to gain more power and that's it. so lets hope for nothing because it clearly exists no global insight. free elections, free speech for ALL individuals are still not common and there is no sign anyone or anything can or will change that apart from a truly united and worldwide accepted and respected UN which does not exist - i doubt it will ever! Yeah, the UN is pretty useless. They have no authority, and no credibility either. I don't see that changing any time soon. I don't ever see the world being 'unified' either. We have too many differences for that to happen. Unless/until there is some 'outside' threat, that rallies us together.... we will remain a tribal society, that only serves to kill each other off. Or all of us.....
  18. Fundamentally: As such: And: Which then poses two three interesting questions: a) could a voice actor claim copyright on someone else's AI generated voice files, imitating their own voice? b) could a mod author claim copyright on their own, AI generated voice files, imitating a voice actor's voice? c) if the answer to both a) and b) is NO, then what constitutes a "credible complaint from an affected creator/rights holder" ? Food for thought. Another one: If the output of generative AI cannot be copyrighted due to lack of "human authorship", doesn't this provide a somewhat strong disincentive to use this technology in a commercial setting? It appears to me that studios might prefer to hold on to their VAs, for their work can be copyrighted. Going further: Will copyrighted software inevitably vanish, because AI replaces humans writing code? Or will software corporations rather retain their human coders, for the same reason as above? I think it more likely they will come up with some laws regarding copyrighting AT generated work.....
  19. What format are they in? It's entirely possible that Comcast limits speeds on 'archive' type file formats.... If those others are also some variety of zip file.... that thought goes out the window. I have dealt with comcast in the past. Technical support will NOT tell you that they throttle anything, even if they actually do.....
  20. Holy smokes.... 800 plus mods? A not uncomplicated install..... Try posting in the thread for that one.
  21. Mod added weapons? Vanilla? Any weapon??
  22. Here is a post from another member with Comcast, having pretty much the same problem you are...... Are you downloading large files from those 'other' sites as well?
  23. Where is the game installed? If its in program files, that's likely part of the problem. Check your C:\Users\YourUserName\documents\My Games\Oblivion folder, see that it exists. If you sign in with a Microsoft Account, your documents folder might be in the One Drive folder..... (one of the things I dislike about one drive.)
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