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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Wow. I thought it was gonna be first quarter, or first half.... No huh? Ah well. Here's hoping it is worth the wait. :)
  2. I don't think there is a 'set defaults' button in settings anywhere, and I know you can change the color of various things, but, I think that is a universal change. Owned items would be a specific change, and I suspect you have a mod that is doing it. Installed any new ones lately?
  3. So far as I know, no one has come up with a working version of multiplayer for any of the TES games. Even though they have been attempting it since Morrowind.... The game engine was never designed to support multiplayer, which is one of the reasons no one has ever been able to really accomplish it.
  4. The whole modding thing is one continuous learning experience. :D
  5. HeyYou

    why ?

    I talk about the cautious approach and President Biden not wanting American arms and armaments being used to attack targets in Russia (which HeyYou labeled a "stupid policy"). I addressed the inadvisability of even appearing to support attacking Russia directly. which the use of American weaponry to attack targets inside Russia would cause. I discuss one consequence of appearing to directly attack Russia. But HeyYou queries "Who is advocating invading Russia". HeyYou completely missed the point. Whether his missing the point is due to a deep and abiding lack of reading comprehension, a deliberate attempt to twist my comment into something other than what I said, or just simple stupidity, I know not. Remember the old saw, HeyYou. "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Please stop removing my doubt. Now put the block back in place (or stop clicking "View it anyway"). I'm sorry, but I can't help it if you make yourself look like an idiot........
  6. Uninstall the french version, install the English Version.
  7. What is the bluescreen error you are getting?
  8. Vortex has it's own sorting mechanism, just let it do it's think, and call it a day.
  9. HeyYou

    why ?

    Who is advocating invading Russia?? I suspect WWIII has already started..... in the same fashion WWII did.
  10. HeyYou

    why ?

    Right there with ya, my aussie friend. :D I wish he would just go away, and STAY away. His followers will slowly fade from the scene as well..... The republican party is already moving away from him.... his support keeps evaporating, but, he doesn't notice. Trump and Putin have a fair bit in common...... sorry for the necro but there is a big difference between this two guys. it's not that they act as permanent liar and they think "their people" love them. it is that one of them is an autocrat and the other tried to be one but was not successful. what i do not understand is how 75 % of a nation can believe and even support the slaughter of their neighbor with their own sons? this is ridiculous in 2023 but maybe tradition in the meantime? how can a small group of mighty rich capsuled people really blind their nation as hitler did in 1933 and fill them with lies and known wrong narratives and propaganda, while arguing that all free and democratic nations act like hitler but not russia itself ? what kind logic is that and who believes such nonsense in 2023 ? When those in power control the narrative, and the people only hear what their leaders want them to, well, it isn't too hard to convince them of what is 'right', according to the leaders. Hitler had this down to a science. Putin is running from pretty much the exact same playbook. 7 nations of the whole world - with all the leaders lightyears away from treating their nation with humanity or freedom voted for russia. can anyone give putin a new planet to execise his bloody experiments (still it is not allowed to call it a war or better what it is: a brutal and coward aggression) and let all other live in peace apart from his 7 dictatorship driven supporters ? Hey, call it like ya see it. So far as I am concerned, it's a war. You have one country invading another, and people on both sides dieing every day. If that ain't a war, I don't know what is. Ukraine is starting to hit targets in Russia though, and the US is rethinking their policy of not wanting Ukraine using US supplied weapons to hit targets over the border. I thought that was a stupid policy to begin with. Unless/Until the Russia people start feeling the pain of this war directly, they will not have any motivation to see it end. Bear in mind, I am NOT advocating targeting civilians. That is just not a good idea.
  11. If you uninstall the mod, does the game go back to English?
  12. Well, consider NPC's using AI to determine how to kill you. :D
  13. I do believe the game was released in Russian.....
  14. Sauron also has an army in the 10's of thousands..... Voldemort doesn't....... He couldn't even get close before he was overwhelmed.
  15. Exactly. They have a fixed happiness of 50. So, if you have a fair few robots, gonna need some serious bonuses to get happiness up. That's what I would like to see 'fixed'.
  16. There is also a .bsa/.ba2 archive limit as well. Kinda surprising on a 64 bit architecture, but, there ya go......
  17. HeyYou

    why ?

    Right there with ya, my aussie friend. :D I wish he would just go away, and STAY away. His followers will slowly fade from the scene as well..... The republican party is already moving away from him.... his support keeps evaporating, but, he doesn't notice. Trump and Putin have a fair bit in common...... sorry for the necro but there is a big difference between this two guys. it's not that they act as permanent liar and they think "their people" love them. it is that one of them is an autocrat and the other tried to be one but was not successful. what i do not understand is how 75 % of a nation can believe and even support the slaughter of their neighbor with their own sons? this is ridiculous in 2023 but maybe tradition in the meantime? how can a small group of mighty rich capsuled people really blind their nation as hitler did in 1933 and fill them with lies and known wrong narratives and propaganda, while arguing that all free and democratic nations act like hitler but not russia itself ? what kind logic is that and who believes such nonsense in 2023 ? When those in power control the narrative, and the people only hear what their leaders want them to, well, it isn't too hard to convince them of what is 'right', according to the leaders. Hitler had this down to a science. Putin is running from pretty much the exact same playbook.
  18. One option was to have the robots with 'personality' actually count as settlers. But, aside from them, it'd be no different than collecting cats and dogs for your settlement. Could also put a cap on the bonus as well.... so, no making 100 robots to bring up your happiness. :)
  19. In the base game, Robots are capped at 50 happiness. Which seems kinda strange... can robots actually BE UNhappy?? (or happy, for that matter.) Was reading a thread elsewhere from WAY back.... and the thought was, that robots should actually NOT count as settlers, and as they would relieve the settlers of some of the more tedious jobs.... (farming, sentry duty, etc.) each robot assigned to such jobs, should give a small boost to happiness. Kinda like dogs, and cats.... Thoughts?
  20. Beth went corporate..... To small degree with Oblivion, to a much greater degree with Skyrim. Appealing to the 'casual' gamers. Given that they are now owned by microsoft..... I don't expect that to change. That said, Starfield has some promise, but, I won't be pre-ordering it.
  21. Try logging out, and logging back in. Also, it tends to take a bit of time for changes to take effect.
  22. Probably won't change the way mods work at all..... So, mod managers should require much, if any, update for it at all.
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