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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I would point out, that a few versions ago, Beth did indeed break EVERY mod out there, by changing the way the were activated in the plugins.txt file......
  2. Ah, I did not know that. :) Thanks.
  3. The download with manager button is for use if you have Nexus Mod Manager, or Vortex installed, and managing your mods. There may be others, but, I have no experience with them.
  4. I play pretty close to how I am in real life..... Of course, there are some things I do in-game, that I wouldn't in real life..... Like, kill the guy in rorikstead that beats his girls..... then adopt one of them..... I also kill the lady at the orphanage...... again, not something I would do in real life. :) (well, ok, maybe the guy that beats his girls.....) I guess I play pretty fast and loose with morals in-game..... I try and avoid the thieves guild, I did play thru the DB questline a time or two..... And, I tend to kill the thalmor wherever I encounter them out on the roads. And I sneak attack from behind as well. :) With a crossbow, from a distance. I can usually kill two or three of 'em before they finally find me...... Ok, I am an evil man. I'll freely admit it. :D
  5. There are likely MANY new epic mods since you left. :) And some that were around have been updated. Check out most downloaded, or most endorsed mods. :) There are a LOT of choices......
  6. Click on your username, then, click on either Topics, or Posts, depending on what you are looking for.
  7. hello a question do you know how to create mod packs They are called "Collections" here, and are supported by Vortex, Nexus own mod manager. Probably not quite what you are looking for, but, 'mod packs' like you are talking about are not a popular topic among mod authors.
  8. Is the older version still archived here???? I would think the author would have access to that though......
  9. I always thought that the separation of different file types into separate archives was more for organization, than anything else. After all, the game will load any properly named archive, and integrate its folder structure into the game.... so I would think, that so long as the file paths were correct, (within the archive itself.) it really wouldn't matter what the archive name was, just so long as it gets loaded. I see a fair few mods with only one archive, that includes meshes, textures, and various other things....
  10. Go to the in-game gameplay menu, and see what difficulty is set on. If it isn't currently survival, knock it down one level, go back into the game, and see if the behavior is gone. If it is, set the difficulty where you want it, see if it still works the way it should.
  11. Maybe windows didn't really believe you when you deleted a few folders. :) Windows can be cranky like that on occasion.
  12. Yes, but I was using a example from the Nexus to talk about Bethesda EULA. For the Nexus, I think permissions should be permanent. Once set, they can't be changed. And there should be only yes or no, and not "ask", because this causes anxiety in many mod authors, and anxiety is bad for mod making. In any case, you can always choose the second option, and have every port illegal. In both options, there would be no paperwork distracting the mod author and/or porter, no bureaucracy, and hence more freedom of movement for the author. Instead, what OP presented is even more paperwork than the usual, with screenshots of permissions being regarded as forgeries by default, causing even more conflict between mod authors, exposing them to public scrutiny, and of course, blocking many from releasing their content. With the options of yes, no, and ask, all bases are covered. If an author doesn't wanna be bothered by requests, then just pick on. If they want to evaluate on a case by case basis, 'ask'.... Not that hard.
  13. Does Vortex still show you have mods installed? I believe there is a button for 'purge all mods', which will effectively disable/uninstall all of them at once.
  14. Would not be much easier to change the EULA for the SDKs of these games, and apply mandatory open-source to every nif and plugin? Or is there a legal impediment for it? I think that would have the effect of dramatically reducing the number of folks willing to publicly release their mods...... Just make a pool among the userbase. Give them these two options: Option A: everything becomes open source (nifs, plugins, etc) as long as the original authors/providers are mentioned in the credits. In this way, there could be many ports of the same mod, but the original authors would be able to endorse one of these as a "official" port. Option B: every port is turned illegal, unless made by the original author/provider. In this way, many ports would be deleted, even when having permissions, unless the page is put into care of the original author (alongside the porter). This would be much better than subjecting mod authors to constant humiliation and anxiety. Some months ago I played a port of ORS for SE. When I turned back to the page (to check for possible updates), it was gone. The authors had previously given permission to the porter, but later revoked it, and the mod was removed. This kind of situation just shows how it is pointless to ask permission, so it is much better to have a yes or a no right on the start. But then, I'm curious about why Bethesda choose this "proprietary" model, when in every other modding scene nobody cares. Was a legal issue? Was a design decision? Why they took this decision? Back in Oblivion days parlor drama was very isolated, today it is the norm, so we can pinpoint it to the Creation Club. But now CC content is free (through updates), so why Bethesda still keeps this model? Do you remember the Giskard drama from the Oblivion days? My take on it would be, once you give permission, that's it. It is irrevocable. No changing your mind at some future date. If you force open permissions on folks, that have had closed permissions for a couple decades, there IS going to be backlash. Many folks would no longer release mods for beth games.... It would put a serious dent in the modding scene. Not a good idea.
  15. All very true, but when did making you think become insulting? Are we so sensitive now that if we have to research a little bit to understand something we are insulted? Instead we want to be spoon fed everything like "bad fan-fiction"? And do any of us really honestly care what the actors writers directors or producers political whatever is? Or are you more like me; because these are my thoughts when I hear some actor/singer/athlete try and tell me how great X politician is. "I could honestly care less I pay for your stuff to be entertained, if I wanted wrong opinions I would watch the news. Now dance or something entertain me." My point was simply that writers write to their audience. But you take three line segments out of context and use them to go off on a tirade. You do more to make my point than any treatise I could quote or write. The audience the writers have in mind are emotionally stunted adolescents with an eighth grade education and a fifth grade reading level. Thank you. I would expect that Hollywood bias plays a role in there as well...... else the shows wouldn't take great pains to show how politically correct they are.
  16. I use firefox, with ublock origin, and don't have any problems.... I think the filter list you are using is the issue.......
  17. Well, permissions are already there, as the author doesn't mind, so long as you credit him. (Cliffworms) Might not hurt to ask him if he would port it for you......
  18. Would not be much easier to change the EULA for the SDKs of these games, and apply mandatory open-source to every nif and plugin? Or is there a legal impediment for it? I think that would have the effect of dramatically reducing the number of folks willing to publicly release their mods......
  19. If you run F4SE, get "Better console" mod. (if you don't run F4SE, get it, then get the mod.) Start your game, load it up, open the console, click on Duke, and the console should have some useful information for you.
  20. In the end, it simply doesn't matter what you do, some percentage of the population is going to think you made the wrong decision, and take you to task for it.
  21. I am not familiar with that particular mod, so, no idea what all goes with it.
  22. Maybe there is a silver lining to beths site.... :) Simply updating the executable breaks F4SE, so far as I know, that is really the only thing that causes problems, and those are quickly dealt with by the authors.
  23. You have a conflict somewhere then.... If it worked properly before you installed CBBE, uninstall it. See what happens.
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