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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Have you tried editing the Fallout4.ini file directly?
  2. I've actually seen Ox's video about the CC PA mod. :thumbsup: When I was thinking about buying it. Kinda glad that I saw that vid. Cuz I didn't. Buy it. I mean. He did really well with the video. As most of his vids are pretty good, when they're game related. Critical strike, and chance of stagger. Particularly in melee. Maybe less so for high speed rounds. Possibly even minor chance of paralysis. :D i'ma have to look into the critical strike stuff. when I get around to DLing that mod, I'm gonna out the other edits the author made to it. So I may look into that :D Very tempting to look into how the live dismemberment mods work, to add to it too :D Maybe a few months ago. There was a cop at an airport that had this mod installed, when he took down a wannabe mass shooter. Wasn't hugely on the news, bcuz shooter was black female. But the vids are out there. It's an entertaining watch :laugh: I play in first person, so, what I look like, simply doesn't matter. :smile: Sneaking in power armor... Now there is something that REALLY doesn't make sense...... You should NEVER be able to sneak in PA. That is just incredibly counter-intuitive. :D Anyone within earshot should KNOW exactly where you are. Meh, big guns take up too much POV real estate IMO. And I myself like being able to see what's outside the perspective of 1st person. But hey, play the way that you enjoy :wink: There is a way that is very immersive to sneak in PA. Jump out of the PA where it is in their sight, sneak around to the side, and pop them in the head from range :D Tactics :D But yeah. I agree. It's just too noisy. Stealth boy makes sense, cuz it's only active when not moving. In Real life, that would probably work fairly well, but, in the Fallout universe, enemies have a well-developed sense of ESP.... They would *know* you weren't in there, and make a beeline straight toward you. :) Of course, that doesn't make sense either. :D
  3. The Railroad, and BoS have diametrically opposed goals, that's gonna be hard to reconcile. BoS is also going to take serious issue with the Institute... as in their view, they are most certainly abusing technology. Minutemen, and BoS could conceivably get along, but, given the BoS members attitude toward anything that ISN'T BoS...... I wouldn't hold my breath.
  4. As they also have the Fallout 3 soundtrack on there, I highly doubt any of that is legit. Edit: And the Fallout 4 soundtrack, so, no. NOT legit. I would not trust anything at all from that site.
  5. What? Do folks think you are talking (typing?) too much? :D You don't get to go to court and dispute traffic tickets??? We do here. We used to be given a leeway of 5mph for speedometer error. Not sure what it is now.... if anything at all. Speedos have gotten a LOT more accurate in the last several decades. :D Of course, mine is somewhere between 10, and 17% off, due to oversize tires.... but, I am aware of that, and drive accordingly. Cops around here generally will ignore you if you are doing less than 10mph over the limit. Broach that number though, and yeah, you are going to have their full, and undivided attention. Yeah, fines there are a LOT more than they are here.... I think I would have to be doing well over 150 in a 70 zone to get that kind of fine..... But, my truck won't even come anywhere near that, at least, not with ME driving. :) So, no real worries there. Here, you GET points for traffic violations. Collect 12 in a year, and your license is suspended for anywhere from a few days, to a few months. They also dissipate over time. I think that interval is 3 years. (from when you got the ticket.) When I was doing the long drive to work thing, up REALLY fun roads, driving a REALLY fun car.... (yep, bad combination.....) I managed to collect 23 points in under two years. My license was only suspended for 3 days..... I was stunned. :) But, for a while after that, I couldn't do ANYTHING wrong in a car, without a cop being right there handy to give me a ticket for it. Even failure to use my turn signal at 3:00AM, in the middle of nowhere, with not another car in sight. The cop was parked at an electrical substation. Probably eating donuts...... :D
  6. The first setting, just determines how much of a power drain you experience when you are actually doing something that burns action points. Those are game settings, and should be listed as such.....
  7. Whether you go to jail and stay there or not, depends a LOT on where you happen to be. In some places, if it isn't a violent crime, (murder, assault, etc.) you don't even have to pay bail. In other places, yeah, pay the money, or sit in jail. .... even for minor offenses.... Drunk driving? For the most part, you spend the night in the drunk tank. They let you go when you are more sober. They may or may not give you back your car...... (if they don't, gotta pay the towing and impound fees to get it back.... which a fair few folks can't afford. Those cars are sold at auction once or twice a year..... Nice racket for the county.... Here, for the most part, the cops are reasonable. (at least, the ones I have dealt with....) I have found that the cops here are mirrors. If you are reasonable, so are they. If you aren't...... well, they aren't either. :) Of course, most of the cops are young enough to be my friggin' grandchildren...... I haven't gotten a traffic ticket in decades, even though I have been pulled over several times..... Mostly for speeding... 10 or so above the limit. :) Got pulled over in the work truck one day, after a LONG day of installing computers at a theater.... (point of sale) I had one of my co-workers was with me. I think he was like 17 at the time, and he absolutely PANICKED that we were getting pulled over. :) I told him to relax.... and find the insurance and registration papers for the truck, and had 'em ready for the cop. When he asked if I knew why he pulled me over, my response was: "I suspect you think I was making too much headway." Which got a chuckle out of him..... I explained to him that we had been on the job since like six in the morning, we were tired, had a bit of a drive, and just wanted to get back to the shop, and go home. It wasn't my truck, and it drove MUCH nicer that mine, and I didn't even realize how fast I was going, until I looked down when I saw him..... He went back to his car for a few, came back, handed me my papers, told me to drive safe, and slow down, and sent us on our way. My co-worked was flabbergasted that I didn't get a ticket. :) I just smiled. The funniest part? On the SAME day, our boss got pulled over as well. He got a ticket. :D When my co-worker told him our story.... I thought I was gonna get fired. :D Of course, there was another occasion... Driving back from Cincinnati, (about 5 hours south of me.) on the freeway, driving my Trans Am, not much traffic, so, yeah, I was speeding.... Big time..... Started coming into some slower traffic, saw lots of brake lights, so, slowed to the speed of the rest of traffic. There were half a dozen cop cars on the side of the road, and of course, one pulled out behind me. So, pulled over, got my papers ready, and figgered 80 in a 70? Yeah, I can talk my way out of this, no problem..... Then the cop walked up to the car, and the first thing he said was: "Do you realize the AIRPLANE clocked you at 108 miles per hour in a 55 zone?" Nope. not talkin' my way out of this one...... Yes, I did indeed get a ticket, but, I think it was like 125 bucks. Which was a LOT less than I expected..... They also told me I couldn't drive in Ohio for 90 days. :) (I live in Michigan) When I went to pay my fine, I asked for my license back. The lady told me that it was suspended, so, no, you can't have it back. I informed her that it was suspended in Ohio. I can still legally drive in Michigan, and she needed to give it back. The lawyer standing next to me, (no idea who he was, wasn't my lawyer, I didn't have one.) nodded his head and told her "He's right." So she gave me back my license. I had had the foresight to bring along another driver, as I figgered it was gonna be necessary..... so, he drove us to the Michigan border, I drove home from there. :D
  8. I play in first person, so, what I look like, simply doesn't matter. :) Sneaking in power armor... Now there is something that REALLY doesn't make sense...... You should NEVER be able to sneak in PA. That is just incredibly counter-intuitive. :D Anyone within earshot should KNOW exactly where you are.
  9. Linux would have to natively support directx to do that, and that is something I don't EVER seeing MS doing..... They pretty much have cornered the market on PC gaming, and I don't see them letting that go.
  10. Well, I would imagine that you still need good stamina, even in Power Armor.... I believe that ejecting your FC is a perk, and so far as I know, NPC's don't get perks, at all. Ejecting the core I would think shoots it a distance away from you??? Or does it blow up in place? I've never tried it. (I don't do much with power armor, too much of a hassle.) SHOOTING someone elses core? Yeah, I have done that before. Looks rather cool with body parts flying everywhere. :D
  11. Via cl off or via lighting settings ? You once said something about reflection settings, maybe your right and it can be altered in some of the lighting templates via CK or xEdit I thought I had put something in one of my ini files: sStaringConsoleCommand, or some such, but, for the life of me, I can't find it now..... :)
  12. Wow, and I thought the US was bad. :) The government here tried taxing cigarettes out of existence as well, but, not to the extent that Aus is.... A bag of cigarette tobacco went from 6 bucks, to 29... overnight. However, Pipe tobacco didn't get hit with the tax, so, the name on bag changed, but, the product inside did not..... :) So, for less than ten bucks, I can get enough tobacco and tubes to roll about a carton of cigarettes. (200 or so.) I can live with that. Pot was only decriminalized here relatively recently..... When I was a heavy user, it was indeed quite illegal. :) Of course, that never really bothered me. :) (and yes, I did jail time for that disdain. :) ) Its decriminalized now, and rumor has it, the federal government is considering legalizing it.... The way Michigan handled it though, was just stupid. Prices for legal pot are higher than what you can get on the black market..... and quality is on par with the legal stuff. (some better, some worse.... some, the same stuff you buy in the legal store....) But, it's the government, so, I EXPECT them to screw it up. :D
  13. I would also question the ability of a human, trapped inside said PA suit, with no FC, to move that suit around, at all...... Another point: Wearing power armor ADDS to your strength...... Really? How is that? The suit is hydraulic actuators and such, YOUR strength simply shouldn't matter at all. The suit should have it's own strength stat, not some variable...
  14. I had my fling with alcohol when I was in the service..... but, one bad experience taught me that wasn't a good idea.... so, no more alcohol for me. :) I may drink one or two craft beers in a YEAR.... and I have to admit, they DO taste really good on some of the burning hot days we get.... but, there is no alcohol in my house, that I am aware of. :) (there might be some wine coolers out in the fridge in the garage, that my granddaughter bought.... (she's 27) but, they have been there for some time..... and I am NOT tempted.) I did smoke weed for a LONG time though, but, I don't even do that any more. Lungs can't take it. :) I am, however, a confirmed nicotine addict..... I smoke half a pack a day or so.... and have for decades. I have tried numerous methods of quitting, to no avail. I find the side effects of the drugs used, are far worse than smoking could ever be.... (nightmares, loss of clarity of thought, etc.) So, still a smoker. No bears where I am, thanks for little favors. :) Further north though? Yep. Don't hear about 'em often, and usually it boils down to stupid human tricks, when someone gets hurt/killed by a bear. We do have coyotes..... I hear them around here at night, but, haven't actually seen one in person, and I've been here for ten years.... Haven't seen too many coons around of late either... Guess they finally figured out that DOGS!!! live here, and it simply isn't safe. That, and the outside cat the wife had been feeding died... so, there is no free lunch out there any more. (that attracted all manner of critters...... coons', possums, etc.) I don't have any real wish to harm others either. I DO, however, have a very strong wish to prevent others from harming those around me, and I will take whatever measures I deem necessary to accomplish that goal. Fortunately, that hasn't been an issue... One of the reasons I LIKE living out here in the sticks. :) It's quiet, and pretty safe. Even the wildlife is pretty mild....
  15. HeyYou

    why ?

    I don't know that any president in recent memory has had an approval rating north of 40%...... And congress? Congress hasn't had an approval rating much over 30% for DECADES. Yet we continue to put the same crooks back in office year after year. Thing is, the problem is politics itself. We have become so divided, that we simply can't agree on anything. If you asked a dem and a repub, what color grass was, you would get two different answers..... Unfortunately, it has become the business of the political parties (both of them) to KEEP us divided. And that is only getting worse..... As I look into my crystal ball.... (which is notoriously cloudy...) I see America collapsing in on itself, due to the many divisions present today, that the politicians exploit to further their own agenda... and that agenda is what is best for THEM, not what is best for the country. That sentiment died years ago.
  16. Ok, just goes to show, no matter how you far you plumb the depths of the nexus the nexus plumbs back at you... :mellow: From the intro vid, I think I need this mod... :thumbsup: May Codsworth one day eat his hat for you! :smile: It requires workshop framework, so, I was close..... That counts, right? Right??
  17. Seriously? :ohmy: That's a WsFw Feature! Had it installed for ages, no idea it could do that... :ermm: TYVM good Sir! I tip my hat to you... As for reloading a save... Comes down to one fundamental principle (without regard to specifics). ...I Zigged- when I should have Zagged. :down: (Like a simile in the form of a metaphor). :geek: Ooops. It's Workshop Plus.
  18. I found a core elsewhere that was fully charged, but, I can't recall WHERE I found it.... But, given the lack of FC's in the early game, the PA isn't really all the useful, same goes for the minigun, as ammo is really limited. As for the Death Claw.... I stay on the roof of the museum, and shoot folks from up there. I also use PANPC, so, there is rather a large crowd of Raiders down there.... Frequently, when I play thru that quest, there are enough raiders, that THEY take out the DC, and he's dead by the time I feel the need to jump to the ground, and hunt the last few raiders. Of course, one of the downsides of having bunches and bunches of enemies is, you collect a LOT of weapons/ammo..... I am running Modern Firearms, and another mod that Unlevels them, so, ALL of the weapons can show up at first level. (and a raider with an M2 .50 caliber machine gun makes SHORT work of a guy, even a guy in power armor.....) So yeah, I get some good weapons early in the game, but, so does everyone else..... So, gotta be REAL careful approaching hostile territory. :D
  19. Ok, that one cracked me up. :D Thank You. And, something funny: Trump announced he is running for pres in '24...... Like he actually has a chance. I will ENJOY seeing him humiliated again.
  20. I allow a certain population of spiders in the house. (non-poisonous) They keep the mosquitoes down. :) Any other critter, nope. My house, not yours. I also take exception to various critters residing in my outbuildings. Cats are ok, they serve a purpose, woodchucks, on the other hand, are far too destructive, and they don't live long. (if the dogs don't get 'em, I do.) We don't have too many poisonous critters around here, fortunately..... So not really a worry. Raccoons with distemper though, yeah, seen a few of those. I generally just capture, and export them. (by the time they are debilitated enough for me to catch them, they ain't long for this world anyway...... so, take 'em out into the woods, and let them die on their own terms.) As for folks carrying weapons... The ones with permits are VERY seldom, if ever, the ones you need to worry about. It's the guys that can't legally even possess a firearm that you need to worry about. But, they are generally confined to the high crime areas in larger cities in any event. (the Cities nearest me are pretty small, under 40K population.) Not too much of a worry here. Mostly farmers and such around me, so, yeah, just about everyone has a gun, but, they don't, as a rule, tote them around everywhere they go. Also, where I live, if you want to carry, you need a permit. That means background checks, and some training. I don't really have a problem with that. I see armed folks rather regularly, and it just isn't a concern. Contrary to popular opinion, we are not a society of gun-happy cowboys, that will shoot you for looking at them the wrong way. :D Mass Shootings? Yeah, that's a problem. Trouble is, the politicians don't want to SOLVE the problem, they want to campaign about out, and fear-monger. The left would love to ban a selection of firearms, but, thinking that a 'buyback', or something similar would work, is a pipedream. Massachusetts tried that, and had less than five percent participation. (some folks thought even that number was on the high side.....) A 'forced' collection would never work here. There are literally millions of semi-auto firearms in civilian hands, and long guns are not required to be registered, so, who actually has them? The government sure doesn't know, and if they tried to implement some kind of search for them, in order to confiscate them, it would be instant civil war. The cops would NEVER go for it, and currently, it is not legal for the government to use the military to enforce laws. So, an Australian-style collection simply isn't going to happen. And then there is the whole problem of: Banning a segment of weapons, will only prompt the mass-shooters to use another weapon. That would likely be something even more deadly than the evil black rifle. (AR-15, and its variants) You think those tiny little .223 slugs cause damage? Just think what a .308 would do... Not to mention that the favorite weapon of mass shooters is generally pistols, or shotguns..... For close-in work, such as a school.... the shotgun is actually more effective.... For the school shootings, the biggest problem, as I see it... is that Gun Free Zone designation. All they are accomplishing with that, is announcing to any potential mass-shooter, that here is a target rich environment, in which very few, if any, will be able to SHOOT BACK. It seems to escape the dems notice that most mass shootings (that aren't gang activity related) happen in gun free zones. There has NEVER been a mass shooting at a police station, or a gun range.... Imagine that. So, get rid of the GFZ designation, so there is a very real possibility that ANY adult on the scene, *might* be armed, and watch the number of school shootings decline dramatically. Will that stop all of them? Nope. I don't think its possible to prevent ALL of them. For instance, the Las Vegas shooting. Steven Paddock apparently planned that out in advance, had a pretty significant arsenal at hand, and was firing down into a large crowd. Sure, the venue was a GFZ, but, even if EVERYONE there had been armed, it wouldn't have mattered. Stevie was well out of range of any pistol, and I don't know anyone that regularly walks around with a sniper rifle. (which is what they would have needed.....) He was able to kill so many not because he was a good shot, but because he simply sprayed bullets into a crowd. Bump-stocks were banned very shortly thereafter...... Of course, anyone with a rubber band can accomplish the same effect..... Just doesn't happen often. We had a mall shooter at one time as well, I think he managed to kill three, before someone with concealed carry permit took him down. The church shooter in texas was also taken down by a civilian with a legal weapon. Unfortunately, that was AFTER he shot a bunch of folks in a church..... The FBI also thinks that firearms are used 1-2 MILLION times a year, to stop, or prevent a crime..... If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. And THAT is a major issue. There are simply too many guns here in the US to ever expect them to go away. Besides, when has a ban of anything ever worked? Various drugs have been banned for decades, yet they are still easily available..... Even easier to get than illegal guns...... Of course, banning guns would have the same effect that prohibition did back in the 20's. A new black market would instantly pop up to supply that demand. That particular amendment actually helped CREATE the Mafia here in the US. Ooops. :) A lotta states here have what is referred to as 'castle doctrine', or 'stand your ground'. Basically, it means you have the right to defend yourself, using whatever force is necessary. If that means the bad guy gets dead, so be it. He shouldn't have been engaging in whatever behavior that got him killed. He got what he deserved, and is NOT the victim. But, there are some states where that isn't the case...... In California, a buncha years back, a man broke into another man's house, was attempting to steal his television, (back in the days where they had that heavy CRT display) fell down the stairs, broke his leg.. Sued the homeowner, and WON!..... That one was a real head-scratcher for me. How in the world does such a decision make ANY sense at all???? Don't know if that decision was ever overturned, or, if things have changed since then.... but, I have no desire to move to California. :) Even though the weather is MUCH nicer than it is here. :D
  21. HeyYou

    why ?

    So, his personality aside. He did prove what it this country really needs, from somebody who's going to be sitting at that desk. 1) Somebody with serious management skills and knowledge. 2) Somebody who knows and understands cause and effect. 3) Somebody who hasn't been in the political system as a lifetime politician. 4) Somebody rich enough that it's really difficult to buy them off, or sway their decisions. 5) A person who really does want to try to fix all these foul ups made from idealology before common sense, and wisdom before the wants of the private interests. And will talk the talk, and walk the walk to actually DO it. Overall, I think that he's making a HUGE mistake in trying to run in 24. Even if he makes it through the primaries. If he takes the lead, it will be a repeat of what put Biden in the chair. Too many that don't want to vote for him, or vote to make sure he doesn't get it. So they vote for the same kind of puppet that is destroying the country. Trump had one term, and for the most part, did ok. Toward the end, he rather ran off the rails though, and after he lost, he went absolutely bonkers. Unfortunately, he has stayed bonkers.... Should he be elected a second time.... his ego, and the perceived slight of losing in 2020 is going to influence his thinking, and not in a good way. He will have zero restraint..... His mouth will write checks that the country can't cash, at least, not cash, and survive..... I could see him taking one of two actions on Ukraine, either pissing off the Russians enough, he starts WWIII, or, yanking ALL support for Ukraine, and Russia does its 1930's Germany impression, and starts absorbing the smaller countries around it.... I REALLY don't wanna put those theories to the test though.... I would like to think the american people are smarter than all that, but, I have been disappointed before. (but, not surprised.....) i do not agree on anything above mentioned. all what is saw of trump in his four years of presidency was that he never found a balance, that he poisoned social life, he was never responsible if some of his ideas went wrong or never worked, he was always incapable to admit fails and defeat even if it was obvious. he always praised himself first. what he really was and he really is good in is to find and name others who are responsible for his fails and crashed ideas and to play down the problem with his "friends" and supporters easy to identify mostly as white supremacists. i don't think that the support of some (still too many) mostly white supremacists and supporters of conspiracy will bring him his second presidency - but if so i just say "wow america, trump will make america great again! and if not - the president trump is not responsible..." with his "bright and shiny personality", "leadership quality" and his "bash the establishment" qualities. putting all his lacking skills aside, trump is a "good man". maybe, deep in his heart but the problem is - probably everybody compared with trump is, just most with lesser money;) I don't suffer any illusions that Trump is a 'good man'. Nope. He most certainly is NOT. He is an idiot with lots of money, and that gets the republicans attention. If he DIDN'T have that money, no one would give him a second thought.
  22. My absolute favourite genre is sci-fi, but even it must be somewhat based in reality, I must have Vulcan DNA or something as when it defies ALL logic without explaining I just say Yeah-Nah (there you go StormWolf, another unique to Aus term, somewhat more recent than Pox, although it's an oxymoron I would say the 'Yeah' is used to re-enforce the 'Nah' ie it's a more forceful NAH, lol :smile:) If we look at the alien movies for example, off they go to LV426, although they do not specify the distance in light years I would determine it just may be in the tens or even hundreds of light years in distance from Earth, now the nearest system is Proxima Centauri, a whopping 4.2 light years in distance, with the current propulsion tech available it would take around 70,000 years to get there. They do go into cryo sleep as an explanation for the time it takes but as far as I can tell the propulsion system doesn't seem to be anything extraordinary, it may be far more advanced than current propulsion, but it's not warp, wormhole or folding of space, which would instantly relax my logic and allow acceptance but the vehicles have thrusters so the Vulcan in me says no, this is illogical, even if you give it the benefit of the doubt and say it's 100 times faster that's still a travel time of 700 years to Proxima. These things would be acceptable if I didn't overthink EVERYTHING, but that's just me and that's what I do, so when a director leaves me in the dark as too how and why I switch off. Prometheus is another prime example, the trip to that planet was just skipped over like a bad joke, that vehicle looked to just be using thrusters as well. On the other hand, I am able to enjoy Star Trek, It has explained everything from Warp Drive, artificial gravity (Inertia dampeners) and just about everything else, so good on Gene for catering to thinkers, that's all it takes, an explanation, even if it's totally outrageous, I can accept and enjoy. TL;DR If the movie tells me people can jump over the moon, it's Yeah-Nah, but if the movie tells me people can jump over the moon BECAUSE (Insert explanation, can be outrageous if they wish) then OK. LOL, after reading my own post I realise I have contradicted myself, calling myself a thinker, but then saying I need to have things explained, ah, damn, must have overthought it, hehe. :D I was always curious about the space drives some folks used in their movies, where travel times were just a few years, but, people were put into cold sleep for the trip...... and there was no mention of some kind of FTL drive.... Avatar springs immediately to mind....
  23. I don't think a lot of the guys doing that kind of thing, even consider that the homeowner might be armed, and shock of shocks, FIGHT BACK. They seem to think that their knife/gun/whathaveyou makes them invulnerable, or that the resident won't really shoot them.... (and yes, many folks have been shot with their own gun, because they DIDN'T pull the trigger when they should have.) Where I live, crime is pretty rare though. At least, so far as break-ins go. However...... there was an instance a few years back, where a few guys broke out of prison, (which is about 9 miles from me.....) broke into a home, raped the wife, and 14 year old daughter, stole whatever they could get their hands on, then stole the familiy's truck as well. At the time, the homeowner didn't have any firearms. Today, he has a concealed carry permit, and doesn't go ANYWHERE without his sidearm. I believe his wife got hers as well.....
  24. Hhhmmm.... If someone breaks into my house, with bad intent, they will be facing the business end of an SKS. Complete with 30 round mag. I am old, disabled, and VERY short on patience. If that someone is armed, they don't even get a 'drop it!' before I pull the trigger. I will put them down before they have a chance to harm me, or my family. (and that includes my pets......) (always remember, continue firing until you are SURE your target is no longer a threat.) I used to do the cop thing for a living. (military police) and folks that hoped to simply hold an intruder/badguy, until the cops showed up... well, we were usually cleaning THEM up... So, nope, no tolerance for folks in my home, that I did not invite.
  25. HeyYou

    why ?

    I think you mean 3rd. :wink: The first time, he was a joke when he ran as an independant. 2nd time, he ran as republican, and took it. This will be his 3rd run :wink: Disregard that. Yeah, your right, his 4th run. So, his personality aside. He did prove what it this country really needs, from somebody who's going to be sitting at that desk. 1) Somebody with serious management skills and knowledge. 2) Somebody who knows and understands cause and effect. 3) Somebody who hasn't been in the political system as a lifetime politician. 4) Somebody rich enough that it's really difficult to buy them off, or sway their decisions. 5) A person who really does want to try to fix all these foul ups made from idealology before common sense, and wisdom before the wants of the private interests. And will talk the talk, and walk the walk to actually DO it. Overall, I think that he's making a HUGE mistake in trying to run in 24. Even if he makes it through the primaries. If he takes the lead, it will be a repeat of what put Biden in the chair. Too many that don't want to vote for him, or vote to make sure he doesn't get it. So they vote for the same kind of puppet that is destroying the country. Trump had one term, and for the most part, did ok. Toward the end, he rather ran off the rails though, and after he lost, he went absolutely bonkers. Unfortunately, he has stayed bonkers.... Should he be elected a second time.... his ego, and the perceived slight of losing in 2020 is going to influence his thinking, and not in a good way. He will have zero restraint..... His mouth will write checks that the country can't cash, at least, not cash, and survive..... I could see him taking one of two actions on Ukraine, either pissing off the Russians enough, he starts WWIII, or, yanking ALL support for Ukraine, and Russia does its 1930's Germany impression, and starts absorbing the smaller countries around it.... I REALLY don't wanna put those theories to the test though.... I would like to think the american people are smarter than all that, but, I have been disappointed before. (but, not surprised.....)
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