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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. FO4Edit will allow you to do that. There are tutorials out there for doing so, but, I have no clue if any have been translated into french..... If you have the construction set, you can do so as well.
  2. I love your description. :) Way too accurate. :D First things first, what is your budget? Where I work, we custom build machines in varying degrees of performance. Gaming machines usually start around 1500 or so, for a decent machine. They can get truly stupid from there. Recently built a really nice one for just under 3K.... but, it's way to easy to spend money on them. :D
  3. Is this a joke? A 75 dollar card, vs a 900 dollar card? Gee, I wonder which one offers better performance.......
  4. Did you just modify the hud for when you are wandering around the world? If so, see if you can find a pipboy "hud" in your game folder, and rename/delete it, see if it works now.
  5. I see this error for SSE.... are you using the correct version of SKSE? The 64 bit version won't work for you.
  6. However..... Not all the mods I like to play with are available on SSE. My LE install is very stable, runs great, and gives me no issues. Stability just isn't an issue for me.
  7. So a search on "Survival" in the mod section. There are a number of mods that allow you to configure various things about survival mode. :D
  8. But, isn't that WHY folks play games? A temporary escape from reality?
  9. Of all the websites a visit, this GAMING site has the most draconian rules for a password. Even my bank isn't quite so demanding. Of course, my solution to it is simply have my browser remember my passwords. Not like physical security for my machine is even remotely an issue.
  10. Anything with sneak on it, levels up enchanting fairly quickly. As a general observation, the higher the value of the object created, the more experience you get for it. Making jewelry levels smithing right quick, thus, so does put valuable enchantments on said jewelry. :D And yes, the merchant perk makes things MUCH easier. You are only limited by how much money each vendor has. For training, be very careful of how much you are spending. If the vendor ends up with more than about 32K gold, it breaks them, and you may 'sell' them stuff, but, you don't actually get the money for it......
  11. Mod organizer does some odd things with ini files. They are also part of your profile, so, editing them via bethini doesn't modify the file you need to. I think you have to do it thru MO..... but not 100% on that.
  12. There is nothing self centered about it. Many gamers would like games to respect their time and give them a compact action filled experience. Don't buy an open world game? Game companies make games for folks to enjoy. I think your claim of 'many', is overstated. So far, we have see ONE person requesting this. Has anyone else thought this was a 'good idea' in this thread? So far, none that I have noticed.
  13. Yeah, that what MS said, way back when.... But now, windows 11 is out in the wild. :)
  14. In Morrowind, and Oblivion, every script ran completely thru every frame.... so, stacking script heavy mods had a fairly significant impact on performance. (on the hardware of the time....) in skyrim, scripts run in a separate process.... Which makes timing the scripts problematic at times.... events don't fire when you expect them to, they tend to be delayed by a half-second or so. I know Duke Patrick (spookyfx) was rather disappointed in that, as it made some things he wanted to do in his combat mods either impossible, or, very clunky..... I also gotta say that I, personally, preferred the scripting language of Oblivion/OBSE, to papyrus...... Oh well.
  15. Did you use a mod manager for fallout 4? If so, you will likely have to uninstall all your mods from there, might be an easy 'remove all' option somewhere.
  16. Exactly ... shut yur pie hole ... nobody cares about the end of existence things you spout .... You are like Ezeikiel shall I ignore You ? How would that feel ? Please do. I write 500 words on how human beings are pretty stupid, and your take away was "end of existence things". However, before you go, I must thank you for so eagerly and brilliantly demonstrating my thesis. I gotta agree with this sentiment. (humans are stupid) Sure, we have some fairly intelligent individuals, but, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box of rocks. This has been demonstrated over and over again throughout history. I really hate it when you agree with me. It implies I must be horribly wrong and requires me to rethink my position. It makes me suspect everything I have learned and experienced in my 70+ years. o_O The world is a wonderful, and puzzling... place. :)
  17. Exactly ... shut yur pie hole ... nobody cares about the end of existence things you spout .... You are like Ezeikiel shall I ignore You ? How would that feel ? Please do. I write 500 words on how human beings are pretty stupid, and your take away was "end of existence things". However, before you go, I must thank you for so eagerly and brilliantly demonstrating my thesis. I gotta agree with this sentiment. (humans are stupid) Sure, we have some fairly intelligent individuals, but, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box of rocks. This has been demonstrated over and over again throughout history.
  18. You are correct. For SSE, you want USSEP.
  19. And still with us. :) Congrats! I stopped counting/celebrating mine a while back. There have been too many of them. :D I ran out of fingers and toes.....
  20. There was a breach a few years back, don't recall exactly when. I think Nexus sent out a notification about that, and people were asked to change their passwords. It's quite likely that information is still out there, and folks are still using it.... Look at whom the emails are from, bet it isn't Nexus.com. :D In any event, ignore ANY emails of that nature. Do NOT click on the links.
  21. What O/S? What anti-virus?
  22. See, by your responses, you reinforce my view that you don't have the slightest clue about american culture. Therefore, any discussion with you on this topic is pointless.
  23. who says that ? i have already proven what you assume ? sounds not convincing. and i think at least 60% of the u.s. have a better clue of u.s. society than you. seems you are one of the incorrigible lonely western heroes with only two hobbies: playing ego shooters and playing with mass shooting capable weapons. i know that more lonely cowboys and ego shooter fans will tell the world here in this forum that the second amendment gives all(most) americans the guaranteed right until at least the year 3022 or whatever to defend themselves with weapons deadlier than machine guns and that you believe that most americans have your mind set. i can even tell you the names of them. thanks god this is just a forum otherwise trump would still be (the not elected) u.s. leader and the 6th of Jan. would probably be - in the meantime - a national festival to honor and to thank trump! if you allow to take all americans into account: i strongly doubt your claim reflects the wishes of the majority of the u.s. to get rid of this stupid mass of weapons and the related problems and it even seems you still haven't recognized this so far on your cowboy ranch. You are oh-so-concerned about 'scary' rifles, that you neglect to notice that there are NUMEROUS semi-auto, magazine fed, hunting rifles, that are larger caliber than your average AR- variant. Not to mention that ANY weapon is 'mass shooting capable', in fact, a significant percentage of mass-shooters use PISTOLS. Try not to pretend you have any understanding of american culture. You may have spent a bit of time here, but, you don't live here, you didn't grow up here, ALL of your views are colored by the bias inherent in those that grew up in a society where firearm ownership was heavily restricted. (most of Europe....) You make a lot of assumptions about me. So far, none of them have been correct. All you see is someone that supports gun ownership, and everything beyond that, is simply your own anti-gun bias. And then we have the whole statistics thing. If you bother to look, you are more likely to die in a mass shooting in friggin NORWAY, than you are in the US. Have a read here. US ranks number 11....... And how about the rest of gun deaths? Mass shooting account for a tiny minority of gun deaths. It's the inner city folks that are killing each other wholesale every day here in the US, but, no one seems to really care about that. i tried to help you with my smiley. it was my intention to answer colored - what is wrong that ? your lack of understanding ? i does not matter if you are cowboy or not. but it matters if you claim to speak for the u.s but in reality youspeak for some trump and (maybe) for some nra fans and by the way exclude "some inner city folks". why do you ask for gun death? if you are well informed (not fox or trump tv) you know aready that the u.s. have a severe weapon related homicide, suicide and mass shooting problem no security or self declared weaponized heros can solve or have ever solved or prevented such incidents. Yep, we have guns. So, yes, we have gun death. Can't have one, without the other. However, if you removed a few democrat run cities from those statistics, the US is actually safer than a fair few eurpean countries. It's the gang warfare that dramatically inflates the perceived danger guns represent. And mass shootings? Yep, we have 'em, and they are on the rise. Is that because of guns? Nope. That is because our society is degrading. When I was in school, the parking lot was filled with pickup trucks, with gun racks that actually had guns in them. (it was legal then.) Mass shootings at the time were simply unheard of. So, what has changed since then? Certainly not the availability of the weapons. (The AR-15, and it's variants have been for sale here since the early 60's.....) Society HAS changed. Dramatically. And NOT for the better. Leftist policies have led us to where we are today, and your answer to that is MORE of them????? That seems awfully counter-productive to me. You keep slinging terms like 'trumpist', and 'trump supporter' around as insults, which is also a leftist policy..... But, what you seem to be missing is, I am NOT a trump supporter. He is an idiot, and I fervently wish he would just fade from the political scene. Yes, I voted for him for his first term, but, at the time, he is what the country needed. Not more of the same political BS. Unfortunately, once in office, he showed his true colors, and it wasn't a pretty picture. Still and all, I MUCH preferred Trump, over Hilary.... But then, that is the way of things here. You are given a choice of two evils. Folks tend to pick the one they see as the lesser of the two evils. Also, not every republican is a trump supporter. Another false assumption by the left. As for 'solutions'.... NOTHING the left has suggested is going to make any difference whatsoever. The guns don't CAUSE the problem, they are simply a tool that is used. It's the PEOPLE that are the problem. But, no one seems to want to address that issue. Guess it isn't politically correct. After all, another one of the lefts beliefs is that no one is responsible for their own actions....... And Gun Free Zones..... Might as well put up a sign that says "Target rich environment, where no one will be able to shoot back." Just removing that one aspect, would dramatically reduce the number of school shootings. Even if no one there actually was armed, the mere possibility that ANY adult in the school MIGHT be armed, would discourage 90% of these shooters. Or maybe you haven't noticed (or, purposely ignored?) the fact that 90% of mass shootings occur in gun free zones...... Sure, there are some instances where it wouldn't make any difference at all. Las Vegas shooting springs immediately to mind.... but, isn't the idea to REDUCE the number of incidents? If so, then this one step would make a great deal of difference. But, the left isn't interested in that, they want to focus on the guns, not the people carrying them. So, these incidents continue to happen.
  24. Well, large scale war would certainly reduce the water-using population there though, so Lake Mead may actually do better afterwards. :)
  25. Some of the other behavior I see when opening the site doesn't instill confidence either. Not a site I will be using.
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