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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. One option was to have the robots with 'personality' actually count as settlers. But, aside from them, it'd be no different than collecting cats and dogs for your settlement. Could also put a cap on the bonus as well.... so, no making 100 robots to bring up your happiness. :)
  2. In the base game, Robots are capped at 50 happiness. Which seems kinda strange... can robots actually BE UNhappy?? (or happy, for that matter.) Was reading a thread elsewhere from WAY back.... and the thought was, that robots should actually NOT count as settlers, and as they would relieve the settlers of some of the more tedious jobs.... (farming, sentry duty, etc.) each robot assigned to such jobs, should give a small boost to happiness. Kinda like dogs, and cats.... Thoughts?
  3. Beth went corporate..... To small degree with Oblivion, to a much greater degree with Skyrim. Appealing to the 'casual' gamers. Given that they are now owned by microsoft..... I don't expect that to change. That said, Starfield has some promise, but, I won't be pre-ordering it.
  4. Try logging out, and logging back in. Also, it tends to take a bit of time for changes to take effect.
  5. Probably won't change the way mods work at all..... So, mod managers should require much, if any, update for it at all.
  6. Is it possible the differences are in the armor itself, thus, in the 'constructable object' list?
  7. Well, lookin' at your hardware.... that really shouldn't be a problem. :) Maybe a driver issue with the vid card? Might try rolling back a version or two.
  8. Daggerfall used procedurally generated maps and such. Which presented problems all its own. I very much enjoyed game crashes followed by "the game has encountered a problem, you need to reinstall"...... Yeah. Starfield pulls that one, and people are NOT going to be happy.
  9. Beth doesn't exactly have a reputation for good story writing..... I think Morrowind was the pinnacle of their efforts, and it's been pretty much downhill from there..... We will see what Starfield has to offer though.... Maybe they will surprise us. :)
  10. If you nuke previs and precombines for your build areas, it becomes a non-issue. (NOT for the whole world, just settlement build areas.)
  11. Ok, now that IS unique..... Wonder if Steam remembers what stuff you own, even if you don't get it from them..... and includes that in the plugins.txt file in appdata.... Which would just be weird. :) Thanks for posting the solution though. That is BOUND to help someone else. :D
  12. Shouldn't need to run anything as admin. It sounds like a missing master crash..... Try uninstalling the game using revo uninstaller portable. (its downloadable for free.) Use the 'moderate' setting. Purge all your mods, then run Revo. Revo will run the games unisntaller, then search for leftover files, and registry settings. It makes SURE you have a clean uninstall. *NOTE* I am not sure how it would handle mods though.... so, would be best to go thru and verify that the install folder, the folder in my games, and the folder in appdata are indeed gone. Once thats done, restart your machine. Reinstall the game. Do not install ANY mods. (DLC is fine.) Make sure the game isn't trying to use integrated graphics.... (nice vid card by the way. :D) See if just the game will start/run. I am guessing windows 11?
  13. the skeleton was menntioned in another mod, the graphics i was trying to augment the skyland, but yeah i need to delete it, and as teh movement, no idea why its not working. i'm on console, so there's a chance something didn't port right maybe? but i have no idea lol. i hate mod order so much. Try playing on PC. :smile: Things get REALLY complicated REALLY fast..... Though there are tools to make a bit of it easier... even if you don't understand what is happening 'under the hood'. :D yeah i might have too. i own it on pc, i just prefer the controller so we'll see lol I think the game natively supports the controller on PC.......
  14. I've been using Scrap Everything for quite some time now, and don't really have any major issues with it.
  15. I'm using Vortex. What are NMM and LOOT? Vortex should automatically sort your load order then. Are you getting any notifications from Vortex about problems? NMM is Nexus Mod Manager. It was replaced by Vortex. Loot is the rules-based load order tool, vortex just does it, you had to tell NMM to do it. :D
  16. Wow, the numbers are all over the place..... 81 at the back bay car dealership??? I'ma gonna have to look that one up. :D
  17. If you are using NMM, then, I think you have to manually run LOOT. If you are using Vortex, it automagically deals with load order.
  18. AI is going to be the end of the human race. :D
  19. How many mods are you running? Usually, when I see this kind of behavior, it's because you are over the 255 esp/esm limit.
  20. Yeah, they really did a number on power armor. It should be impervious to small arms fire..... and the occupants strength should have no bearing at all on the PA's strength. That should be a set value. But, of course..... in a world where small arms pretty much rule the day.... a player in power armor would be pretty much god-like.....
  21. Well that certainly explains why I have no clue who she is...... :)
  22. Vortex should give you the option to reinstall it......
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