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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. If we live long enough to see it all the way thru. :D It IS an interesting question though... If all those images are out there on the web, free for anyone to view, does that disqualify an AI from being able to view them? After all, don't humans do the same thing?? View images to 'train' themselves?? Or generate ideas? I am sure I am not stating clearly what I mean there..... I am just not sure how....
  2. There is a mod that fixes it for 21:9...... I think it offers other options as well.
  3. I see those too. Or, a slight variance on the theme. Mods I have downloaded, in my endorse list, but, when I try and endorse it, it tells me I haven't downloaded that mod yet...... Ok, if that's the case, why is it in the list?
  4. I put the 'cl off' in 'starting console commands', or something to that affect, in my ini file.
  5. Gas masks have a pretty high radiation rating, and some even have a good armor rating..... and being as how NPC's only look at the numbers, and not how it affects their vision..... they wear them all the time. Not like they have to worry about overlays affecting their peripheral vision......
  6. Yep. WAY to familiar with that feeling. :D I STILL tinker with my game now and again, even a couple years after I have it modded to my taste. :D
  7. I download xEdit, but it made absolutely no sense to me, it tells me i have errors with nearly all my mods, including the Unofficial FO4 Patch? Check out some of the tutorials for xedit on youtube. :smile: Lol, it's like being back at school, but good idea, i have always wanted to mod a game, my son keeps egging me on to do it Kids can be like that. :) Of course, he probably just wants YOU to mod the crap out the game, so HE can play it. :D
  8. I download xEdit, but it made absolutely no sense to me, it tells me i have errors with nearly all my mods, including the Unofficial FO4 Patch? Check out some of the tutorials for xedit on youtube. :)
  9. That's just weird....... Might have a look at the mod in xEdit, and see what changes it makes to build mode.... (though I would have no clue where to look for such changes.....)
  10. Nice to see you back. :) Have a look at the 'most endorsed' mods on Nexus. You can also search by category. (game play...) LOTS of choices out there. :) Read the descriptions, and see which ones suit your tastes/goals. Modding your game can be a process.... (career move?) :D Some folks spend more time modding their game, than they do playing...... My game has evolved over several years into what it is today..... So, I actually get to PLAY. :D
  11. Are you missing a requirement for it?? Seems odd that it would cause problems in build mode.... Have you checked the mods comments thread? See if anyone else has the problem, and if they found a fix for it?
  12. Once again, HeyYou initiates his commentary by regurgitating propaganda as fact, and by doing so, lies. Nobody says "requiring bail is racist". What is said, and what is borne out by the facts, is that the way bail is applied is in fact, racist. Since 1984, in at least six different sessions of US Legislative bodies, bail reform has been proposed. The testimony before Congress in each case presents evidence that the amount of melanin a person possesses directly correlates to the amount and frequency of bail. The evidence further demonstrates that, for the exact same crimes, the location of ones residence is also a factor in excessive bail amounts, with inner city offenders, who are predominately melanin rich, being assessed higher bail than suburban offenders, who are predominately melanin poor. The evidence presented to Congress further demonstrates that pretrial confinement because of an inability to pay these excessive bail amounts overwhelmingly affects the melanin endowed. The truth is that "certain parties think" the application of bail needs to be based on something more than the whimsical belief system of some judge. A google search for "congressional records, bail reform" will provide the reader with an overwhelming volume of testimony before those bodies, the testimony which I have simply summarized here. And once again you mince words. I do not differentiate between "bail is racist", and "how bail is applied is racist", it's semantics, and in the end, result is the same, for a fair few crimes these days, NO bail is adjudicated. With your deliberate unwillingness to apply simple differentiation between "bail is racist" and "the application of bail is racist", you demonstrate to the world the lack of depth in your thinking. Such a glorious demonstration of the shallowness in your thinking provides the world with a reasonable and sound basis for dismissing you, your comments, and your opinion. You also tell us all that the propaganda of racism is satisfactory for your purposes. You protest and call it "mincing words", but words are important. Words and phrasing both shape and demonstrate ones thinking. I need not call you racist, your choice of words and wording, and your defense of racist wording, says more about your beliefs than your shallow protestations. And once again you show me just WHY it was I put you on ignore the first time. Your "holier than thou" and "I am smarter than you." 2nd grade antics have lost their appeal. So, Bye Bye. Too bad really, I was actually beginning to think you might be a reasonable human being. Seems I was wrong. Ah well. No real loss.
  13. Once again, HeyYou initiates his commentary by regurgitating propaganda as fact, and by doing so, lies. Nobody says "requiring bail is racist". What is said, and what is borne out by the facts, is that the way bail is applied is in fact, racist. Since 1984, in at least six different sessions of US Legislative bodies, bail reform has been proposed. The testimony before Congress in each case presents evidence that the amount of melanin a person possesses directly correlates to the amount and frequency of bail. The evidence further demonstrates that, for the exact same crimes, the location of ones residence is also a factor in excessive bail amounts, with inner city offenders, who are predominately melanin rich, being assessed higher bail than suburban offenders, who are predominately melanin poor. The evidence presented to Congress further demonstrates that pretrial confinement because of an inability to pay these excessive bail amounts overwhelmingly affects the melanin endowed. The truth is that "certain parties think" the application of bail needs to be based on something more than the whimsical belief system of some judge. A google search for "congressional records, bail reform" will provide the reader with an overwhelming volume of testimony before those bodies, the testimony which I have simply summarized here. And once again you mince words. I do not differentiate between "bail is racist", and "how bail is applied is racist", it's semantics, and in the end, result is the same, for a fair few crimes these days, NO bail is adjudicated.
  14. Load a save before you got to the location, go there, see if things work as they should.
  15. Well, Beth likely didn't wanna do the animations for carrying a body.... though it would be nice to have..... and they certainly don't want you walking around with your spouses corpse in your inventory...... :D (I could just see the 'body on back' mods.....)
  16. Disable any mods that affect the build mode, see what ya find. Mods that just add stuff *shouldn't* be an issue.
  17. Well, I would point out, that the SS loses what? 10 hitpoints from the disease? Austin DIES. I could see how the residents of the vault might take exception to that... You go into the old vault SPECIFICALLY to find something to help, then, when you find it, you keep it yourself to avoid what isn't even a minor inconvenience for you by that point, and Austin dies...... Yeah, It would seem perfectly reasonable for the SS to become persona non grata at the vault..... I just take great pains NOT to get infected. Grenades are wonderful for stirring up molerats. :D
  18. Now it's time to GO PLAY!!!! :D Have fun with it. :D
  19. Did you change your load order right before this started happening? add/remove anything?
  20. It isn't just one of your mods causing the issue. Its an interaction between two, or more... mods that's doing it. So, re-enable your mods a couple at a time, and test. Do NOT disable any of them. Keep enabling more of them until it stops working. Then, disable the last set ONE at a time, until it works again. That will tell you which mod is part of the conflict.
  21. Well of course, it can't possibly be THEIR fault. :)
  22. Which part? I can hit FO4 Nexus without issue.
  23. If you use a mod manager, purge all of your mods first, uninstall the game, then nuke all the game folders. Installation folder, folder in My Games, and also the folder in app data. (that one is a hidden folder, so, need to enable showing those.) Restart your system, then reinstall the game. Play thru the opening sequence to the point you get out of the vault, and make sure you can still move, before doing anything else.
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