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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I used to work at the Staples here in town..... When I started, there were generally three of us on the floor, to run the tech counter, and help customers on the floor. As time went by, we first got reduced to two workers.... then down to one.... One person to handle the phone, the customers, stocking, and the tech work.... even during our busiest times of day. Then, they decided to start selling cell phones as well.... and the demo for how to set someone up took almost an hour. I made the mistake of asking "What are we supposed to do with all the other customers while we dink with setting up a phone for an hour?" I was taken to task for 'not being a team player'...... I left shortly thereafter. I had the advantage of not actually NEEDING to have a job though.... I was medically retired, and went to work part time simply because I was bored. (and my wife told me to. :) ) So, just walking out one day, didn't really cause me any issues. I suspect you don't have that advantage...... I NEVER want to work in retail, in a corporate environment, ever again. The outright stupidity of management beyond the store level was just astounding.
  2. Darn. That is going to be impossible to find....... Hhhhmmmm.......
  3. Yeah, they have to be in the correct folders under the Data folder for the game to have a clue. Don't know about he sanctuary stuff.
  4. Try updating your video drivers first, if that doesn't help, run the repair tool on the various .net installations on your machine.
  5. The ones listed in the tags up above. Missed that. :) I tend to ignore tags. (in case you didn't notice. :) )
  6. Download, and install Vortex. The archive (.rar, or .7z, or .zip etc, has to be extracted, and fora fair few mods, that is a non-trivial procedure....) There is an option to add mod from file in vortex, point it at where the archive is, and vortex will handle the hard work. Be sure to 'deploy' the mod before starting the game though. :D
  7. Try editing the ini directly. Or, use the Skyrim SE configuration tool. Could also try borderless windowed mod, in full screen..... Or some such. :D
  8. Would going out to third person help? (I don't play third person, ever, so, I just don't know....) I think the mousewheel trick would be great...... having to 'guess' where my 'nade is gonna go, is annoying. Also, I don't seem to get a grenade arc at all in interior cells... Is that something in my game screwing up? Or, is that vanilla behavior?
  9. Most of the targeting HUD mods I have seen, simply give you the ability to pt the effect on eyewear..... Generally at the armor workbench.
  10. Use a mod manager. Vortex is quite friendly to new users. :) Makes your life much easier.
  11. Well, the radiant quests can be repeatable.... so, probably not going to be able to avoid those. You might find a save-game with the mainquest complete though.
  12. Check in your pipboy to see what workshops you have. I don't know if they actually show up if you never activate them though..... But, doing the quests for the settlements, tends to have them align with you, whether you want them or not. And of course, settlers in FO4 are notoriously incapable of doing ANYTHING for themselves...... I am impressed they can actually feed themselves without someone holding the spoon for them.....
  13. Nope. Not legit. In fact, that is rather illegal, in so many ways. Maybe send a link to the site to the good folks at Bethesda/Microsoft. :)
  14. Hoping you meant F4SE...... :D Post your load list?
  15. What? No blue screens of death? :ermm: Not very realistic. Only when you plug in a USB device. :D
  16. What's AMAW? Fawkes? Fleshsmith? Are you familiar with FO4Edit?? Wouldn't hurt to open up your load list in that, and see what mods are affecting legendaries..... I am not really seeing anything there that might be the cause. Also found this: Q: I'm getting CTDs when picking up legendary weapons/armor and other items that trigger a featured item popup? Spoiler: ShowA: That featured item popup has always been buggy for some people since launch. I believe the issue is caused by a scaleform memory overload. What works for me to not have this issue is using DEF UI, then using the current VIS-G Item Sorting using only files from that, making sure it overwrites all file conflicts from DEF UI and HUD Framework. With that setup I'm not getting CTDs from featured item popups. That works for most people. For those that don't there are steps you can take to purge usage of the featureditem keyword from your game. VIS-G Legendary modifications v1.2 removes the featureditem keyword from weapon and armor legendaries, which will remove the most common source of featureditem popups. This would be a good option for people that only get the featureditem popup CTDs occasionally. For people that still get them consistently from other items the next step would be purging the usage of the featureditem keyword from other records in all their plugins.
  17. Post your load list. That sounds more like a mod conflict, than anything else.
  18. That's EEevvilllll. (can I borrow that idea? :) ) I live out in the sticks, I don't think I have locked my door in ten years...... :D Ok, maybe for a couple days, after the folks escaped from prison, and were reported in the area..... (kept my guns loaded, and handy as well.)
  19. For most items, If I can have it, I think NPC's should be able to have it as well. :D For items that spawn, injection is the way to go. Even more so for mods that add things to the build menu. (FO4)
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