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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. *snicker* Yeah. There ya go. Personal attacks, and ad hominem attacks. That's wonderful. Very good. Welcome to my ignore list. You simply aren't worth the time or effort to respond to. Bye Bye troll.
  2. I saw this in Fallout 4 with one specific item. Turns out, it had a script on it that would run when it was added to/removed from the players inventory..... The more of them there were, the longer a transfer would take, grab more than 500 of 'em, and the game would just lock up, and you were done..... See if you can isolate it to specific items, then check and see if those items are scripted.....
  3. Yeah, there will be a couple folders both installations will want to use. My Games, and also, a folder in App Data, where the plugins.txt file resides. So, without some hoop jumping when switching between the two installs, they will have to run the same mods.... which makes having two installs kinda pointless. If you want to have more than one load list.... A mod manager that supports Profiles would be a better solution.
  4. Russia isn't spanking anyone. They are getting their arse handed to them by the Ukrainians. You are spewing nothing but propaganda, and I notice that ALL of your posts on this site are in this thread. It appears you joined specifically to post in this thread, and spread your nonsense. No clue what you hope to accomplish, but, if you think you are going to convince anyone that Russia is either 'in the right', or 'justified' in their invasion of a sovereign nation. you are dreaming. There are too many other information sources out there, that all say pretty much the same thing, and it bears no resemblance at all to the pap you are trying to push. So, take your propaganda/misinformation elsewhere.
  5. What I find amusing is, Abernathy farm is the closest, and I don' think I have EVER gotten a quest from preston to go there..... :D But yeah, going to the other side of the map, and then trying to take on the Forged at low levels??? That's insane. Especially considering the population of Gunners nearby as well.....
  6. I keep forgetting to try this when I am playing...... :D I was actually thinking about it today, while I was AT Sanctuary, where I dump all my stuff this playthrough.... but STILL managed to forget..... Maybe I need more coffee....
  7. Wow, the Russian trollskys have even made it to Nexus??? I am impressed. That is sinking pretty farking low. So, let me tell ya what it is, like it is. Putin invaded Ukraine to 'de-nazify' it, supposedly. Considering Zelenski is Jewish, that was the obvious first (of many) lies. His initial intention was to take ALL of Ukraine, he flatly stated that. He also said it would be over in a week. Well, here we are 9 months later, and not only is Ukraine NOT under Russian control, the Ukraine army has pushed the INVADERS back to almost the original starting lines. Russia is getting spanked, they had to call up 300,000 more men, that they couldn't even supply properly. They are getting soviet-era equipment, and a lot of it, they have to pay for themselves. No. It can't go on forever. Russia is going to run out of ammo, and vehicles, and in the not to distant future. They keep doing stupid stuff like blowing up dams, and they will get a taste of what an ACTUAL NATO attack looks like. Right now, its just the Ukrainian army, and volunteers from just about everywhere. If NATO gets involved, two possible results. The war is over in a few days, with Russia getting spanked like a red-headed step-child, or, Russia launches a nuke, and the whole world goes up in flames.
  8. Is the Cait mod loading after your Unique NPC's?
  9. I turned it off completely. I don't wanna be the glow in the dark person. :)
  10. Won't that eliminate ANYTHING respawning though?
  11. I think it's gonna be a long time before anyone trusts Russia again, regardless of what happens to Putin.....
  12. What disturbs me the most, is that the 'settlers' don't seem to be able to do anything at all for themselves..... Can't build houses, can't plant crops, but, they CAN tend crops that YOU plant...... How in the world did the human race survive without you there to hold their hand?? I can see the player wanting to build his OWN house, but, building one for every tom, dick, and larry that comes along??? Nope. You want to sleep indoors, BUILD IT YOURSELF!
  13. But, you can go to most any red rocket station, and pick up a map. :D
  14. Would it be possible to have any 'extra' beds in the settlement rentable?? Say you have six settlers, and 10 beds..... a chance for each of the four beds to be rented out?
  15. Don't underestimate Intel. :) They have been doing video chips for decades, just, nothing really performance oriented. Not like they are completely new to the game. Should be interesting. :D
  16. Well, if they are being carried by a supermutant suicider, they explode if you shoot them...... So, I would suspect that yes, if they are in close enough proximity, that setting off one, would set of the rest as well. Hhhmmm.... Maybe I will experiment with that later today. :) I have a selection of mininukes..... maybe I'll find a convenient bridge somewhere, and see if I can daisy-chain them. :D
  17. Don't get me started on tax laws...... :) Here in the US, the rich folks can deduct the maintenance costs of their private yacht, jet, plane, whathaveyou..... Can I deduct the cost of maintenance on my car? Nope. And that's just one example of some of the outright stupidity in our government.
  18. If its a DX11 issue, then upgrading the proc likely isn't going to help much.....
  19. Trump is a plague on the Republican party. If he runs in 24, he will essentially be handing the election to the dem candidate, regardless of who it is. (I think even Hilary could win this time around.....) He wasn't too bad in his first term, though, toward the end, he really went off the deep end..... His staff should have kept him off social media. He doesn't play well there. (or anywhere else for that matter) Putting him back in office would be the biggest mistake the american people could make..... I would like to think most of the population is aware of that..... but..... it's that whole 'box of rocks' thing. :D At this point, it is my firm belief that NEITHER party really has the best interests of the US at heart. They are more interested in pushing their agenda, than doing the business of moving the country forward. We have become far too divided, and I really don't see that changing any time soon. I think what we really need is a complete reset. Boot ALL of them out, and start fresh...... A lot needs to change, but, as it stands, nothing is going to, as the only folks that can actually implement those changes, have a vested interest in NOT changing them.
  20. Walden Pond? :) Isn't that just a reflection from the light source?? The other guy doesn't seem to be glowing.....
  21. I doubt that its the monitor. Wonder if you have some asset that is not unloading properly..... Though that's a pretty long reach. Running any ENB's, or ReShades??
  22. Beth strictly forbids use of assets from one game, in another game. Even if they are both Beth games...... I don't think where you source the clips from is really relevant. If they are game assets..... Beth likely doesn't want you using them in a different game.
  23. Not really a fan of Adam, but, 50 first dates was pretty entertaining as well. :)
  24. i'm not sure if the problem of some people (with too much power) is the iq. i think it is more the way they are socialized with the recklessness they show and they need to gain and secure their power, no matter what happens around. putin and trump are prototypes of such people, both in their own way. both extremely egoistic, narcissistic. it is simply a danger and a huge risk to give such people power. and if they gained power they are simply unable to give it away. that makes them so extremely dangerous and unpredictable. they support at first their ego, a chosen circle around them and a "fan base" (as long as needed), regardless of what they tell (mostly covered as alternative facts or censored reality). extreme arrogance and hate combined with unhealthy egoism and selfoverestimation is their obvious problem. a high iq makes things even worse. the whole world is witness of this act and how a few reckless people rudely gain power to rule the world instead of being the first servants of their countries while the whole world let them do this with the the well known consequences. empathy has no place in this world for these people. What other kinds of people compete for positions of power? ALL of our politicians reflect those qualities to some extent or other. And the folks that buy and sell them are even worse. Elon Musk being a prime example.
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