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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I loved Blazing Saddles. :) Gotta love a good Mel Brooks movie.
  2. HeyYou


    :laugh: I think too many of us can relate to THAT one, Lisn! Hey! That sparked a thought! Maybe that's why old men like to grow beards! To hide that they can't shave off their ear hairs!! :laugh: Scythe - That is really, really awesome about the Santa suit. Way to bring in your local community! Skagens - agreed, it's a preference. Totally. I trim my goat up when it starts getting unruly. Tho, the 'stache gets hit a LOT more often. Don't like that tickle on my lip! I didn't have to shave at all, until I joined the Air Force, and they made me shave every day...... before that, my 'beard' didn't grow at all. I am blond, with rather fine hair.... (at least, it was back then....) but even today, my beard grows in rather patchy. I don't really care, as I don't generally interact with the public at work, and those that I do, are well aware that I am at least a little 'eccentric'..... :D But, I am VERY good at what I do, so they love me anyway. :D HeyYou! Didn't I see you post once that you are one of the people who is enjoying every minute of your insanity? Or was that Lisn? My present beard is over a foot in length down from my chin. It's a thick bristle type and easy to get dirty, gathers dust like a magnet, and is a good place to hide small foil covered snacks under. My self... After saying that; I don't suffer from Insanity, I am enjoying every minute of it I do the music from LOVIN EVERY MINUTE OF IT. That's my way of doing it. I love my insanity. Normal people are boring. :smile: So now you are an eccentric and confused a bit. Eccentric is usually the word used by the upper, upper class rich people to explain their relatives repeated strange behavior! Insanity may be a bit more extreme than you may be handling? Do you go mad a lot? I got mad this afternoon because the place where they replaced my vehicles Solenoid managed to remove a vacuum hose that gives the vehicle it's automatic idle control so it runs around 1500 RPMs when it's cold than settles down to about 700 RPM when it is warmed up. I wanted to find the person who removed the vacuum hose and give them a piece of my knuckles. Just so you know how mad I was I shouted out loud, "I did all the work on the vehicle my self and restored it. Whoever pulled that hose off wasn't even likely born yet when I was doing all the mechanical work restoring that vehicle. I would enjoy socking that person on the chin knocking them senseless for a moment. Just to see if they and their co-workers would retaliate. I've had to work with lowlife scum like them all my childhood. Bums, ne'er do wells, and most of the time they can't get any smarter than a 7 year old in academics." What was happening in my case that's called Insanity! I was being irrational, but not foolish! So I am not 100% Insane. LOL Do you HeyYou get mad a lot, or are you just having colorful thoughts? Takes a fair bit to really tick me off. Like, going to the shop to pick up my supposedly 'repaired' truck, and it doesn't start...... I was more than ready to rip off some heads. :D But I didn't.
  3. HeyYou


    :laugh: I think too many of us can relate to THAT one, Lisn! Hey! That sparked a thought! Maybe that's why old men like to grow beards! To hide that they can't shave off their ear hairs!! :laugh: Scythe - That is really, really awesome about the Santa suit. Way to bring in your local community! Skagens - agreed, it's a preference. Totally. I trim my goat up when it starts getting unruly. Tho, the 'stache gets hit a LOT more often. Don't like that tickle on my lip! I didn't have to shave at all, until I joined the Air Force, and they made me shave every day...... before that, my 'beard' didn't grow at all. I am blond, with rather fine hair.... (at least, it was back then....) but even today, my beard grows in rather patchy. I don't really care, as I don't generally interact with the public at work, and those that I do, are well aware that I am at least a little 'eccentric'..... :D But, I am VERY good at what I do, so they love me anyway. :D HeyYou! Didn't I see you post once that you are one of the people who is enjoying every minute of your insanity? Or was that Lisn? My present beard is over a foot in length down from my chin. It's a thick bristle type and easy to get dirty, gathers dust like a magnet, and is a good place to hide small foil covered snacks under. My self... After saying that; I don't suffer from Insanity, I am enjoying every minute of it I do the music from LOVIN EVERY MINUTE OF IT. That's my way of doing it. I love my insanity. Normal people are boring. :)
  4. Bash should be able to find any leveled lists added by mods. Of course, it won't be able to do anything with the script injected fellers......
  5. Morrowind. :) Friend gave me the game, the dwemer puzzlebox got me onto the Beth forums, and there, I learned about MODS!!!!! I was hooked. :D
  6. HeyYou


    :laugh: I think too many of us can relate to THAT one, Lisn! Hey! That sparked a thought! Maybe that's why old men like to grow beards! To hide that they can't shave off their ear hairs!! :laugh: Scythe - That is really, really awesome about the Santa suit. Way to bring in your local community! Skagens - agreed, it's a preference. Totally. I trim my goat up when it starts getting unruly. Tho, the 'stache gets hit a LOT more often. Don't like that tickle on my lip! I didn't have to shave at all, until I joined the Air Force, and they made me shave every day...... before that, my 'beard' didn't grow at all. I am blond, with rather fine hair.... (at least, it was back then....) but even today, my beard grows in rather patchy. I don't really care, as I don't generally interact with the public at work, and those that I do, are well aware that I am at least a little 'eccentric'..... :D But, I am VERY good at what I do, so they love me anyway. :D
  7. HeyYou


    I'm just lazy. I shave one every couple months, whether I need it or not. When it starts getting annoying, off it goes. :D
  8. What error are you getting when you try and compile the script?
  9. Installation issues. Are you installing manually? Or using a mod manager? (I highly recommend using a mod manager.)
  10. I don't see the DLC available for VR...... and the patch assumes you have all of it, so, essentially, I don't think you can use the unofficial patch.
  11. This is the first I have heard of this particular 'feature'...... Never experienced it myself... and I have scrapped some crops in various settlements......
  12. I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go. Always nice to see an optimist here. :smile: I have a bit darker view of the future. We are going to do ourselves in, either via war, or, we will 'roman empire' ourselves into obscurity. We are headed in the latter direction fairly quickly. if you throw morals out the window then they are not really at the core of people, I would like to think we can be as good as movie hero characters. But as others have said here we are flawed and stupid and will do what we can to get a leg up. I get you can debate what is good or bad. but the fact we even have to have laws to stop people killing each other that is enforced by whoever has the biggest stick just makes us there smartest animals on earth that have learned to cage ourselves to our benefit. Laws don't prevent anything. They simply codify behavior that is NOT acceptable, and provide a framework for 'punishing' the folks that violate those laws. Sure, most folks won't break the law, as they don't want to deal with the consequences, however, there will always be those out there that simply don't care, or feel that the law shouldn't apply to them. Thus, they are deemed 'bad' people. :)
  13. Fortunately, my "roomie" is usually pretty easy to get along with. She can be rather OCD at times, and that HAS led to some stellar arguments.... she will fixate on something, and pester me about it ENDLESSLY, even after I request MANY times that she just drop it. (and it's something stupid, like, am I going to take a shower tonight.....) Even when I point out to her, exactly what she is doing.... a few minutes later, she is right back at it. That has led me to blowing my stack more than once.... something I REALLY don't like doing, but, it seems to be the ONLY way to get her to stop. We've been together 18 years though. :) So, it's all good. :D
  14. I remember that movie, but it's been a while since I last saw it. I suppose when it's an "end-of-the-world" scenario then morals, ethics and principles all go out the window, and it's all about survival. Thankfully though I don't think we as a civilization will ever experience something close to world ending, but it's interesting even with events going on around the world the lengths some people are willing to go. Always nice to see an optimist here. :) I have a bit darker view of the future. We are going to do ourselves in, either via war, or, we will 'roman empire' ourselves into obscurity. We are headed in the latter direction fairly quickly.
  15. can also look for uninstall.msi..... Revo Uninstaller portable might be able to nuke it for you. Use Hunter mode....
  16. Also, only use ONE mod manager. :) Otherwise, you can get yourself in trouble. :D
  17. Granted, it is indeed Robins right to host, or not... whatever he wants. I just don't see a gaming site as an appropriate place to make a political statement. As I see it, that's all it is.But a gaming site is what Robin owns. If he owned a political site then his rules would be enforced there. If he owned a "funny pictures of dogs" site then it would be the same. If this was a political site, than yeah, it would make perfect sense. However.... it's not. At least, it wasn't..... That, and... silencing a segment of the community is 'promoting inclusivity, and diversity'?? Really? Seems to me, it's quite the opposite. It's a modding site, there should be room here for opposing opinions.
  18. Granted, it is indeed Robins right to host, or not... whatever he wants. I just don't see a gaming site as an appropriate place to make a political statement. As I see it, that's all it is.
  19. Or, from Robin's perspective "Don't like it? Don't host it." Considering some of the other stuff that is hosted here, that seems a tad bit hypocritical to me.
  20. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
  21. LOLOL. Tnanks Man. That one just cracked me up this morning. :D
  22. Personally, I don't think denying folks an option to NOT have something in their game, is something to be applauded. It's a mod. Don't like it? Don't use it. Isn't that easy??
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