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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Use the mods that forces the game to skip version checking, and "old" mods become a non-issue.
  2. I had this problem on top of bridges, and such. Even standing on the bridge, the LOD did not unload. There were some ini settings I had to change, but, I can't find that thread now....
  3. If you use a mod manager, it should handle it for you. Basically though, it's just a couple lines in your Fallout4.ini. Have a read here.
  4. You said your toon likes to chill and relax, deadly random encounters ruins that. How does your character whack himself with stimpacks in the middle of random encounters? Why are you playing a toon in a post in a apocalypse? if you have the chance to relax and enjoy your rime in a post apocalypse that would mean high population density would fit exactly. The other toons just managed to survive the way your toon did. We evidently have different philosophies on what an 'open world' game should be... You ever played Fallout 4?
  5. Cambridge Polymer Labs? Do you have the quest? Not that I think you actually have to.... If you walk inside, it should start the quest. It tells you to come back later though? That's gotta be a mod problem.
  6. I don't see mankind going to the stars any time soon..... Nor do I see us leaving behind our bad habits. I expect that all we will do is expand the scope of our wars, and find other planets to spoil. That is, IF we survive long enough to make it that far. At this point, I am not holding my breath..... Of course, there is also the real possibility that the development of a workable FTL drive, something that makes exploring other stars practical.... Might just bring the world population together..... Agree. That would change things significantly and then everyone can go their merry separate ways and find something else to do rather than fighting petty wars for dominance over one tiny planet. It would be such a travesty for us to arbitrarily obliterate ourselves near the dawn of exploration and discovery the likes of which we have never known. I grew up on Start Trek, Star Wars, etc. and I was hoping and praying we would have some sort of breakthrough on an FTL drive. I wanted to go out, and explore the stars, even if we were the only ones around for a ways. :D Bit old for that kind of adventure now, unfortunately. :D
  7. Are you logged in to the download site? (I do believe that is separate from the forums, though it does use the same username/password.)
  8. I don't see mankind going to the stars any time soon..... Nor do I see us leaving behind our bad habits. I expect that all we will do is expand the scope of our wars, and find other planets to spoil. That is, IF we survive long enough to make it that far. At this point, I am not holding my breath..... Of course, there is also the real possibility that the development of a workable FTL drive, something that makes exploring other stars practical.... Might just bring the world population together.....
  9. Use a good mod manager. Vortex seems to work quite well, especially for those not familiar with modding beth games.
  10. Might try simply staying out of that area for whatever your respawn timer is set to..... Might just be a bad spawn.
  11. Who is to say the chest didn't belong to one of the skeletons, still in the Vault? :)
  12. Both of those are Arthmoor's mods, and he is pretty good about keeping them updated, and fixing bugs. If he hasn't touched them for a while, that simply means he hasn't had to, as they still work perfectly fine. Same goes for a LOT of the 'older' mods. Still work, no new bugs, so, no need to update. As for collections though, no clue on that score. :)
  13. The ONLY place you can get mods for xbox, is from the Bethesda site.
  14. I had this problem around goodneighbor... in the end, I had to start a new game, as nothing I did fixed it. On the new game, I ran the exact same load order, with zero issues.....
  15. Now that gas has gotten stupid expensive.... I only drive when I absolutely have to..... So, more often than not, my truck just sits.....
  16. You need to post in the Site Issues forum.
  17. That could be done in the middle of a town, hubworld or a dungeon, or near friendly NPCs. Why do you need empty swaths of flat map for that? Because due to some of the mods I run, random encounters can be deadly. But, I like it that way. Besides, its a post apocalyptic wasteland (Fallout 4) High population density doesn't fit.
  18. Did you ever try the pause button? or turning the game off? Then you would be able to kick back and relax much better. My toon needs to kick back and relax. Whack himself with some stimpacks, maybe have a beer..... Hitting pause, or, shutting down the game, doesn't help him.
  19. Running any mods that change menus?
  20. :) Companions, and AOE weapons, are a REALLY bad combination.
  21. Link to the mod? Or the modders profile?
  22. I severely dislike companions. They are utterly useless for my playstyle. The are either in the way, giving away my position, or rushing into combat, when I have a good snipers nest. I avoid them like the plague. I only use them when I am forced to. I dismiss them as soon as possible. They suck. They are terrible. They are more of a hindrance than a help. If I could complete quests without them, I would. Just tell me what ya want done, where I have to go to accomplish it, and keep your unhelpful idiot away from me. I am MUCH more effective by myself.
  23. Whats the point of modding then? The point of mods is to transform the negative experience of the game to a better more playable one. I suppose it's possible, but, why would you want to? Most modders ADD things to the world, not take things away. It is an open world game after all..... Open worlds have empty spaces between useful gameplay features. Empty spaces that dont serve any purpose to progress and gameplay. What I want to reduce is time wasted doing nothing. Its actually a 'skip cutscene mod'. I like some of those open spaces.... gives me a place to kick back and recover from the last firefight..... I don't want to be constantly engaged by hostiles, or even friendly NPC's....
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