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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. What I think would be best is:

    If you can't reach the author after trying for a long time, contact a moderator, who will grant you "Temporary Permission" until the author of the original mod comes back?


    That is, if there's either a Permission Statement telling you to contact the author for permission, and no mention of what happens if you can't reach the author or no Permission Statement at all. - If neither of these are true, and the author has written that no one will get permission to use the content, or Requires Permission - If no contact can be made with the author, Permission is not granted.

  2. i like and dislike the policy, the game is in dire need of mods, if the author of the F3 mod doesnt respond or is no longer playing/active, then what? someone make the same mod only to be accused of stealing?


    Making the same kind of mod is allowed, and is not stealing at all, so that is what will have to be done about such mods. It's really not a problem at all - You can use the original mod as a reference, and make a mod that is similar, but not a copy. :)

  3. Well, this is all mods made for Warband (Excluding private ones and unfinished ones): Warband Mod List


    Based on that, I don't think it's necessary with a Nexus site for it.

    But as you said, Push, more people would probably start modding MBW if a Nexus was made for it, but there's only one way to find out - and that is up to Robin to decide if he thinks it's worth a shot.

  4. Mount & Blade modding is absolutely not user-friendly compared to Oblivion, Fallout 3 or Dragon Age! It's all made in Python, and consists mostly of text-editing actually.

    More mods can be used at the same time, but only a few. Some mods on the other hand, have to be used alone.


    So I don't think another site is needed for M&B, as Taleworlds own site is good enough for that scale. :)

  5. I can't say I agree with you on that one Marcurios.


    There are just a few people fighting (Against a Moderator even - Lost Case^^), so saying that everyone is fighting is a little overreacting, though I understand what you mean. :)


    And as for moderators replying to Email/PM? I've sent a lot of PMs to moderators, and I've always received an answer... May be good luck though. :P

  6. I am not getting any "Reported Site" page, nor have I received a Virus.


    I use AVG, and it always gives me a warning and instantly cleans the Virus on my Say-So, so if anyone needs a AV, and are uncertain what to choose, I recommend AVG. :)

  7. I think what he means is to extend it to other features on the sites as well, so that when you endorse a file, it won't open a new window either, but instead use this new feature, and also when commenting on articles and such.
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