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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Was actually just about to suggest to allow users to make suggestions to required files! :)


    As for the mods not present here, there's two ways to add required files - either by picking from a list of mods from the Nexus, or by inserting a link. (And the latter is used for OBSE and such. :) )


    + 1 for the Conflicts - also here people should be able to suggest mods.

  2. NAPALM, that is exactly what the "Lore-Friendly" tag is for. Choose that tag and weapons, and you will find only lore-friendly weapons.

    Although, this requires people to tag files that are lore-friendly as lore friendly, so you won't find EVERY lore-friendly weapon mod using that system at the moment. (here's hoping that people have gotten used to the tag system when Skyrim arrives, so most, if not all mods will be tagged. )


    And what is really Lore-Friendly Weapons? - To me, that would be any weapon that is possible to have in The Elder Scrolls, and which doesn't look too off. This is a very subjective opinion, and I don't know of any true guideline as to what a Lore-Friendly Weapon is, so I got with my opinion. And others may go with another opinion, and therefore, Weapons tagged as Lore-Friendly, may not be lore-friendly to you.

  3. Remember that this isn't Scandinavia, it's Skyrim.

    And based on history, Skyrim is a very wealthy province (This may have changed in the 200 years that have passed, but I doubt it has changed too much.), so using spears because of affordability may not be true to Skyrim. But you have good ideas. :)


    But I am hoping and believing that we'll see the return of Trollbone and Nordic styles of both Weapons and armor, as this is the Nords styles, among others. :)

  4. It's not +10 damage, it's 10x damage... (If you deal 10 damage normally, you'll deal 100 damage...), so basically, it's a instant-kill bonus. :)


    Water breating, infiltrating, sneaking, dagger wielding Argonian assassin; helveta! :thumbsup:


    Bearded, brutal, ruthless, war-axe wielding Nord barbarian! :thumbsup:

  5. I don't deny that. Some kind of unarmed combat will be in the game, because it has to be in the game. I just think it shouldn't be a skill, and shouldn't be comparable to swordfighting etc. in terms of damage.

    Of course you will be able to do some kind of unarmed combat for situations like those you described, but I think anything more than a standard punch-block system would be a waste of resources.


    Okay, just from your first post it seemed you found unarmed Combat in General unrealistic (You actually stated that in the first post) but I understand what you mean. Unarmed should never take more damage than swordfighting. But unarmed combat should still be interesting to use I think. Maybe have one special knock-out skill for it, but as you said, not too much. :)

  6. Yep, that's because most people out there don't own swords or at least don't like carrying them around all day. That again is because we have guns and very little chance of dragon assaults.


    And how does that make it unrealistic to be able to fight with your hands in TES?? That does not make sense.


    From my last post: "Think of this situation: You are fighting against a guy, and your sword breaks, leaving you with no weapon whatsoever. What do you do? You don't just stand there looking at they guy because, well, you don't have any weapon... No, you start hitting the guy with your hands!"


    Another situation is also when you are trying to just knock someone out, without killing them or hurting them too much. You wouldn't use your shield or your mace, as that may kill them or seriously injure them - no, you use your hands...


    Another situation, much like the above: A bar brawl. You fight with your hands, you don't use your bad-ass war-axe of doom...

  7. ...Being able to sneak up on a person and kill him would be nice, but properly make sneak a bit overpowered, with the use of chameleon...

    This is confirmed to be part of the game - currently, sneaking up behind a character and attacking with your dagger deals 10x normal damage (This may be changed later on.) :)


    But beating up a dragon with your bare hands... You are not Chuck Norris!

    What if he is? :blink:


    It's necessary for the peoPle who want to role play an unarmed hero........…

    And if I want to play as a cow, a cow race is necessary for me.

    Wait, it's not. It's desirable, but not necessary.

    Well, the difference between wanting to be a cow and wanting to have unarmed in the game is that unarmed is a natural part of combat, being a cow is not natural for human beings...

    Think of this situation: You are fighting against a guy, and your sword breaks, leaving you with no weapon whatsoever. What do you do? You don't just stand there looking at they guy because, well, you don't have any weapon... No, you start hitting the guy with your hands!


    ...I find unarmed combat rather unnecessary and unrealistic anyway.

    Unarmed combat is unrealistic? WHOA! You should really get out some times.. Not healthy to sit in front of the computer all day... Unarmed Combat is used EVERY day, EVERY hour, in real life...

    So, stating that unarmed combat is unrealistic is just stupid... (Not saying you're stupid, just the statement. :wink:)

  8. Well, that doesn't really matter to me - they're only based on Vikings, they're not actual Vikings...


    I think Bethesda should take their freedom to add horned helmets, so that they stand out a little..

  9. ah, you beat me to it! :P


    Looking really good ! Recommend everyone to watch it! :D


    It seems that every Race has their own unique set of Armor, which on it's own means 10 sets of armor (Isn't even that more than in Oblivion?? :P) + the regular armor, and they have even added special Bandit armor! This will be a game of diversity, people! :D (Look at that Elven armor! It makes me drool!!! ;D )


    And to all the "Evil-Players" out there, look at the art of the man holding a badass axe and a head in his other hand! :devil:

  10. Yeah, some new ones would be amazing!

    Considering there was NO new weapon type in Oblivion, it's about damn time! :P



    But what I think, now that I mentioned Oblivion, is that Cyrodiil is a rather normal province, much like Roman in history, so they didn't do anything special for that like Morrowind's mushrooms and such, but Skyrim is something special again, and now we will see some really unique locations, items, characters and such! :)


    EDIT: And my theory was JUST confirmed by Matt Carofano over at Bethesda! :P

  11. What I want of Weapon Types is:

    Chitin, Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Orcish, Nordic, Dreugh(clubs), Bonemold(Bows), Imperial, Wooden(Staff) - So basically, Morrowind Style :P

  12. There's some more information about them:


    The Sword Perk increases your chances of landing a critical Strike.

    The Mace Perk lets you ignore enemy armor, thus increasing the damage you deal.

    The Axe(!) Perk makes the enemy bleed, causing damage over time.


    (!) This confirms the differentiation between Weapons. Hopefully we'll see Weapon Types like Mace, Sword, Axe, Dagger, bow - and to go even further - spear, thrown, staff ? :P

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