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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. A definite "NO!" to your petition from me!


    Your petition seems like a "Down with the Nexus!", as if there are no ads, there won't be any income to finance the site, and we will all have to pack up and leave. And where would we go? Planet Elder Scrolls...? God no...

    And you want pop-ups/unders instead? Where have you been the last months?! Pop-ups and pop-unders were complained about by many more than who complains about the video ad! This is why video ads are here at all, because people couldn't stand the pop-ups/unders!


    £80.000 ($128,000) a year is a lot of money, and I don't think Rob wants to pay that out of his own pocket!

  2. The post on Bethsoft was apparently removed, as they don't want to have any transcripts over there.. :P


    BGSF has a 200 post limit on topics it was maxed out closed and buried. They have no problem with transcripts.


    Read the "Do Not Post..." (The Title implies that they don't allow transcripts at all, but when I read it over again, it seems it's only for the magazines, which makes sense^^)

  3. When I go on a taggin-spree, I usually just click a category in the search form, sort them alphabetical, click all 50 submissions on the first page (premium feature...) and then start the tagging. ^^

    Probably not the best method, but this way, it's easier to know what you've already tagged, and you feel an accomplishment when you have tagged a few pages :P

  4. Kvatch Rebuilt: Underground

    Final BETA

    The Expansion for Kvatch Rebuilt has been a long and tedious project. It has undergone Cancellations, Team-Changes & Slow-Downs! It all started with Ionis, the Team leader of Kvatch Rebuilt, started working on the Expansion alone - he then went to the university, left with very little time for modding, so he handed the project to me. Since then it has been going slow, as I don't have that much time on my hands either. But we made it, after 2 1/2 years!

    The Team behind Kvatch Rebuilt Underground is:

    Ionis: Team Leader & Level Designer

    Zaldir: Script, Level Design & Quest Design

    Warbirddeath: Level Designer

    Arthmoor: Bug Fixing


    The Expansion lets the player explore the undergrounds beneath Kvatch, and discover the mysterious of many a ruin! This is no Hack-n-Slash dungeon Crawl, but contains a few interesting puzzles! A great reward awaits the ones who dare set foot into the caverns beneath Kvatch!



    Requires Shivering Isles!

  5. I think Push simply means that it would be nice if more modders had the responsibility some of us show towards the community. Both he and I are modders, and I agree with him on that.

    But we all know that won't happen, as some modders aren't really connected to the community at all, and are simply posting mods for others to enjoy - That is nice, and I understand that they won't care too much when they're not "part of" the community. And in those cases, it's up to the users to tag the files.

    So, it goes both ways - users should also feel more responsibility to tag files when they download them. :)

  6. (Unless you reach very high level and can choose them all.)

    Pete said on Twitter that - at least for now - the player can have max 50 perks.


    Yeah, that's because there's a "soft-level-cap" at 50. You can level further but it takes forever to do so. :P

  7. Yeah, that is the negative effect of that approach. Every approach has it's negative part, and the developer just have to pick the one they think is best.


    And as for Skyrim, I am glad they are trying new ways, and not sticking to old habits! :)

  8. That doesn't seem straight forward to me at all... So what if a single monster is still alive in the dungeon because I missed him. Will he level up with me, will the dungeon respawn, do I have to clear the dungeon then it's just dead space? Or are they just the single player version of an instance and once you have saved little Johnny from his kidnappers the dungeon is useless to you and there's no reason to go back in?


    Exactly what I mean about "Being more to it". :)

    It's a good way to make the player feel stronger, as the dungeon the player enters is the same as it was the last time, with the bandits being just as weak as before, but now you are stronger, which makes sense as the bandits in there wouldn't become better just because you did. So it does actually add to the feeling of becoming stronger and more powerful.

  9. "Posted 28 June 2010 - 06:52 PM


    I don't really understand it either. Never have figured out why violence is fine' date=' but a bit of skin isn't. What a silly, twisted world we live in.[/quote']



    I guess I better be careful. Just about all of my mods have at least partial nudity.


    This rule got nothing to do with Mods, only images posted in the Image Share Section.

    Mods can still contain full nudity. :)

  10. With the whole thing about perks, it makes all the skills all but meaningless to me now. I maybe understanding this wrong, but . . . If you have skills, then you have a branch of perk in that skill that implements the "skills" we know of, i.e. blunt and blade under one or two handed, the perks allow us to "specialize" in a "skill" so to speak. The problem is, if I recall, you can choose any perk from a branch you like even if you do not use that skill - I choose jumping higher perk over my constantly used blade having a damage increase perk. Of course I expect there is going to be a level system for the perks, can't get one unless you have this other one.


    With all that said, the perks allow you to customize and individualize your skills without even having skills or paying attention to your skills!?!


    p.s. I'm tired so don't bash to hard! :biggrin:


    The difference is mostly that skills are required to level up, (i.e, you'll need 10 skill level-ups to gain a level.) whereas Perks are chosen when you level up.

    Also, skills can all be maximized with no limitation, whereas when choosing Perks, you will have to choose one over the other. (Unless you reach very high level and can choose them all.)



    "dungeons will be locked on their level once you have been there" I think that means that once you have explored a dungeon it won't level up anymore

    Yeah, it seems quite straight forward, but I still want to be a little cautious towards that, as it may mean something more as well.


    Also, could you please remove that long quote you made? It kind of fills the whole page.^^

  11. Zaldiir, wasn't it pretty much confirmed in GI's podcast interview with Todd Howard that there would be a one-handed and a two-handed skill? So Blunt and Blade would therefore no longer exist. Instead, there'd be separate perk branches for swords, axes, maces, and whatever else.


    Yes, this was confirmed. But it's still the same amount of skills for weapons (Two-Handed & One-Handed vs. Blunt & Blade).

    I must have forgotten to add that to the info post though. I'll do it right away. :)

  12. When someone tag something, you can disagree, and it will be removed.


    Though, this is not the case with confirmed tags, and the author can simply give a mod every tag, and have it come up in every search, and no one can do anything about it but to report it.


    So, as Grumpf_be said, adding a function that allows disagreeing with confirmed tags by having 3 people disagree would be a logical and good feature.

  13. Is there any way to get a percentage of the Oblivion & Morrowind mods separately?


    130 Files tagged today on TESNexus. Will continue tomorrow. :D

    (if we get 120 people to do this one day, TESNexus will be fully tagged^^)

  14. I go on a tagging-spree many times each week! :)


    I'm currently focusing on Morrowind mods, so that we can finish tagging that first, as it's quite a lot fewer mods for that. Then i'll move back to Oblivion, and try to tag as many files as possible.

    And like Push, I don't do this for the AP (Though, it is a plus) - I do it for the community! :D

  15. So, 4 skills are removed, and there seems to be a lot of speculation around which skills these are.. (For those who wonders why I said 4 and not 3; 21-18+1(Enchant) = 4)

    Which skills do you think have been removed?


    My bet would be Mysticism(confirmed), Athletics, Acrobatics & Mercantile(Merged into Speechcraft). I think Perks will be used for higher/longer jumps and faster movement speed instead of skills.

  16. I wouldn't say the first. There was Icewind dale series at least off the top of my head which was an rpg completely set in a frozen northern mountain setting with Scandinavian styled warriors.


    Well, that were an top down action rpg, like sacred or diablo, i was thinking more along the lines of 3rd/1st person, with an exclusive northern setting. which this would be the first.


    And yes i know that the gothic games did this x) said so in my post. gothic 3 nordmar <3


    Your post contradict itself...

    You say you think Skyrim will be the first, yet you know Gothic 3 already did this^^

    EDIT: Nevermind, didn't read the "Exclusive" part. :P

  17. In The Infernal City:


    Prince Attrebus Mede and Sul meets with a group of Khajiits, and they are riding on mounts. It seems these mounts are also Khajiits, but another type. (If I remember correctly, they can even talk.


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