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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. "New" is not right though - that article has been on GameInformer for a while now.. :P


    I've added some things from the new Article about Combat from GameInformer, but still have some left to add. I recommend everyone to read the article, it was very informative! :)

  2. 500 or 501 posts under your avatar opens up the option in your forum settings.


    Yup, 501. :thumbsup: (Says the one who couldn''t figure out where the field was on the Profile page until after hitting 600!)


    So it's not just opening doors in Amnesia that you struggle with? :teehee:



    Poor Thandal... You're never gonna give up on that one, are you Rob? :P

  3. I got a computer that will run this game quite well (You can see my specs in my profile), but I think I will be buying some new stuff a little before Skyrim arrives. (Motherboard, RAM and CPU will be changed.)
  4. nono, M'aiq has a special place in TES, and that is not to be annoying, but to tell tales, and possibly spoil something for the next game or say something of the previous games.


    The Adoring Fan, Fargoth and Gaenor has another special place in TES, and that is simply being... annoying, and we will see one of those in Skyrim as well, I am certain of it! :)

  5. If an article on the Wiki has already been made, but you add a lot to it, does that count, or only new ones?


    I'm more focused on the Millionth Member Compo, but would be nice to be in for the Wiki Compo as well. :)

    And of course, I forgot the 18 years old requirement... :(

  6. If the quick select system works better than Oblivion's, personally I would prefer Method 2, as it adds a little immersion/realism that you can't just throw a fireball while equipped with a sword in that hand. Since, a spell is created in your hands, and then you need free hands to actually create the spell at all. :)
  7. Is the policy to ban people who ask whether this is legal? Or only those who give some evidence that they have done it?



    "People are now getting banned for breaking this rule as they've had ample warning. "


    Asking if it's legal is not breaking the rules, though asking how to do such things is a no-go... :)

  8. Yeah, you may be right about that. It would be amazing if they made it like that, where there would be real consequences for not helping characters and such! :)

    And yeah, the Oblivion Main Quest was way too linear!

  9. The GameInformer Skyrim Cover is coming to Europe!! :D (Oh, and Australia :P )

    (Thanks to everyone else who have also bugged GameInformer and Bethsoft on when the cover is coming to Europe!)


    The Cover will be in plenty of magazines, across Europe:


    United Kingdom


    Official Xbox Magazine — on shelves February 10th


    Official PlayStation Magazine — on shelves February 16th




    PlayStation Le Magazine Officiel — on shelves January 28th




    Computer Bild Spiele — on shelves February 2nd




    Power Unlimited — on shelves January 27th




    Micromania — on shelves January 27th




    Giochi per Il Mio Computer — on shelves January 30th




    Gamereactor — on shelves February 1st




    Game Informer — on shelves January 19th


  10. I guess Dark0ne is figuring out a way to fix these problems.

    You know, he have a yearly web server bill of 31.000 $ + monthly file server bills; So he's got a lot of money to pay, and thus, ads are necessary... (Here's hoping he'll start that Nexus Shop though.. I'd definitely buy a Nexus T-Shirt and a Nexus Coffee-cup... ^^) :/

  11. So what if there's a lot of mods you don't like... There's still a lot of mods that is awesome, and makes the game much better!


    Without mods, Oblivion wouldn't have

    Unique Landscape, open cities, a patch that fixes most of the bugs, amazing graphics, beautiful cities, far view, good looking faces and bodies, and much much more!


    Saying mods would ruin the fun is kinda dumb... If you don't like Hentai mods or anything like that, why do you bother with them at all - EVERY mod is optional, and NO ONE is forcing you to use them!

  12. Well, Dwemer is the Elder Scrolls Version of Dwarves, so it is correct lore-wise... But yeah, I know what you mean.


    But I think it appeals to more people when they say Dwarves. Not everyone knows about the Dwemer and their story at all you know - as in Oblivion, when TES started to get really popular, there is very little mention of the Dwemer.

    It's in Morrowind you get most information about the Dwemer, and for some strange reason, very many people haven't played Morrowind... so much strange things in this world.. hmf..

  13. WoW, I forgot to watch the fourth Sound of Skyrim video, and I must say now that I love that Theme Music! :D


    I am so glad they went back to Morrowind's theme, and used that as base. I actually still listen to the Morrowind music when I am at my computer, and I never get tired of that theme... I could probably set it on replay hundreds of times and still enjoy it... And if I queue all the music from Morrowind, Oblivion and the Skyrim Teaser theme - then I got the complete musical enjoyment! :D

    Thank you Jeremy Soule, for making such great music!!!


    It also seems that Esbern will die in the end. Lampert says during the interview, that Mark Von Sydow liked all the fighting and dying in the end when he was reading the script... And I doubt the voice actors reads the script of everyone else, so it seems to me that Esbern will die in the end.



    bah, becoming a real pain to edit that post now - It's getting kinda long^^

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