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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. think you're allowed to upload it if it's only slices of the textures, but to be on the safe side, I would ask Rob, Lon, or Buddha. :)

    Nope. If you are taking assets (even if heavily modifying them) and placing them in another game, that isn't allowed here.




    Ah, okay - thought as much really... :/

    Well well, Misas Texture pack was awesome! :D

  2. Icelandic is the closest of what is used today, you come to actual Norse. It's very similar, but with some changes. :)


    I don't know old Norse either, but I really want to learn it. (Such a shame we don't teach it on the school in Norway really... hmf)

  3. no dreg vi tellj sjøs karar! <---- (that's norse) :D ^^

    All right, arntey! I can't resist any longer. What does that mean? http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


    Directly: Now we go to the sea guys!

  4. Wow, I just watched the interview with Todd Howards. I want to work at Bethesda now, they have their own chef and everything!


    Apparently the trick to getting hired is to bug them mercilessly. Every time you get the chance. I'm gonna do that.


    Plus, one of the requirements to getting hired is to make a mod if you go level designer.. So I have a bit of an advantage there.


    Man, if this isn't the last Elder Scrolls, I wanna work on ES6.


    Yeah, I'm gonna do that too!

    I also have an advantage there (And when Vikings is done... a huge advantage! :D ) - I SO want to work there! :)

  5. You can meet high level enemies at lower levels, that is confirmed - You can also run into lower leveled enemies at Higher Levels, but now they often travel in packs instead of one and one. No creatures will just stop spawning, they're spawn rate may just be lowered a little at higher levels or (hopefully) their levels will just be increased. (Meaning they will not be too weak for the player, just a fair match instead of a one-hit kill...)

    That is a really great way to make the leveled enemies! :)

  6. Considering there won't be any Major skills, hand-to-hand would not be good as a major skill o_O


    And Axes can be used as both Blunt and Blade, so there's a little dilemma there - So the best solution if they're keeping two skills for it would be to have only "one-handed" and "two-handed"... Would prefer the old way though (Morrowind)...

  7. Yeah, he did say that they were using the Creation Set to make the game, but there has been no official confirmation that a Creation Set will be released to the public, so therefore I used a strikethrough on it. (Might be misleading as to saying it won't be a set, so I'll change that...)

    I try to only include confirmed stuff in this thread, but now I don't know what's confirmed or not anymore, after the Facebook incident^^


    Kinda pissed that the Facebook user was fake though, as I asked a lot of questions there, and thought we were getting real answers. :(

  8. apparently, the Facebook Account that was supposedly Todd Howard is confirmed to be fake, which then makes some statements in this thread false:


    - Will there be a Dev Kit? : Unkown

    - Will the world be larger than in previous games? : Unkown


    So, this Facebook user have fooled me, and a lot of other people, but hopefully, both those statements are still true.

  9. Yeah, and that is what I like about Morrowind - you are the chosen one, not just a dude from a Prison cell whom the emperor has seen in a dream, like in Oblivion^^


    Well, technically, that makes you the chosen one in Oblivion as well, but I feel that in Morrowind you were really the one!

  10. Yeah, that is like the exact setup like I have, and I must agree that it looks very similar! :)


    That is a very good thing, that it looks similar, making it easier to get into it, and I guess it was for the ease of use for the devs that they did that. :)

    I like the way the CS is set up, so I am very happy about that.

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