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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I would like some clarification on this issue.


    Let's say I made a mod for Skyrim, which didn't contain or port any Oblivion content, or upload said content in any way, but had Oblivion content the user must supply themselves as a requirement. Would this be acceptable?


    As far as I can tell it's the actual uploading or porting of the content it's self which is illegal, not the authoring of a ESM file which utilizes said content if made available... :confused:


    That is how Morroblivion works - You need to have Morrowind's files to make it work. And to answer your question, this is a no-no.

    To make it a yes-yes, you will need to make your own resources from scratch. :)

  2. Yep, i heard, they gonna have a dragon pet zoo.

    You should make it fair to the rest of us who take these forums seriously! I know you just posted this to post! I have a question for you. Would you like to have a dragon pet that was mountable? If so then why or if not then why not? Be serious!!


    There's no problem with a joke once in a while is it..?


    Anyway, I would not like Dragon Mounts, and since it is confirmed we're not getting that, I'm good! :)

    Horses with all the features you guys/gals have posted would be awesome, and would then surpass any other game as well! :D

  3. Another problem with being an reincarnation is that you can choose between 10 races, and the fact you brought fourth that you can be both male and female.


    So if we were to have specific alternations in the Main quest, we would need 20 different, which seems unlikely. I am hoping for the same as we've always gotten: a nameless character, with absolutely no specific background! :)

    Would be cool to be a descendant of Akavir though. (But then again, if you are a nameless character with no specific background, you can be a descendant of Akavir! :P )

  4. I found a HD screenshot of a small waterfall in the wilderness.


    The textures of the plants seem a bit low res (best seen in the lower left corner).

    Still, it looks beautiful


    Some more information:

    I found out that the german magazine says that they removed the athletics skill and the acrobatics skill. (Source: http://www.pcgames.d...etaucht-810971/ )

    The enviroments will mostly be snow covered. (same source)

    Aprox 120 dungeons and every one will be unique. (same)

    Confirmed places are:

    • Solitude

    • Markarth

    • Dawnstar

    • Winter Hold

    • Windhelm

    • Whiterun

    • Riften

    • Falkreath


    About the removal of Athletics seems to be a misunderstanding by the German magazine, but like I said... Seems... It might be gone, which wouldn't really be that bad, as jumping, running and swimming is something everyone does all the time, and is not required to be a skill. (It was quite nice to be able to run faster and jump higher in Ob/Mo though.. :) )




    Some new Info from the Italian Scans:

    - Weapons can be poisoned.

    - Another Creature has been confirmed: Skeevers. These are the local rats, and their tails can be used to create poison for weapons.

  5. I don't really know for sure...


    But when/if I get my hands on it, I will for sure post any essential and new stuff here! :D


    Besides, I have a veeery bad scanner, so hopefully someone with a good scanner can post the scans :)

  6. Gamereactor was supposed to be on shelves February 1st. I myself haven't seen anything from that at all. I've searched a couple of stores (In Kristiansund), but haven't found anything regarding it.


    Hopefully someone else have gotten their hands on it, and will post something about it here. :)

  7. They announced that while Skyrim won't actually be larger than Cyrodiil in terms of area, it will still feel and be bigger. Know what that means? You know how the Morrowind map was actually really small compared to Cyrodiil, but felt HUGE because of how it was designed?

    Morrowind was huge because you could spend an hour in one town then walk across hills getting completely lost before you find your way to the cave. Skyrim will be tiny because you get your quest which is predesigned for your level then quicktravel to the nearest point and follow your compass straight there. No matter how well they detail the dungeons, no player interaction and no exploration can only equal a small railroaded walk.


    In Skyrim, the quest you receive will be for locations that you haven't visited before (Until you've visited every location of course^^), so you can't fast travel to the quest location.

    You don't have to use the compass at all, and certainly not fast travel! Try not using those, and experience the grand size of Skyrim! :D (For the record, doing that made Oblivion MUCH better, even though it still didn't feel that big because of absolutely no mountains in the province, except from in the north...)

  8. I can answer one of your questions, and know that I am 100% correct: Yes, the Creation Kit is Skyrims Construction Set. :)


    As for porting - It can most likely be done, but as Push said it will also most likely be illegal.

    This shouldn't really be a problem, as we should create new things, not port old stuff! Just look at New Vegas, cluttered with bad ports from Fallout 3, which doesn't really add anything to the New Vegas experience; it's just ported for the sake of porting...

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