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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I am agreed completely. Why should they force us to watch it, we need an option to skip it. The whole point of advertising is to get someone to buy your product, but what if we dont WANT your product? Why should we have too watch your ad every bloody time I want to download something? How much difference in money would the advertiser get if 50 people watched and no one bought, than no one watched at all? The nexus used to be a brilliant site, now it has fallen into the money-making big cat that so many good sites have, like youtube, for example. If your going to do this, you may as well make the site a damn paysite.<div><br></div><div>If this continues, LOTS of people like me, will just leave the site, and you wont be getting so many unique visitors, and hence, less money from advertisers.</div>


    I honestly don't think Robin earns that much money on The Nexus - at least not as much as he deserves!

    Just like anyone else, he got bills to pay, and unlike most others of us, those bills are HUGE!!

  2. RDR is big, but not as big as Skyrim.

    RDR also has VERY little detail inside the buildings, and buildings are generally smaller in size.


    Another thing about RDR is that it got no items that you can pick up inside houses, and as many knows, things you can pick up demands more than static objects. :/

  3. Skyrim will most likely run smoother than Oblivion does, but Skyrim also has better graphics (something Fallout did not), and will therefore not run smoother on low-end computers after all.

    But as Fatalmaster said, get a summer job. After the summer, you can then (by the standards) afford a pretty good computer. :) (I earn about 7000$ for a little more than one month of summer job, and that is a pretty good computer. :) )

  4. Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't get Skyrim. I played lots of games before Oblivion made it to my computer and since then Bethesda, like a vampire, sucked up my life like no other before.


    What I get from that post is: You're definitely getting Skyrim! :P

  5. Mods don't work on the Xbox, so if you want mods, you'll have to buy the PC Version.


    As for your original question; it is possible, but not a feasible feature in a game like Skyrim. It works well in games with smaller levels, but in a game with as grand scale as Skyrim (or any TES Game), it's as I said, not feasible. :/

    That was for the "Looking outside" question. The lighting on the other hand, is very feasible, and is a feature I also very much would like to see in Skyrim.

  6. ah, yeah - there's dead tree branches as well! :)

    And the flora also looks very detailed and more diverse.


    And from the screenshot of the Troll, the rocks looks much better, with more diverse sides and more natural looks. :)

    And the troll even has blood veins!


    I'm also hoping that Undead will be able to wear armor, and not only have armor on their meshes, and it also looks like it from the screenshots, as in the screenshot of the undead, the two skeletons with helmet seem very similar, but have pauldrons on different sides.

    This makes modding much better (And will make my continuation of Creature Diversity over to Skyrim much better! :) )

  7. this game just keeps sounding better and better cant wait to play

    most definatly my most anicipated game for 2011



    LIES!!!!! the soon to be announced yet to be released call of duty 8 will be the most anticipated game of 2011


    No no, you've got it all wrong! Call of Duty 9 are being released in December, it will be much better! ^^

    And then it's just a three month's wait for Call of Duty 10 in March 2012!

  8. the oblivion quest was supposedly like 15hrs long too, but it takes like four hours to complete.


    I think we played a different game, even if all locations were revealed and you used fast travel to go everywhere there is no way you could do it in four hours. You just sound like you want to complain and something, anything, I played mount and blade and if you think that is a better game overall than Oblivion than I am happy for you. Go find a Mount and Blade forum to post on.


    And another thing, why would you (Not you, csgators..^^) try to complete the main quest as quickly as possible?

    I'd understand that you didn't like a game like Oblivion if you just skimmed right through it. Oblivion, like all TES Games, are deep games based around an interesting and deep lore, and have to be delved into to fully experience the game!


    I think this is the reason why so many thinks Oblivion is a less deep game than Morrowind, because in Morrowind, the lore was right in front of you, and it was easier to delve into it, whereas in Oblivion, you first had to delve into the game to experience the lore and stories. Not so well explained, but I think most should get what I'm trying to say. :)


    But again I feel we are drifting from the Topic here:

    Skyrim Screenshots! :)

    They look astonishing, and makes me want to play the game NOW! :D


    By looking at the screenshot of the hunter in the forest, I can see that we are getting a much wider variety in trees! We're even getting trees that are half cut off! :D

  9. New Today: Speculations and possibly more on Crossbows: "... Similarly the mechanics of shooting from a bow and crossbow will change." - this is from the Polish Magazine "CD-Action"

    Confirmed by Pete Hines (on Twitter) to be a mistake made by the magazine


    There will be some enchanted weapons which don't tell you what they do - so you'll know it's magical in some way but you won't know how exactly, you'd have to find out yourself.

    If it is from Official PS Mag, someone has misinterpreted a line which was meant to say that the questgivers won't describe the enchanted items they give us as a reward - to allow it to be appropriate to our level. If the source is different, could You say what it is?


    Thank you! :)

    Will change it now.

  10. New Today:

    • Speculations and possibly more on Crossbows: "... Similarly the mechanics of shooting from a bow and crossbow will change." - this is from the Polish Magazine "CD-Action"
    • There will be some enchanted weapons which don't tell you what they do - so you'll know it's magical in some way but you won't know how exactly, you'd have to find out yourself.
    • Quest givers won't be so specific.
    • Taverns will play a large role in getting information, gossip and rumours from a town as it's naturally where most people go after working and you can listen to peoples conversation and learn more about the town and/or Skyrim itself.
    • People will be more vague or specific when talking to you or giving you quests depending on how much they like you.
    • If you are using a two handed weapon then you use Left Trigger to block and Right trigger to attack, however if you have a one handed weapon in one hand and a spell in the other, you won't be able to block.
    • Some Dragon Shouts are found in dungeons.
    • It is possible to raise all skills to 100 but not possible to get all perks.
    • The King of Skyrim is dead, which has sparked the Civil War.
    • Every big settlement is unique. The city of Markarth Side, for example, is set into dramatic stone cliffs, with buildings teetering on the end of sheer drops.
    • Haarfingar is said to be home to the largest trading port in Skyrim.

  11. snip


    Yeah, I didn't mean that your point was invalid, I just wanted to point it out. :)

    And yes, one never knows when someone would go to court because someone "pirated" their mod - there is always a chance, though highly unlikely.

    But I think more of it as a moral issue, as people should respect others wishes. This, however, is dreaming; I doubt we'll ever see the day everyone thinks it's morally wrong to steal. :/

  12. The fact remains that nowadays with all the resources that game studio's have to hand there's no excuse for bad graphics, Beths games have graphics that are better than some but worse than others, how many games have come out on pc lately that have console standard graphics and not even any in game AA support, they cost just as much to buy as games that do. If Skyrim comes out with console standard graphics I will be disappointed.

    You know, there's a reason games has console graphics - so that they can work on consoles... If they release a game with graphics that can't run on Consoles, you know what will happen? You guessed it; they can't run on the consoles...

    For PC Exclusive Graphics, we have to rely on Modders to make them, and this is the fact with every game that is also developed for the consoles.


    So, when it all comes to it, you should blame Microsoft and Sony... They are the culprits for "bad graphics"!


    Good and involving quest/storyline and lousy graphics/clunky gameplay = average product.

    Lousy quest/storyline and superb graphics/gameplay = average product.

    Good and involving quest/storyline and superb graphics/excellent gameplay = excellent product.


    Shouldn't all game studios be trying to attain the latter of the three?

    Well, there's another one:

    Good and involving storyline, superb Gameplay and "outdated" graphics = Excellent Product.


    I don't see why you somehow connected graphics and gameplay as one... They are two very different things.

  13. ...honestly, this game looks like crap compared to its potential. i cant stand to see so much money go in to a piece of garbage that will be outdated three months after its release, and will not support developers that waste my time and theirs with that kind of pollution.


    and these guys are professionals, wth.


    So.. what you're saying is that graphics is everything? Graphics is the least important thing about a game. It could have Morrowind Graphics, yet still be better than any games made nowadays! It's all about the Gameplay, depth and story; these things are what makes a game.


    i understand that some people dont mind recieving a piece of turd for their hard earned money (or in some cases not so hard). but unlike everyone else, i dont have enough money to throw away $60 every time a game comes out. i want a game that i can play for a long time, not a game that will last me four hours.


    i also understand that the modding community will most likely fix all the issues with the game, but WHY does the modding community have to do NEARLY EVERYTHING to make the game great? we have to make our own textures, because the ones they provide us with are bottom line, almost outdated. we have to make our own quests, because they only put twenty all together in the game. we have to make our own animations, because theirs blow. hell, if we are going to freaking build their game for them, why dont they just release the source code?


    I really don't understand what you're getting at...

    We have only ever seen one animation from Skyrim, and that is a great animation of a centurion! We have no idea how many quests are in the game, only that they have stated there are hundreds of hours of play with the side-quests (Because of Radiant Story) Hell, we haven't even seen what the graphics really are! Only some screenshots from the Xbox!


    4 hours?! Where do you get this from? It has already been confirmed the Main Quest is approximately 20 hours long, and as already stated, hundreds of hours with the side quests. Bethesda has never released a game that lasted 4 hours or less!


    I'll say, wait till the game comes out before you start complaining - as of now, you have no ground to complain about!

  14. Fatalmasterpiece, I beg to disagree with you. Legality has everything to do with the potential consequences of re-distributing a mod without the owner's permission. This is very clearly delineated in U.S. Copyright Law and precedence has been set in U.S. courts on according "shareware" and "freeware" copyright status which would obviously include under Common Law. Mods which are distributed on Nexus for which the author has not explicitly given up certain rights are protected under U.S. Copyright Law as "freeware" and are not in the public domain. You can, therefore, be taken to court and sued for re-distributing a mod without the author's specific permission. Nexus' policy has nothing to do with my statement because I wasn't addressing it. You're talking about the apples in the barrel. I'm talking about the oranges in the same barrel. The policies of this site regarding the distribution/re-distribution of content posted here is a different issue, altogether, however valid they may be. All Nexus can do is ban you from the site. The author of a mod can, theoretically, hurt you in your pocket book. We're both right. We're just talking about two entirely different things that apply to the same situation.


    You do realize not everyone on the Nexus are from the US, right? Even Robin Scott is from the UK.

    So it wouldn't go under US Laws, it would go under the laws of the country the developer of the mod lives in.

    But yes, it is a legality issue, but it's more a issue of morality, as in very few cases it would be brought up to legality instances, but rather taken on a personal level.

    I freely share my mods, and only request a heads-up when people want to edit and redistribute it, but I understand people not wanting to let anyone edit it. It is their work, and they wouldn't want people messing around with it.


    I think it's sad that people take down their mods, but it is after all, their decisions...

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