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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. That's the whole point in TES...

    You always start in a Dungeon/Prison, but you never know why. (That has been the case with all previous TES Games.)


    This makes it possible to create whatever character you want, without having a background story that makes certain play-styles seem odd. And it is a great way to do so! :D


    Lore is an important part of TES, and with this way, people can create their own lore for their player. :)

  2. Can´t we uninstall steam after activating a game?I allways try to kep my pc with the essential to save memory.So if skyrim is steam can´t I just install it activate skyrim install skyrim and uninstall steam?


    If Steam is required, you also have to run steam to play the game. :/

  3. Making it require steam doesn't actually limit the number of people who are willing to buy it by any much... There's a VERY low amount of PC players that doesn't have internet connection, and those usually have other ways to get internet for a short time.

    I think at least Fallout: New Vegas is an example that it doesn't lower the amount..


    And another positive thing for Bethesda by making it Steam-Required, is that they will get even more advertisement on Steam because of that.


    Yes, it is a small downside for us consumers, but I think the positive effects for the Company weights up that (for them).

  4. How can they ruin TES by removing a feature that has only been in half of the TES Games?? And if one quite small and exploitable feature like Spellmaking ruins the game for you, then the rest of the game gotta be real shitty in your eyes^^


    Besides, we don't know for sure if Spellmaking is gone, as it's only been stated in the translations. :)

  5. Well, Fallout: New Vegas was "Steam-Required", meaning you can buy the Hardcover, but you need to activate it through Steam. That is what people are making a fuss about, not that it can only be bought through Steam, as that is already confirmed that it is not. (Since GameStop already has it out for pre-ordering)
  6. Not many people don't have internet at all, but there are some of course.


    To those, I'd suggest heading to a Internet-cafe (If there is any close by), fire up Steam, as most of those already have steam installed, log in, and activate your game there, then head home and install it. :) (Be sure to log off Steam from the Internet-cafe!!)

  7. Yeah, I think so as well, and therefore I put the Dutch/French/Italian/Spanish information in it's own category, as we don't know if it's true.


    If it goes through steam, it will require internet for the activation, but not for playing.

    But we don't know for sure if it uses steam yet.




    YAY! 1000 posts! :P (Did not feel as great when Push posted his 14.370th post right before me though^^)

  8. There will be DVDs to put on the shelves, just like with New Vegas. :)

    And there will most likely also be a CE, just like with New Vegas. :)



    And I also think it's strange that they give different information to different Magazines... I thought the European and Australian Magazines was just the same as the GI Cover... Kind of odd that it isn't, considering US Customers can't (easily) get hold of the European Magazines and Europeans can't get hold off GI... (May it be translating-misunderstandings?)


    Anyway, another Mag has come out today, and I'm awaiting information from that as well.

    EDIT: Someone's gotten hold on the Spanish Cover (Micromania), and it seems to only contain information that we already have.

  9. Hm, where did you hear that?


    There are 3 magazine which has Skyrim Information that's come out recently (Power Unlimited (Dutch), PlayStation Le Magazine Officiel(French) & Micromania(Spanish)) and another one is out tomorrow (Giochi per Il Mio Computer(Italian))

    But I have only gotten my hands on Power Unlimited, so I don't know any more. :/


    EDIT: Thank you istred. :) I will add it to the opening post as well.


    EDIT2: Do you know what this means: "Steam, not gfwl. they're are disappointed with LIVE!" ? (Could you also post a link to the mag, so I can put it in sources?)

  10. and here we go again.. the negativity... :P


    Yeah, maybe things won't be JUST as you expected, but that is simply impossible, because people expects different things. Level Scaling is actually a way to keep the game alive, though it was overdone in Oblivion. Now they are making it less like the Level Scaling in Oblivion. For instance when on low levels, one low level creature spawns, while on higher levels, 2-3 of these low level creatures spawns. That makes it much more fun, as now you have 2-3 low leveled enemies to blast with your fireballs of doom, rather than one. :D

  11. I can't remember reading that on any of the GI articles, so don't take that as official.

    - Considering GI is the only confirmed Magazine to have information regarding Skyrim, I have some doubts on the credibility of this "Dutch Power Unlimited magazine" - There is a lot of information on that page that has never been mentioned on GI.

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