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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. I'm excited to hear that Soule will most likely be coming back for Skyrim. However, I have very mixed feelings I'm not a very big fan of the theme. I can tell it'll get annoying after the first three times loading the game, and it lacks the wonderful melody that both Morrowind and Oblivion contained.


    Considering it's a mix of both the Oblivion and Morrowind theme, I don't see it having another melody... :P

    But I do agree it could get a little annoying if they don't change it. Though I think they will make it longer, as if you compare it to oblivion, or the even longer Morrowind theme, it is quite short...

  2. I really hope they don't use the normal XP System!

    As you said DrunkenGamer; "It's a time old formula..." - yes, it's an old formula, which is getting weary and boring...


    I think they should continue with the system they are using, but improve it slightly:

    - Go back to Morrowind's dividing of skills - marksman, blunt, axe, short blade, long blade, (Spear) skills - thus making it possible to specialize your character even more. (Morrowind has 6 skills for weapons, Oblivion has 3...)

    - Again, from Morrowind - Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy armor - With three different, you can specialize your character further. (i.e Light=Thief, Medium=Hunter, Heavy=Knight)

    - More that I have in mind, but forgot...

  3. Well, first off - it's probably not the same people. They probably have a special team put together to make the engine.


    Second, now it's their own engine - they know everything about it, and it's designed ONLY for TES V. That is a good thing, and because of that, we may see some nice features that may have been impossible on the GameBryo Engine! :)

  4. Why are you talking about Doom 3 all the time? TES V isn't using the same engine as Doom 3, that is confirmed.


    The engine TES V is using, is an engine built in-house at Bethesda, by their team, so this is an all-new engine, never used in any games before... :)

  5. Would be nice if beth said thanks to the modding comunity. Just on some interview some guy representing bethesda saying that they thank the modding community for all their efforts would make every modder out there feel more valued


    Well, from GameInformer's article about The Elder Scrolls:


    "To this day, I think what the modders have done with those tools has helped define the series." – Todd Howard


    Seems like a thank you to me! :D









    Hey, I like that one! :D


    Dark0ne, you can't say you don't ! :P

  7. I reckon the dev's should add High Rock as a DLC. Wouldn't it be great to explore a place that Bethesda has not touched, to explore the home province of the Breton...


    Well, then I guess you should play Daggerfall, as that touches one of your untouched areas; High Rock.... :P

  8. Okay, I Just got word from Todd now, and it seems most people on here are wrong, including me...



    But no, Mephy, you are not right, myrmaad is:


    "Todd Howard: Max von Sydow was perfect for the role because of his Swedish heritage and accent. It might sound like "Dragonbone", but it is Dragonborne."

  9. I agree that there is a vast improvement from Morrowind to Oblivion, and i can only expect that such an improvement will happen again. I came in at 4, and went back to play 3, and the graphics and interface where actually a problem for me, they were not nice.


    Improvement?? Oblivion was dumbed down, and made much worse than Morrowind... Morrowind has the immersion and Fantasy aspects that Oblivion lacks totally. I guess one have to play Morrowind first to really appreciate it. :) (And of course, this is a subjective matter^^)

  10. SNIP

    Actually, Morrowind is not that big really. It only seems big because of the constant fog and rough terrain....


    Yeah, I didn't mean it's bigger than Oblivion's Cyrodiil, but if you compare it, Cyrodiil should have been bigger than it was according to the map.

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