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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. That load order is much of a mess, unfortunately it is too hard for any one here to help troubleshoot such issues with this big an LO. I am saying this because you will not get many replies. I would advise learning how to use FO4edit advanced features like filtering and looking at conflicts, if you don't have time for that I strongly suggest you build a smaller load order. Mod ding this much is a full time process with much dedication to education :)
  2. There is a mod that disable the chameleon effect without removing stealth enhancement, sorry I don't have a link handy. Something tells me it was made by CrimsomRider however so that might narrow the search.
  3. Haven't seen you around for a while :). Hope this goes well for ya. Sorry I'm not a voice actor lol
  4. I always play as a female because one of my idol characters from a fiction is Trinity from the Matrix. I however do not use skimpy sexist or degrading modifications. Naturally my male protagonist would be Neo.
  5. Sure is. I have a feeling Obsidian may have done it on purpose, but don't quote me on that.
  6. 139 is the limit in New Vegas period. Something wrong with the indexing in that one, found that slot 139 is the 255th slot lol. I'm sporting 221 plugins right now, God knows how many I've hand merged over time into my patch. This game has no problems in that regard, more bandwidth and less latency is of great benefit though.
  7. Indeed it is very complicated, well perhaps very convoluted. You have to regenerate precombined meshes and precis for the whole world space, which equates to some 40GB or more of files, if you can actually generate them. You, d need a pretty damn good PC to do so.
  8. Hahaha no problem. Had that epiphany myself lol
  9. Any mod you use in conjuction with mine will work, I am not altering anything in vanilla in any way. I am only providing the spawn system with almost every setting imaginable that you can adjust involving the spawns themseleves, but as far as going overboard and editing the base game, we are not. This will mean maximum compatibility, mix and match other mods to your hearts content. Just to post a bit of an update, well there hasn't been anyway work on the mod this week but there will be some today. Unfortunately time got away from me again, and it's looking like that might remain the case for a couple of weeks at least. So bits and pieces here and there for now. See what happens to today, I still want to post a teaser for ya'll to try out :)
  10. It just occurred to me you can reset the render windows by going into File-Create Archive and then cancelling. Wanted to post online because I recall seeing a number of threads around the net where it has been said to be impossible without a reload. So hopefully someone looking for this info finds this. Ciao
  11. You could look at Valdacils item sorting mod with DEFUI, do the tag set up and modify the tag names to include the weight. Pretty tedious to do but I'm thinking this would be the only way
  12. Could be from Modern Weapons. The shoulder lamp is TNR Shoulder lamp. I recall seeing a modular armour like that recently, cant remember what it was called sorry
  13. Of course, it will be very safe to do that. I am including Force update and Force reset options, mod can be completely turned off mid game and turned at will. No save breaking code, all clean. Eventually the menu will consume 50,000 or more lines of code, simply amount of settings that can change. Maybe more ;)
  14. Thats a really big job you looking to undertake there, there is a lot more to it than that. You'd have to change the stats of Actors and their templates etc, edit their leveled lists, alter scripts, global values, etc etc etc. Pretty much learn everything on the creation wiki and know the game inside out :)
  15. Just to post a bit of an update, made very good progress with master menu in the last few days, just a few little things to go. VKZQ is creating some interesting AI packages for the NPCs to use, can't wait to see them myself. Quest script now stands at 15000 lines of code, fragment around 4000. VKZQ tested with a lot of points in one place and it went well. Might post a teaser on the weekend if all goes well :)
  16. If you aren't seeing the properties option, I get the impression you aren't adding the script to the quest from the script tab? Because when you add a script there, the box will pop up automaticaluly. Once you have declared the properties in the script like I showed you, you can still compile the script through the Papyrus Manager, and when you add the script to the quest you'll be able to auto fill the properties there and then when the pop up opens.
  17. It would be but for now we get him used to using basics. OP: Make sure everything mentioned in the script, especially the properties, are exact name (EditorID) as they are in CK.
  18. Yeah I thought formID wouldn't work, wasn;'t sure. So you should see the properties button on the quest script tab. These are the objects your script needs to know about, otherwise it won't know what to apply the script to. Google CK Papyrus Properties, there are some good links to show you what to do there. On the script, your perk properties would look like this: Form Property PERKTOADD Auto Const and your AddPerk function would look like: PlayerRef.AddPerk(PERKTOADD) Substitute PERKTOADD with the exact name of the Perk as it appears in CK (the EditorID). THen you will be able to Auto-FIll your properties.
  19. Yeah try the above fix with PlayerRef.AddPerk(0004b254) Instead of AddPerk 0004b254
  20. Also you might need to change: PlayerRef.AddPerk formid To PlayerRef.AddPerk(formid)
  21. Sorry should be OnInit(), forgot the () EDIT - fixed error in code, try pasting again. Another way you can add the perks is making them properties. Oh BTW, Don't forget to FILL THE PROPERTIES after compiling script. If you change the Quest name on the code to same as quest name in your esp, you can just use Auto-fill.
  22. With the example you provided above, RegisterForRemoteEvent is how you would receive custom events, yes. Eventually you will get the hang of it. For now however, this is what you want: Scriptname BoringPerksScript extends Quest Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const ;Make the player a property because we will reference him more than once Quest Property BoringPerkQuest Auto Const ;Reference to the quest itself Event OnInit() LevelCheck() EndEvent Function LevelCheck() while PlayerRef.GetLevel() <= 2 ;Start a loop to wait for when the player exceeds level 2 Utility.Wait(3) ;This is so the loop doesnt run at a million miles an hour endwhile AddPlayerPerks() EndFunction Function AddPlayerPerks() PlayerRef.addperk 0004b254 ;NOTE: If you didnt want the player to be a property, you could do Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk() however this is slower. PlayerRef.addperk 00065df9 PlayerRef.addperk 0004a0b5 PlayerRef.addperk 0004b253 PlayerRef.addperk 0004a0c5 PlayerRef.addperk 0004c923 PlayerRef.addperk 0004a0da PlayerRef.addperk 0004a09f PlayerRef.addperk 0004a0d6 PlayerRef.addperk 0001dafe PlayerRef.addperk 0004d88d PlayerRef.addperk 0004a0b6 PlayerRef.addperk 000264d9 BoringPerksQuest.Stop() EndFunction
  23. What you are doing wrong is, your "Event" does not exist. Creating a custom event like what you have there requires a bit more advanced coding, for which we won't go into right now. You need to use Events that exist for now. OnInit() for a quest is an event sent the first time the quest loads. OnLoad() is for when an object loads, but not so good for quests. OnCellAttach() is when you say, walk into an area and the object loads up. These are the kind of default events you are looking for.
  24. Calm down bud. 2 months ago I couldn't really code either, now I am building a mod that currently has around 18,000 lines of code. What you need to do is instead of Event Increase Level is have: Event Oninit() Your perk codes here YOURQUEST.Stop() Endevent Make sure your quest is "Run Once" in main tab, EDIT - Sorry, TICK "Start Game ENabled", not untick
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