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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Clicked play, says "this video is private". If you can fix that, I might be able to give you some help :)
  2. So, in the description for Tropical Skyrim, it states that the only performance issue might be a 4-6 FPS hit. So not true for me. I loaded up a save that was in Kynesgrove...and immediately took a 10 FPS drain. I looked awful cute, doing the stuttering walk... Finally managed to fast travel to Whiterun, and did alright inside the city...but the moment I opened that gate (using Open Cities Skyrim if that helps anyone), my poor computer damn near exploded from the strain. I tried using the "less bloom" option, with the same results. I'm trying to refrain from using the "TT", "TG", and "TLL" commands in the console, as I want to experience as much of Tropical Skyrim's beauty as possible...but until I figure out a way around this, I'm going to have to deal with more snow...so tired of snow. Got enough of it IRL these last few months to last a lifetime. Any/all help is appreciated!
  3. Having recently downloaded the Psiblades mod, I got to thinking about Starcraft, specifically about the Zealots and Templars. In Starcraft, the Templar would swing their psiblade like a regular sword, but the zealots used a much less refined "punch holes in everything" method. And it got me to thinking... Skyrim has the Fists of Steel perk that allows heavy armour gauntlets to deal their armour rating in extra damage... So why not add fist weapons? Things like brass knuckles, knuckle spikes, wristblades, or even gauntlets designed specifically to rip your opponents to pieces in combat? I'll post a few examples here just to clarify what I'm talking about. Devil May Cry - "Ifrit": http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130203010902/devilmaycry/images/3/3e/Ifrit_DMC.png A set of primitive-looking brass knuckles: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/415SZhdzwhL._SL500_SS500_.jpg Katars, a la Soul Calibur's Voldo: http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt54/sandeep_koftgariartist/scissor20Katar1.jpg A few more nameless examples: http://allninjagear.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/pic408.jpg http://i763.photobucket.com/albums/xx279/ashleyrox_bucket/fmt-010_detai1.gif And a fist weapon from WoW: http://images.mmosite.com/photo/2010/01/27/wows8weapon_fist.jpg I figure there's got to be a way to use the Fists of Steel perk to make this possible...basically, these weaponised gloves/accessories would be used in place of swords, daggers, axes, and such. They'd deal the same damage as, say, a dagger (with base damage scaled according to the material they're made from, iron being weakest, dragon being strongest, maybe have a few weaker materials in the "misc" section), but would only require the hand-to-hand animations. Can this be done, or am I dreaming of pipes?
  4. "I can't get my computer to turn on!" "Is it plugged in?" Couldn't help but think that...butyeah. Sun Fire only works on Vampires and Undead. If you're casting it on bandits, giants, etc....well, there's your fix right there.
  5. Same for Giants and Centurions. No, it works. Hasn't worked for me...huh.
  6. So, a while back, I saw this video: And sadly, the author doesn't include a link to the mod used. Can someone link me? Thanks!
  7. I actually considered this once...and it might as well be possible, considering every time I play using my one-handed skill instead of my two-handed, my character likes to finish people off with her shield.
  8. Haven't heard of any of these mods, but anything by Kikai is usually good. :D
  9. http://dc544.4shared.com/img/BNqKbMOh/s3/if_you_know_what_i_mean_mr_bea.jpg
  10. The thing is, most people don't like their in-laws, human and non-human alike. Amen to that
  11. Yeah I have no interest to ever do that quest. It's just so disgusting but those were some serious spoilers to be sure. But then on the other hand I have absolutely no reservations to eating people's hearts as a werewolf. What's up with that? This is actually a really good point! The very thought of Namira's daedric quest disgusts me, but as I werewolf I go around devouring people as if it's nothing. I guess it's because while I'm a werewolf, I feel as though I'm not fully in control, and that makes up for it. I think the point with the Werewolf....how I see it anyway and why I love my Werewolf but can't do Namira's Quest and find the whole idea revolting is because a Werewolf isn't human, it's something else....is a Predator killing and eating it's prey, it doesn't feel like Cannibalism to me....there's just something innately abhorrent about anything eating it's own kind....I used to breed Chickens and at one time the Chickens managed to get into our garbage and pulled out Roast Chicken leftovers, I couldn't abide it, couldn't allow it, it made me feel sick...anything else they found and ate I had no problem with...Bugs, Mice, Sausage, etc...but not their own kind....I couldn't have my Dovah feasting on the Werebears he fought and killed as a Werewolf in Dragonborn, just didn't feel right. Having raised chickens as well, I completely understand the concept. Another "what have I done" moment for me - getting all buddy-buddy with Serana, only to find out she's not willing to set foot inside a temple. Friendzone Level: Dovahkiin.
  12. Mein Gott! Soon as I can get my sister to mail me back my PC copy of Oblivion (little wench is addicted to it!) I'll have to install it and check into that.
  13. So long as we have author permission, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. I'm not familiar with the mod, myself, but I'm sure it can be done. And ah well, I tried :P
  14. Adopting Lucia always puts a grin on my face. :D As far as heartwarming moments, in a way, marrying Ysolda is a touching gesture on the Dragonborn's behalf - think about it. She wants to become a merchant, and after marrying her, she opens up a store to run out of your house. Finally gets her lifelong wish!
  15. I know...I felt so horrid! I'd had leftover loyalties to the Blades from Oblivion, but I can see that the mighty have fallen. Jauffre wouldn't have asked me to go kill him just because of past crimes. But then, Delphine's not Jauffre. She's bossy, and obviously a bit unstable. She's paranoid thanks to the Thalmor, and her delusion that Paarthurnax was still evil at heart...well, I dated a paranoid schizophrenic once, and she was just as demanding. Delphine is slowly slipping into the grasp of lord Sheogorath...my, my, the Champion of Cyrodiil sure does have a twisted sense of humour.
  16. Turns out, I can hunt down and turn in the Helm of Winterhold over and over and over again. Anyone else notice this? Or is there somethin' screwy going on in my game? Anyways, thought it was neat, maybe people might like to know.
  17. Belethor: Everything's for sale, stranger, EVERYTHING. If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second!
  18. Agreed. Gormlaith Golden-hilt was definitely a firecracker...and to think, that's Wonder Woman! :biggrin: Oops! After a little research, turns out Lynda Carter's not married to Todd Howard, but to Robert Altman, who is CEO of Zenimax Media. Still, it's awesome that she's got parts in each game!
  19. There's no satisfying some people :rolleyes: Just keep working at it. I'll definitely be downloading and endorsing this mod when it's ready!
  20. When this mod is complete, will definitely be downloading it! I hate having to hit the Wait button just to check the time.
  21. Amren: You tried mercenary work? It might suit you. This, in a game where just about every quest you do is a case of someone hiring you to go beat up or kill someone to get something.
  22. Lydia: *sigh* I am sworn to carry your burdens... Poor girl, she always manages to, uh, "slip" off the edge of High Hrothgar's courtyard...
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