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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. Okay, that indeed seems to be the culprit. Whoopsie.
  2. Long story short, I've recently discovered that when trying to sit, nothing happens. My character just stands there until I move, then all controls resume working. Similarly, when I try to take a carriage, the short animation showing my character mounting up to ride off doesn't play. The carriage driver says his usual bit of dialogue, and then travel ensues, but my character never jumps into the carriage. I suspect the "alternate actors" mod is to blame, so I'm going to attempt disabling it and seeing what happens, but I figured I'd go ahead and post here to see what other folks think. As I can't seem to find an .ini file with my active list on it, and the launcher seems to be giving me problems, I can't post my mod list. I'll try to get it up here ASAP.
  3. Yeahhhhh, I couldn't find anything like that either, but I'm not done digging through it all just yet.
  4. I recently tested this mod, and it's an absolute blast. I only found one issue with it, and that's in using the spell on a character whose gender is the opposite of your own - it opens the "showracemenu", plants your hairstyle on their head, and any hair you change to just gets layered in with the one your own character has...that turned out to be a real bugger for me.
  5. Okay, I dunno what I did wrong, but I got absolutely nowhere with this...I'd really just rather someone else do it for me, as looking at the scripts and trying to figure out how to fix them is giving me a headache.
  6. Just an update, I'm currently diving into the CK to get it started...I have absolutely no scripting experience, so this is going to be good for a laugh. I'm going to start by just adding this script to a vanilla weapon and giving it a unique ID.
  7. You have my thanks!!! Clearer weather means a happier computer! :D
  8. If anyone can help here, I'd like to reduce the frequency of the rain for both my own tastes and the sake of my PC.
  9. I'll help where I can. I'm not very good with 3D design, nor can I really create textures, but I'm an artist, and I've designed random weapons since probably about 2003 or so. It's all on paper, but if you need or are open to artwork, PM me! I'm also pretty good at coming up with lore-friendly descriptions, backstories, and in-game locations to place weapons.
  10. 1 - That's gonna be the most challenging aspect of something like this...perhaps the modding community could get together and share characters in the same way companions and followers are shared...and there's also slider settings if someone asks about a screenshot (with the screenshot author's permission, of course) 2 - Greater powers can only be used once a day under normal game engine conditions. It would have to be implemented as a Lesser power to work in that particular manner. 3 - This would be an absolute necessity. With the kind of gameplay this sort of mod would allow for, having three or more Shout-capable characters at your disposal would be INCREDIBLY overpowered. Perhaps each one could have a special ability, though, to balance this out. Something fitting to their class/specialisation.
  11. Never! He's always sporting his snappy suit and bowtie/converse/glasses/whatever accessory that particular Regeneration prefers. :D
  12. Actually, I can see using the stock "spectral" effect, like the Drainblood, Drainheart, or Drainspell items found in Labyrinthian.
  13. I'm going to ignore my grammar-Nazi tendencies and say that this should most definitely be done.
  14. Did that in Oblivion, and in Morrowind. Had quite an impressive collection going!
  15. You -might- be able to do it if you have a second hard drive...but I'm not 100% on that.
  16. Well, that solves the scripting issue...now to find meshes and textures.
  17. I know absolutely nothing about scripting...that's why I'm posting it here for someone else to make. Haha.
  18. Is it possible to make weapons that are scripted so that their power attacks produce a shockwave? It could be invisible, elemental, or just pure, unadulterated Fus. Basically, regular attacks do regular damage at regular range, while power attacks make the very fabric of existence tremble. I'm thinking, maybe, a set of legendary weapons, scattered across Skyrim, guarded by stupid-strong bosses that wield them...one for fire, one for shock, one for frost, and one for force. They could be enchanted, or non-enchanted, maybe have 2 esp files, one for each...unique meshes for each one, or a single unique mesh with varied VFX on each blade...I'm thinking red/yellow/orange for fire, blue/white for shock, and white/whispy/windish? for frost... Anyways, if anyone wants the full extent of my idea, as it's probably a case of TL;DR already...just PM me. Note: I do NOT have Dragonborn, nor will I be able to acquire it until Legendary Edition comes out. So a non-DB-dependent version would probably work best, unless that's just not possible.
  19. id rather not have to do that cause they are a pain to get every time i make a new game Then don't download this if it pans out. :D
  20. The moment I purchase and fully upgrade a home, my OCD kicks in and I have to organise the absolute hell out of the house. All the foodstuffs get put away in barrels and sacks, the dishes go in cabinets, all the clothing gets moved to the wardrobe or dresser, etc., etc. Also, once I've got a house, I quit carrying around ten tons of random crap in my inventory. I organise everything into its place, then set aside one suit of armour and one weapon to travel with. I have a potions cabinet (or poisons cabinet for my stealth characters), and I hang the one weapon I intend to travel with on the closest rack to my bed. I also settle on a city for each character to live in. I have one character for every major city, plus one that lives out of Castle Volkihar (though it's a little harder to organise that place properly). And (this just occurred to me as I was typing), I almost ALWAYS marry Ysolda. I mean, once married, your spouse sets up a "shop" to run from your home...she has dreams of becoming a merchant...it just kinda seems like the right choice (not to mention one of the mods I use makes her flatout gorgeous IMO)
  21. I like ALL of the above theories, but the most logical to me is the Ulfric theory. I mean, think about it - even if you NEVER complete the main quest, when you finish the Civil War on the Imperial side, there's a line from him that always makes me question just exactly who the hell he is: "Let the Dragonborn be the one to do it". Even if you never retrieve the Dragonstone, even if you never once use a Shout, he just KNOWS. It's creepy.
  22. I run into doors like that from time to time. Seems to me that it's just where a mod author left a mod unfinished. Had this problem with mods in Oblivion and Skyrim too. Probably just unfinished content.
  23. Also, make sure you installed the mods properly. You'd be amazed how many people can't get mods to work just because they're not installed correctly...lol. And, make sure you're running as admin :)
  24. If you've got a save from before you entered the cell with the NPC in it, try loading from there.
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