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Everything posted by AlduinWorldEater

  1. I wouldn't mind doing this, so long as the house would be void of crafting equipment. If you want those, however, there are plenty on the Nexus. Hundreds and hundreds. A very large plethora. Kind of the reason I went in to modding houses, really :tongue: Oh yeah, no crafting equipment. I can use a forge elsewhere if I need, my character's pretty much all set anyways as far as equipment. I also request a rather scenic view...I want to stand atop the tallest tower in Skyrim and gaze upon the land in all directions. :D OH. And as far as all the mods available, nothing particularly caught my interest. I'm thinking gorgeous ivory towers or something like that, has to scream "The Dragonborn lives here!!!" from miles away. Lol. If I'm asking too much I totally understand.
  2. Nah, I totally get what Beth is saying. It would be too time-consuming. There's deadlines to meet.
  3. There should be a "Like" button on this forum, that's exactly what I wanted.
  4. In case anyone's unfamiliar with what a Limit Break is, I'm going to explain it as best I can. It may or may not be the correct definition thereof, but hey, everyone's got their own way of thinking :laugh: When my character's health drops below a certain threshold, say, 25% or so, I'd like to have the option to engage in a "Limit Break" - a last-ditch, adrenaline-fueled, positively berserk state in which movement speed, attack speed, and physical damage output become almost deliberately OP. Sort of a way of saying "I refuse to die like this, but if I have to, I'm taking as many of you fetchers with me as possible". The Limit Break itself could be race-dependent, and in my opinion, should be scripted so that it only becomes available for use after you hit that specific health percentage. Once its duration is over (I'd say no more than 20 seconds at the most, and even that seems like a stretch), there could be penalties - the body's way of saying "What in Oblivion did you just do to me?". It could even be set to require a Dragon Soul as its power source.
  5. A suitable home for my latest character...here's a little personality summary on her to provide you with an idea of what kind of home she needs. - Severe god complex; considers herself above all other living beings due to being "the chosen of Akatosh". Even considers the Emperor to be a "peon". - Lavish, exquisite tastes. Has an entire chest in Breezehome with nothing but gems in it, only shops at Radiant Raiment, still complains about the quality and style of the products being "too plain". Has spoken for months about getting a pet sabre cat just because it's exotic. - Complete egomaniac. Loves to display everything she owns because it makes her feel better about herself. So basically...a massive, exquisite palace with a gigantic gallery slammed full of mannequins and display furniture of all kinds...something the gods themselves would be in envy of.
  6. I just hope there's more interesting references to previous games, i.e. Sheogorath hinting that he's the Champion of Cyrodiil/Hero of Kvatch, running into Jiub, etc.
  7. Site with a questionable...oh dear. I had no idea.
  8. I'm wondering if anyone knows where to actually find the files. I used the link in a ponytail mod that required it, and it took me to one of those "buy this domain" type sites instead of the actual plugin itself.
  9. I don't know... but I'm willing to find out. :dance: Jk that was a funny comment though. Probably an accidental necro bump, but... Just ask Japan. HEYO!
  10. I support this idea. Gain a little favour with the Jarl of a Hold, pick a ruined house, rebuild that sucker! It would be even cooler if it would allow you to rebuild/repurpose ALL the ruined structures in that Hold. For example, you could rebuild a ruined house, or you could rebuild a fort and proceed to either live in it, make it a guard garrison, or hand it over to the Legion/Stormcloaks, depending upon that Hold's alignment. Personally, I'd rebuild forts and stock each one up with guards or soldiers. Could really be helpful in the event of a wild animal, bandit, or dragon attack.
  11. There's actually someone who was working on this at one point...his helm is available on the Steam Workshop, and I think it's on the Nexus too.
  12. I never even considered that. Looks like I need to do my homework before saying things like this!
  13. Anyone remember the "Helms of Sight" mod for Morrowind? You could actually see people's faces inside closed helms. Given MW's graphics, it looked a little goofy, especially with EYES For Better Heads, but it was a nice touch. I've seen a lot of Skyrim helms that could benefit from this same sort of makeover. There's a lot more open-faced helmets now, but there's still a few closed helmets that I personally believe would benefit from this. Daedric, the full Imperial helmet, Dwarven, Ebony, Steel Plate, and the Dawnguard heavy set are the ones I can think of right off. If a mod like this exists, I've probably missed it, so I'd really like to see it!
  14. I kinda like the idea of adding some platforming. There's already a little in-game, puzzles to be solved and such, but it could use a little more. It could prove frustrating, potentially providing more of those "Oh for gods' sakes" moments we all hate (like when you can't find that wretched lever!), but it could still be pretty fun.
  15. While I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, maybe it will at least help give you a direction. Guild Starter
  16. I have this problem when Steam decides I haven't relogged in a while and logs me out, but it's not a constant thing. Check your Steam settings, I think. I honestly have no idea.
  17. A little edit here to clarify a few things... 1) "the world map for Solstheim itself. It's NOTHING like the original Bloodmoon island." Of course it is. You say so yourself, in your very next sentence: "There are familiar landmarks, such as Raven Rock, Fort Frostmoth, Skaal Village, etc". By your own admission it is SOMEthing like "the original Bloodmoon Island". Your complaint is that it is not exactly like the original. It's not that it's not EXACTLY like the original. You're right, it is SOMETHING like the original. It's just the orientation of those landmarks that irks me. Maybe I'm being a bit eliteist here, but I think that the area should at least be geographically correct - or at least as close as it could be after surviving the Red Year. But again, I might be thinking in an eliteist manner here, which is a possibility that annoys me more than the issue above. Haha. 2) "Overall, I just feel like Bethesda stuck a finger in the faces of those who wanted to return to the land of the Silt Strider" Did you not know that Dragonborn only included Solstheim, which is, only in a technical sense, "the land of the Silt Strider"? Firstly, Silt Striders were never in "the original Bloodmoon Island", they were in Morrowind. Bloodmoon was an add-on to Morrowind. You're complaining that an add-on to Skyrim doesn't exactly replicate the add-on to Morrowind...AND that the Skyrim-add-on doesn't have the content of Morrowind, too? Whiskey tango Foxtrot. Secondly, just what makes you believe in some kind of conspiracy at "Bethesda" to disappoint you? You figure they were cackling to themselves, whispering "Oh boy, this will REALLY be a giant middle finger to our customers, he he hee heee hee hee!"? Dude. Really? You're completely right here. This was a complete lack of sense on my part. 3) "sort of an indirect way of saying, "You want to go back to Morrowind?" Stop. Right. There. Dragonborn was not about Vvardenfell, and you knew it. So stop. I understand what you're saying here. But I don't appreciate the way you chose to express it. I know Dragonborn wasn't about Vvardenfell. But again, this was a lack of sense on my part. 4) "Here, we'll slap a bunch of crap together that you'll recognise to shut you up." This last bit is just a temper tantrum. Nobody from "Bethesda" promised you any of the things you're complaining about. You seem to think the point of Dragonborn was to fool people. Try looking at the content. The ONLY reason I feel this way is because Bethesda knows that a lot of TES fans have wanted to go back. They publicly stated that they would never make a game that size again, and I accept that fact. I don't have to like it, I just have to accept and respect their decision - which I do. I simply feel a bit like this was a way of trying to appease that same group of fans, since they have no intention of ever doing a remake...and I don't feel it was a real great way to do it. But there again, it was poor wording on my part, and I see how you got the impression of me that you did. Removing the statement that was here because it would only worsen the situation. Overall, I feel like I could have worded this whole post a bit better. Truthfully, I feel like I should have kept it to myself. Opinions and internet, we know the story.
  18. Yeah, I'd meant a future scenario. We won't be returning to Morrowind - Bethesda once stated "we will never make a game as big as Morrowind again". Personally, I just wanted a remake. Here's hoping SkyWind doesn't get shut down like its predecessor.
  19. I'd envisioned it a little differently. (As the hero is usually depicted as male, all references to the Dragonborn will be masculine) As the Dragonborn is the rightful heir to the Imperial Throne, he uses the Thu'um to light the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One, and takes the throne after Titus Mede's assassination at the hands of the Dark Brotherhood, and the 5th Era begins. The new Emperor denounces the White-Gold Concordat and takes the fight to the Dominion. Wielding the mighty power of the Voice, he crushes the Thalmor once and for all, allowing the more supportive citizens of Summerset Isle to choose a new, empire-friendly leader. Meanwhile, over in Solstheim, Neloth discovers the source of the Ash Spawn, and stamps them out once and for all. Using ancient and powerful Telvanni magics, he enshrouds the island in a mystic barrier that keeps the rest of Red Mountain's aftereffects from causing any further harm. As a sign of appreciation, Councilor Arano and Councilor Morvayn call a meeting of House Telvanni, House Redoran, and - with extreme effort - the Skaal, and together they section the island off into three districts - one for each Great House, with the Skaal only really present to tell the Dunmer where NOT to step. Back in Skyrim, the Dawnguard has all but eradicated the Volkihar clan. Serana, for her efforts to stop Harkon's plans, is allowed to keep Castle Volkihar, but only after signing a peace treaty with Isran and the Dawnguard. The vampire menace is finally over. But a new threat looms over Tamriel. Hermaeus Mora, enraged that his so-called "new champion" has slain Miraak and then vanished from Apocrypha, watches, waiting, searching through his tomes of forgotten and forbidden knowledge to find a new way through the barrier between Mundus and Oblivion, to claim the soul of the Dragonborn once and for all... ...continued in The Elder Scrolls VI: Apocrypha.
  20. Putting this in the spoiler forum due to DB content. I've been really immersing myself in the Dragonborn add-on lately. Reading, talking, wandering...and overall, I think Bethesda gave a giant "screw you" to all the players (myself included) who wanted to go back to Morrowind. Various conversations and literary items tell us that Vvardenfell is now completely uninhabitable thanks to Red Mountain. Vivec, Gnisis, Balmora, and Ald-Ruhn are confirmed as destroyed, and there's confirmed damage across the mainland too. I've also been looking at the world map for Solstheim itself. It's NOTHING like the original Bloodmoon island. There are familiar landmarks, such as Raven Rock, Fort Frostmoth, Skaal Village, etc., but the layout's all wrong. Sure, the island got blasted by the eruption of Red Mountain, but it wouldn't change the positioning of things to that extent. Overall, I just feel like Bethesda stuck a finger in the faces of those who wanted to return to the land of the Silt Striders...sort of an indirect way of saying, "You want to go back to Morrowind? Here, we'll slap a bunch of crap together that you'll recognise to shut you up."
  21. I'd love to have Sofia and Serana along for a trip. Sofia's snarky mouth and Serana's almost caustic commentary...now that could be fun!
  22. I'm actually in the process of storyboarding a graphic novel that would make a great DLC-sized mod. It would add two potential followers/marriage candidates, the chance to bathe Tamriel in darkness or cleanse it of a great evil (with a little editing to my original writing), new armour and clothing, new weapons, new spells/powers/abilities...I just can't bring all of it into the world of Skyrim on my own.
  23. Sad thing is, I can write the stories for mods like this, but I don't have the modding skills needed to build them.
  24. The Thu'um is supposed to be an incredibly dangerous power. The effects and visuals are fine, but I'm a little disappointed by the audio files. You'd think that speaking in an ancient language to invoke a devastating power would just...sound cooler. I don't know exactly how to describe what I'm thinking of, but look at it this way - when the Greybeards summon you to High Hrothgar, the ground shakes, and their Voices echo from the top of the mountain, spreading across the land so powerfully that every guard in Skyrim can hear it (The Greybeards have summoned the Dragonborn to High Hrothgar!). So then why, when the Dragonborn unleashes their violent vocal fury, is it only loud enough that those nearby hear it? I guess what I'd like to see is the Voice become a truly earth-shaking power, one that rends the very fabric of time and space itself with each word - and the more words you use, the more powerful the sound itself.
  25. The Thu'um is supposed to be an incredibly dangerous power. The effects and visuals are fine, but I'm a little disappointed by the audio files. You'd think that speaking in an ancient language to invoke a devastating power would just...sound cooler. I don't know exactly how to describe what I'm thinking of, but look at it this way - when the Greybeards summon you to High Hrothgar, the ground shakes, and their Voices echo from the top of the mountain, spreading across the land so powerfully that every guard in Skyrim can hear it (The Greybeards have summoned the Dragonborn to High Hrothgar!). So then why, when the Dragonborn unleashes their violent vocal fury, is it only loud enough that those nearby hear it? I guess what I'd like to see is the Voice become a truly earth-shaking power, one that rends the very fabric of time and space itself with each word - and the more words you use, the more powerful the sound itself.
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