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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. I am just going to assume you haven't gone back in the mod authors section where donations, pay mods and anything and everything evolving this issue has been discussed before ad nauseam. Though this final product may not have been an idea taken directly from a mod author, these things have been discussed and this was not created in a vacuum. Also Dark0ne has a line he has to dance upon when it comes to money, mods and mod authors. He can't just do whatever he wants. He can't say, start something like a sell mod system like Beth has. Finally no one is insulting mod authors by saying the only reason they do it is for money. If you think that you haven't been paying attention. But saying the ONLY reason someone makes mods is to give a gift of their work is also incorrect. I will be eternally grateful for those modders that have chosen to share their work with us, with usually not even a thanks for their hard work. But for some mod authors, the reason they have always done this for free is because there was no choice to gain any kind of financial compensation for their work. To think that no mod authors here wish to be compensated in some way for the work they do is a false pretense. Many mod authors want compensation in thanks, kudos, endorsements and/or donations. We have had a donation system here in the past that went just because you wanted to help an author. It wasn't tied to specific mods. Now a donation system has been created with an eye to that. Some mod authors want to use this. Some won't be interested and will keep just sharing stuff without worrying about the rest. Now this system is new and is sure to have some growing pains. I have no doubt that there will probably be some tweaks or possibly changes to this. Heck, if it all goes to hell in a hand basket then who knows. Maybe it would just not work out. I been here 10 years now and things change, things come and go. Hopefully all moving for the better. Now you seem to have some ideas that you think would improve this. Well by all means do share. Again, this maybe can be made better, maybe more options or whatever. But to think all mod authors think like you, that no one else differs in opinion of why they mod or what they hope to get from it seems that you are the pot calling the kettle black here.
  2. I don't have your answer, but if you don't get a response here (and for future reference) you might want to ask here, the Mod Detectives Thread https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/ Good luck!
  3. niggerloverxxx banned. Reason: Inappropriate username using racial slur. Due to the severity of the offense this account is banned instead of closed.
  4. CraigslistPussi banned. Reason: Inappropriate username Please register again with an appropriate username.
  5. There is alot of different kinds of mods and many different and sometimes unrelated skills to have in order to make them. You might want to start here and don't be intimidated https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Main_Page However, to start in this the first thing you will need to do is a have very good understanding of playing with mods of different kinds, understanding how to make them work, what they actually do in the game and sometimes learning what they do and how they work by screwing your game up. Personally I learned more about mods from me doing that than anything else. There is lots of help to be had around here, on Beth's forums and elsewhere. But don't expect to have your hand held all the time. You want to learn this is requires you to actually LEARN things on your own. just remember to be patient and polite and you will find your way. Good luck and have fun!
  6. Hello and welcome. Have you looked through the file sections yet for FNV? The site has some very robust ways to look at mods including top downloaded and endorsed of all time, which can be broken down further per category. You can sort through endorsed, downloaded, categories, time period (like looking at the past month of mods, etc.) and even words in mod title and keyword in mod descriptions.
  7. Lisnpuppy


    Ok Is this even about Syria anymore? Cause it doesn't seem like it. And at least in the recent liberal media I don't see a large correlation with it and war hawks. War Hawks come in many colors. And most of the military "missions" in the past say 25 to 30 years have been began by conservative republican administrations.
  8. NateHigger banned. Reason: Inappropriate username Please make another account with an appropriate name.
  9. eleeemgh banned. Reason: Spammer Multiple post like below being closed Reference post
  10. blicchio0 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, blicchio0 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
  11. Lisnpuppy


    I'm curious as to which articles of the Constitution that the federal government is violating?
  12. *waves like a maniac* Hello dear lurker! Welcome to the forums. Have fun here and we don't mind if you are the strong and silent type! :)
  13. Lisnpuppy


    I wrote a big post but decided to keep it simple. Whatever your initial reasoning this turned into a debate (off-topic as some post were.) This site is not a political platform or anyone's personal soapbox. We even moderate the image share for political content. This isn't the first time I have moved something into the debates section. If you want to discuss (or debate) a political point then it goes here. And it is, in fact a better place for even your initial post (which why would you post that if you didn't want people to respond?) And as you have no way of knowing if everyone would agree with you, or if they would grab their orange cheeto spray and their pitchforks, you have to assume that 1) people will respond and 2) they may disagree and argue their point to the contrary. That is a debate. You are too smart to think that your post would not perhaps get some folks panties in a wad. So that was it and here it is. Honestly, it is much safer a place to be because this is the place where moderation is, shall we say, at its most lenient. If you don't agree with me then you know with whom you need to talk. Though I really hope I am not the first moderator with whom you decide to take an exception. And since you asked, I do live in the U.S. in the state that voted the most for Trump (I did not.) I do not agree with most of the military actions that have gone on especially when ordered by a lone president. The Constitution is pretty clear on how that all works. In fact it is pretty clear of a great deal of what has been done and not done in this current administration and a few others. One of the biggest disappointments I have had was actually with Obama's administration who decided to make executive decisions without seeming to try to follow the Constitution, but rather by throwing crap on the wall to see what would stick. But please continue your...discussions. I stand by my decision.
  14. Lisnpuppy


    This is a pretty contentious topic and postings in this thread. It got heated. And honestly, TheMastersSon, far more can fly under the banner of "debates" than anywhere else on this site (though we do moderate it sometimes.) So any time you want to bring up a subject that you know people can get their panties in a wad about, in which you are asking for differing views, which you and others might disagree and set forth arguments for their sides. That is a debate even if everyone ends up agreeing with you about it, because the starting action leaves open that others will possibly present different views. So really, at the end of the day I am more comfortable having the thread here and really, so should you since the debates section is not as heavily moderated as the rest of the site.
  15. Lisnpuppy


    *reads over thread* Looks like a debate to me. Moving this thread.
  16. Lisnpuppy


    Shouldn't this be in the debates section?
  17. You know how to tell how Pineapple is going bad? It smells like beer.
  18. Might want to try posting in this thread which is specifically for finding mods you know exist but can't find. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/
  19. I don't like my fruit and meat to mix. Not even incidental touching on a plate. It is my dream that when I am ancient and my children leave me in an extended care nursing facility, and then don't visit me, that I will at last again be able to have a sectioned plate from which to eat that will keep my food separated and provide me solace. As for pizza....well I like mine with thin, crispy crust, cheese, onion, green olives and banana peppers (which I actually remove most of them prior to eating, i like the taste mixed in but not too many of the actual peppers.) I will eat pepperoni if I have to do so but i usually pull most of that off also. A side of beer battered onion rings is also loved by me and the family.
  20. Well, I don't know about y'all but myself and my progeny have already begun the world wide dominion project. I will rule with an iron fist.
  21. This is an English language site. I'm sorry but if you wish to have help you will need to communicate in English. Thank you.
  22. Do what makes you happy. Who gives a flying fig what others think. Games are for kids? I guess I am a 46 year old kid. But sure, video games are bad but hours of tv, gossiping and being on "social media" is fine. right? Many of the people here at the Nexus, gamers all, are more well-spoken, more well-read, more thoughtful, more creative than most of the people I have met anywhere else. Life is to short to worry about what folks think about your hobbies or interest. As long as you are happy and aren't hurting anyone else, tell them all what my beloved Father says, "Go keep your shovel in your own bucket." :)
  23. ShitAl banned. Reason for the ban Account closed due to inappropriate username. Please simply re-register with an appropriate username. The Terms of Service states: User name and password You have the ability, as you register, to choose a username. You should keep the name appropriate. If it contains content that we wouldn't allow users to post (e.g. swearing, drug references, inappropriate references, etc.) then its likely your account will be closed and in cases where the staff find the username particularly offensive the account will be banned.
  24. Unless you all can stop tossing around the insults I'm just going to close it down.
  25. First, it would be helpful if you actually linked the PC mod that you are talking about. Second, ALL console mods go through Bethesda. Mod authors who are interested in modding for consoles will be checking there much more than here. You would probably be better off asking there. Thanks and good luck.
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