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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy
Anything that gives one pleasure (initially anyway) and an escape from a reality that maybe one doesn't enjoy can be addictive. The United Nations I think has named gaming addiction as a thing. Some people can step back for a time and regroup, while others can't. Sometimes is takes a longtime to recognize your addiction because it won't necessarily have immediate ill effects on your life. I myself, came to love gaming and use it to distract me from my ill health at times, to distract me from physical pain and depression. Its a form of self medicating in many ways. I have some experience with drug and alcohol addiction and really all addictions at least on the outside, are similar in many ways. My Father is a recovering alcoholic (25 years now) and I also worked in substances abuse facilities for a time. Some people can make adjustments to their lives when they see that their "poison of choice" is getting the better of them. They can step back, take a break or whatever to get back to that happy balance. Others find their addiction so consuming that they have to make serious and permanent changes in behavior and access. They have to toss all the bottles out of their house, rid themselves of old friends because they party, take a different route to the grocery store so they don't go by the liquor store. They have to get rid of it all.
Well, Fkemman, it seems like you have made your decision as to the reasons and have answered your own questions.
Basically...if you are no longer having fun with something why still do it? What sucks the fun out of something varies from individual to individual. Money isn't a huge deciding factor. I would think that the reason many mod authors move on is that they have..moved on. Life happens. You (and I use this as a general you) don't always have the time on your hands as you may have. Maybe your young when you go into modding then, graduate from school, get a job, house, spouse, 2.5 kids...maybe time is a factor. Maybe you have medical issues. Maybe you are older and can no longer spend all your time hunched over a computer. Maybe it gets boring. Maybe you think mod users are now a growing group of asshats? Maybe your fellow mod authors are driving you nuts? Maybe you think Bethesda sucks and Todd is the devil incarnate. Maybe you don't like payment and modding. Maybe you died (it has happened, sadly.) You can't just look at one thing, no matter how important (or not) that you think it is and assume the majority of people leaving this is do to that one thing, Causalities are a weird thing. Sure there are some drama-momma's out there that like to go on social medial and make like monkeys in the zoo throwing poo at people. They will make themselves the misunderstood artist that is being stomped into the ground by Beth and the CC and the horrible, horrible masses. Or you can say, Hey it's been great! So long and thanks for all the fish.
Does anyone know what mods where used in this photo?
Lisnpuppy replied to MrValkatraz's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
For future reference, this link can often help you find mods. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/485981-skyrim-mod-detectives-thread/ -
Proper etiquette for Mod Updates/Reworks
Lisnpuppy replied to theFuzzyWarble's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Hi! To answer your general question, if a mod author has no indication of permissions then the default is a no. Lack of explicit permissions or response from the mod author does not indicate that you can use the authors work. The Terms of Service state: All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned. Now you seem to indicate that the mod author had put in perhaps his ReadMe documents that it is OK to use this mod. As long as there is nothing else in the description or Permissions tab that counters this then you would typically be all right to use the mod in the way stated by the author. You would not need to contact them in this instance. You would need to indicate in your description and permissions that there was the OK in the docs to use the mod and give the mod author credit and a nice link to the original. If there is contradictory info then you would not be able to use it unless you get the author's direct OK. If I have confused you (and I do that at times lol) then send me a PM and I can help you out. If you are unsure please link the mod and I would be happy to look at it to give you a more definite answer. Hope this helps!! Happy modding! ~Lisnpuppy -
The Kingsmen-The Golden Circle
Hello, I have a question.... hallo ich habe eine frage....
Lisnpuppy replied to Indian6667's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
You might find the answer by checking the mod authors permissions on their mod page. Some mod authors like to keep translations on their original pages or address permissions for translation. Some don't care at all and allow it in their permissions. However if there is no info there addressing translations then you would need to get permission directly. Good luck and if you have any questions please let me know. ~Lisnpuppy -
... and this is where I drop out. Have fun with your illusory crusade. Lisnpuppy, thank you for the kind words. It means a lot. :smile: fck it im off too..back home to moddb. you sort your own crusades out. EDIT: well s*** that was a mistake to post my email here. now i got to change it. PS. just saw this video that someone linked me and that there is no Kabals going on here is such BS. apparently it even has a name AKA "the modders forum" Please delete my account. i do not wan´t anything to do with this site anymore. Ha ha ha Like the mod authors section is a big secret and it is soooo difficult to be a part of. But hey, you don't want to take my advice and just ask the people that run this show to get an answer *shrug*. Doesn't seem to me you really wanted an answer from the site owner. Accounts are not deleted, they are marked as "banned, account closed by request". I'll go do that for you right now. I'll also close this thread as it has reached its logical conclusion. ~Lisnpuppy
jojje5 banned. Reason for the ban Per request Reference post Moderation history This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned
There is no kabal. And if another member is harassing you then you need to make that known to Robin and SirSalami. And the reason Reneer is pushing this is that you asked and have defended a position, you wanted to debate it and he is a mod author and has been around here, well I don't want to "date" someone but I've been here over nine years and Reneer's mods were some of the first I used back in Oblivion. Reneer has been a long time supporter of his fellow modders and to put it bluntly, he knows $hit. Reneer, I believe he does need an answer about scripts from the powers that be. Though asking permission from the mod author, nice and polite might solve the mess sooner rather than later. However if the conversation has, as I think it may have, already tanked then that option may be closed at present. Again I hope you have reached out to SirSmokedTurkey SirSalami (sorry it's a bit of a joke of mine to try to make up his name with alternate lunch meats) and Robin. They can answer your question and address the conversation you had with the mystery person. No muss, little fuss and bing bang boom you will know. In the meanwhile keep working on your mods. You can do whatever the heck you want in your own game.
i just can´t believe it that you try to push it this far. there is not going to be any more mods on the nexus if you guys start pulling this. :ermm: though i will still make an attempt to argue that changing 2 out of 6 lines in a script would be considered substantial, and therefor making it into a original. . it sure is more than what Marcel Duchamp did to Mona Lisa. But i need to wait for after the weekend to get some more legal advice. Thanks for the reply linspuppy. I would love to talk to SirSalami or Dark0ne. but i hope that you can see that this is a rather public issue and just not a private issue of mine. hence why i brought it here. and i think it would be great if SirSalami or Dark0ne could come here to address the issue as i am sure i am not the only one that does not enjoy feeling a knife on the throat for just creating simple mods. the praxis of this kabal that attempts to pool their mod resources together in order to block other modders not on their white-list i also think needs addressing. I understand that they are only doing it for fear of piracy, but really is this the community that you want? it leaves little power left for management, and i would almost describe it as a "soft" hostile-takeover. TLDR; i would like to see a real public debate about this. Then contact them as they are the only ones that can give you a final answer on the matter. You can debate all you like but their answer (which may be yes, it is fine to put the mod up, I can't say) will be the final word of your particular situation.
Warhammer 40k Sister of Battle Armor Conversion Request
Lisnpuppy replied to losatis's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
You would probably need the mod author's permission and the permission of the the content he used to make it. As the original file was removed (I'm not sure why, though it may have been that the original author was banned and asked for content removal or they took it down themselves) this might not even be possible. However, if you wish to contact the author of the NV version feel free to politely ask. But if you don't get an answer or it's a no you will have to accept that and make a request from someone to make it from scratch. Good luck. ~Lisnpuppy -
Ha ha ha! Yes HeyYou is corrent. Always tweaking and finding new content. Thus the screwing up of games and learning by that screwing up. But I wish you luck! And if you DO screw up, then come to the proper forum and ask away or ask those nice people mod authors and others in the mod threads who very unsurprisingly, can help a great deal also!
Warhammer 40k Sister of Battle Armor Conversion Request
Lisnpuppy replied to losatis's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
From the permissions listed on the file you wish to have converted. Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances So the answer to convert this for upload the answer would be that no, it can not be converted. Someone can make it from scratch if they want but can't convert it for upload. You may wish to, in the future, make sure you read over the description and permissions on any files upon which you wish to have yourself or another mod author work. ~Lisnpuppy -
I can not answer your question entirely as I don't know the specifics and the person to whom you spoke (was it staff or another member? Was it the author of one of the mods referenced?) You should talk to either SirSalami or Dark0ne (the site owner) regarding this matter. Unless you spoke to one of them already. Ultimately copyright is one thing and the rules of the site are another. I will say in the past that scripts themselves have been protected here when they were an original work. There is a big issue with derivative work that is sometimes just too difficult to decide upon in some instances. That being said, there is a bit of the site rules you may wish to also pay attention to that is above and beyond copyright. This site follows copyright laws (and all laws of course.) But the rules of this site often go beyond even laws and the instance of copyright is one of them. The Terms of Service state: Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws.All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.Always provide appropriate credit to authors who have given you permission to use their content in your files both within the file description and within your file readme, even if said content was published as free to use. So your mod may fall in arrears to the rules of the site regardless of if it is a lawful copyright matter or not. So to the point, it might not matter. It may not be a copyright issue against you if taken to court (thought honestly I think the reason your attorneys are having issues is that there is very little case law regarding mods and even less on derivative works of a mod, if any.) Just because a mod does or doesn't meet the standards of copyright does not mean it doesn't break those above rules. One of the reasons The Nexus has survived all these many, many years is that we protect mod authors' works. You will wish to talk to SirSalami/Dark0ne in this matter if you contend it as a derivative work. But in the end of this just because it isn't copyright infringement doesn't mean that you wouldn't need to get permission from the original mod author. That is the NEXUS rules to which you agreed when you signed up for this site. I'm not saying that this is what will happen at the end of this. I am telling you that our Terms are far more protective in regard to mod author content. Any answer you get from SirSalami/Dark0ne (especially Robin since he is the site owner) will be final. This is a private website and Dark0ne's will is supreme. He can make any rule that he desires that does not break the law and host or not any mod that does not break the law. If the rules on hosting a mod are more stringent than the law, that is his decision and will. So I urge you to talk with SirSalami or Dark0ne as these are really the only people that can give you a final, firm answer to your questions (or one of us moderators by proxy.) Raising them again in the open forum will not get you a final answer as it isn't coming from the horse's mouth, so to speak. So speak to them privately on Discord or use the Contact Me button at the bottom of the forums. Make sure you have as much information as possible when you speak to them of the situation. Good Luck.
Isn't that kinda what I said earlier? In my own, craptastic sounding way? Ha ha ha I think it's what most people said in this debate. Communism is a bad word in Western countries for the same reason capitalism is a bad word in Communist countries: because any theories can sound great on paper, but the common and undebatable limitation among everybody including Marx is human nature. I was thinking more of what I said about pure communism needing a incorruptible government and pure capitalism relying on the perfect charity of the public in which to function.
Isn't that kinda what I said earlier? In my own, craptastic sounding way? Ha ha ha
Neither making or using mods is for the faint of heart. Using some mod managers, LOOT utility, reading up on how mods work (and don't) can help you immensely. That being said, it does sometime require a bit of trial and error. I have been putting mods in games (and making the small one for myself) for like nine years now and I still get things screwed up. I'm not sure what game to which you are referring, which maybe could help me, help you. It can be frustrating but some things like understanding load orders, reading the descriptions and full instructions of each mod, installing only one mod at a time then testing your game, making save backups before you install a mod and having a base understanding of what types of mods do what is a necessary basic level of understanding to make your life easier. Each games mods are a bit different and the tools developed today to help putting mods in a game are not always as effective on older games. Mod authors don't often know what other mods may conflict with their mods, so they can't tell you. Other members may let them know and they can include this information. Mod authors won't always and should not be expected to try to make their mods conflict free with ever mod people have in their games. Most mods are made "as is" and as long as they are not trying to deliberately destroy something you have to play with the hand you are dealt. I do understand you are frustrated and I hope that any request for help from mod authors or others has not been presented in the same, erm *cough* level of frustration that you present here. So if you have some more specifics I or someone here, might be able to help you better. Or at least point you in the right direction. But in the end we can't do it all for you. You have to be willing to learn, and maybe have to lose some saves, have a late night reinstall or have to learn by screwing it right up. :smile: You won't be the first that broke a mouse throwing it when she couldn't get Skyrim to install on her new Windows 8.1 (and this was a "friend" of mine..I SWEAR!) Good luck! And don't break your mouse and don't forget to be polite. ~Lisnpuppy
@HeyYou Amen, Brother.
I don't know why people get in such a tizzy, at least here in the U.S. about communism and socialism (socialism I think is the worse of the words here as most Americas think communism lost. Socialism however is still something of a boogie man here.) The Communist (i.e The Soviet Union) was the evil which we, as the owners of the "Shining House on the Hill", fought against and won (so we think) when the wall came down and the Soviet Union broke into so many splintered shards. In reality, Communism has been held up as a political theory and an economic theory. To many in the U.S., capitalism is viewed as both also. It is really interchangeable with democracy to many Americans, and as such is seen as the system of government in ways since many think one can not have democracy without capitalism. That isn't really how either of them work but you can not take socialist economics out of communism nor capitalism from our view of democracy. How I ultimately see them is thus, you can not have pure communism without the incorruptibility of government, and you can not have pure capitalism without the incorruptible generosity of the people. Without these, neither will hold (as time has shown) and you end up with governments and economies that have various combinations of social/economic practices. Both systems sound absolutely wonderful on paper. In practice, eh... I do agree though, if not the means to fix the issues, that Marx had it right that there will be a reckoning between the "haves" and the "have nots" in societies. The U.S. economy is becoming increasingly divided in wealth distribution. I feel that something is going to give in this as it is not sustainable.
Its a objective, mad style parody and poke at the current social cultural crisis. Its giving it the all the emphasis and importance the ''highly propagandized'' subject really deserves, in the context its presently being used and pushed in peoples faces. A spoof.Sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet.
That is correct. And what people do in their own private game is not the concern of The Nexus. Good luck with your mod. Have fun!
I'm not sure what this has to do with the current topic. I don't know if you think there is something more important the Site Owner should be posting about. If you were expecting some Christmas post, let's remember that there are members on this site from all over the world. Members who are of every nationality, gender, ethnicity and religion. To somehow meet all these things in a web post at a personal level is almost impossible. This is after all, a modding gaming site and a post of news ABOUT said site. Thus it is appropriate and important in its context. But if you wish for a message that reflects this season of generosity. A season in which many see as one of giving, without any ties, just for a way of saying thank you and letting know people you care- I can only think this post reflects this ideal in some small way in again, it's context. Even if you do not like or agree with the premise, the idea allows people to give back something to the modding community in general. I can't think this is a bad thing.
This site is PC mods. You may wish to consider posting on Bethesda's site where the Xbox mods are. You may have more success in finding authors who are more interested in creating for that platform. Good luck to you.