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Everything posted by Lisnpuppy

  1. Unfortunately Skeleton K's permissions are such that you are not allowed to convert this to another game and do anything with the mod without the mod author's express permission. Other user's assets This author has not specified whether they have used assets from other authors or not. Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms Author notesThis author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions File creditsThis author has not credited anyone else in this file
  2. Just tried that (and nothing else-no other changes. Just launched from the loader as admin) Still goes to steam store. Re-started Steam..still not working. Should I try any of the other "fixes" now that I have disabled it?
  3. The Nexus does not care what you do with your own game. You (as you said) can not share the 'changes" unless you have specific permission from the mod author. We also frown on asking someone else to do it for you (asking here on The Nexus), then share it with you (through The Nexus.) If you want to do it yourself for your own private enjoyment, go for it. After all this is a way many learn to mod to begin. Good luck and have fun.~Lisnpuppy
  4. I feel more than a little stupid coming here to ask this, considering how long I've been using script extenders. However I have an issue that I think I have tried everything to fix, except dancing naked in the rain, hopping on one foot and carrying a chicken. Let me explain. Fallout 4 with the F4se used to work. Then right before Far Harbor came out I had stopped playing and uninstalled the game completely. I was getting a new drive and wanted to install it on that (since Steam allows that now with ease) as I really didn't have the room on the original drive. I have other Steam games installed on the same drive I was putting F4 and they all work fine. Sometime after Nuka World came out I decided to reinstall and had this same issue then. Frustrated I just uninstalled again. I decided the other day to give it another go since there aren't updates all the time and all. Well the vanilla game runs fine. If I install F4se and launch from the f4se loader it acts like it will start but then brings up Steam store page. I do not use NMM or MO. I'm old school, yo. I have tried 1) renaming the f4se loader to the fallout4launcher 2) changing the "set launch options" under the games Steam properties to the f4se loader 3) doing this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=682660057 4) restarted computer, restarted Steam, validated files 5) tried adding the f4se loader as a non-steam game to launch from there 6) threatening computer with baseball bat All of these except #6 result in the Steam Store coming up and nothing else. Well actually #6 does also. I'm at a loss. As I said Fallout 4 and the F4SE worked fine before. It has not worked since. I am pretty mod saavy. I have been using them for 9 years now and use the script extender on every Beth game that has one. If someone uses Steam to launch their Fallout 4 (and not NMM or MO, I don't want to use those) and can give me some exact instructions I would greatly appreciate it. Kudos for whoever wishes to tie their rope to my star that is about to go angry supernova. (lol) Thanks in advance.
  5. I would like to add also, that a mod author can ban someone from ALL their mods once they have commented on any of them. So perhaps you commented on another of the author's mods and got a author ban for that reason. I will show this to SirSalami. Frankly the mod author tools are set up that it is impossible for them to ban someone if they have not at least commented one time on one of the mods. Authors can also remove the post so it may not be seen by members after that. If there is something wrong with the site it will be addressed but I have not heard of any issues.
  6. Since you have posted elsewhere and I have answered you there I am closing this one. Thank you.~Lisnpuppy
  7. Unless they have given a blanket permission or the person that uploads the assets get permission from the DD creators prior to the mod being uploaded then the answer is no. I would suggest you take (another) look at the Terms of Service of this site located here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules The important part for this issue says: Absolutely no copyrighted work is to be used without permission of the original creator. This includes content from other games, from DLCs, music creators or from other file authors. This also includes members from countries that do not recognise copyright laws.All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. Such permission must be indicated in the Readme text attached to the file and/or on the Description page (or in the Description field for images), and must be obtained in advance, before uploading the file. If you cannot provide proof of consent then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.
  8. TheTrump banned. Reason for the ban Another account of previously banned member, this is at least the 4th account. (Second reference link is moderation link only.) Reference post Reference post
  9. The honest answer here is that before we removed for copyright content if a party (with a horse in the race, so to speak) request it. There may have been other mods removed but I am not aware of that. Now however it seems that there will be some contract with accepted mod author creations used on the Beth site. If the contract says that the mod author can not share a free version of the mod (and that seems to be how it may work, I don't know for sure as I haven't seen anything yet) and the mod gets uploaded to this site then if requested, we would likely remove it. It would likely be a rare and unusual situation. But as said, let us not count our chickens before they hatch or pay interest on loans not yet due. In other words, chill.
  10. MrGoldenAk47 banned. Reason for the ban Multiple accounts made with intent of harassing a mod author. Neither is acceptable. Your ban appeal has been denied. Reference post Reference post Reference post
  11. I have been watching "American Gods". I like it but it's not for the under 18 age and not safe for work by any stretch.
  12. First, you all might want to wrap some of that text up in spoiler tags. It is making my eyes bleed. Also is there a reason this isn't in the debates section?
  13. I've read through most of this thread (it is about 3am here) and I have to ask the OP and others a question. Based on the thread title and the discussion, what do you hope to achieve here? I am not saying there isn't an issue at times here. This is my second stint as a moderator and I've been here nine years. We (moderators) probably know more than anyone else the attitudes sometimes present on The Nexus. But what are you hoping to achieve? Do you think a thread discussing how members act entitled and like little dillweeds will change the behavior? Do you hope to antagonize them? Do you forget there are modders out there (indeed any member of the site) that are twin stars to the very people that you "rant" about? Perhaps it would be a more positive choice (and could be like the very constructive criticism that many modders oft bemoan about not getting about their files) that we all think of ways to also deal with this conflict? Discuss ways to positively handle people that behave in a poor way or improve modder/member relations. I realize things get tough at times. I think it would not only make some of you feel better about things/people being "ranted" about here, but to also provide ideas towards minimizing the impact people who in the manner in which your subject title indicates.
  14. Did you just try your print screen key?
  15. Of the thousands of mods and mod authors, the millions of posts..the incidents of "abuse" are minuscule. Some mod authors never even use this feature. The system has worked remarkable well. The mod authors after years of discussion and petition were granted these rights (which many other sites already had.) They can not block someone that has not posted to their mods. They can however block someone from their mods for any reason. Honestly in all the years of me being here and in moderation I have seen handful of what I would consider abuse of the system. Abuse in my eyes is when an uploader blocks people from a malicious mod or a mod that has somehow broken the rules here. That issue is solved when the mod is reported. Mod authors who here, upload their hard work and give it to us as a gift suffer a tremendous amount of negativity and sheer trolling and flaming. Being able to control their own mod threads has decreased this. Other matters of concern are reported for moderation be it by mod author or member. Mod authors follow the same Terms of Service as anyone else. That being said, mod authors are human. They sometimes reach the end of their rope. Sometimes they make mistakes. I have seen many people get re-instated to a mod author's content with a small talk and apology. Abuse will occur in any system. The benefits of this system far outweight the negligible abuse (and just because someone doesn't think they are treated fair is not abuse.) The Terms of Service state very clearly the rules of what a comment should entail. While the mod authors have a broader hand on post in their mod threads and who has access to their content, the far greater majority of issues the mod authors handle are something that probably would not fit the rules in the Terms of Service. Mod authors choose to share their work here. They should and do have control over their content. I suggest if you have a personal issue that you speak to a moderator or the admin like SirSalami. Though we do not directly intervene in these matters (as the site owner states in the link you read) at times we can help facilitate a conversation between author and member to arrive at a more positive outcome.
  16. If an asset comes from a DLC then the mod has to be dependent on that DLC to work. That is the rules.
  17. Mod request can be put here if you can not find something else. Good luck. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/422-skyrim-mod-requests/
  18. I'm not sure of your point here. However, since the DLC is fairly cheap as is the (almost six year old) game in general now (including the legendary which has all the DLC included) it is only natural that many mods require them. You have options including learning to create mods yourself or make a polite request in the mod request forum for a certain type mod that does not require more than the base game. If you have legit questions or concerns then spell them out. Don't post a spam hello. If you want just to say hi to the Nexus then there is a place for that also.
  19. When people speak of having their actions matter, and in older TES games this was true. For example, in Morrowind if you did a certain Thieves Guild quest, it locked you out of the Fighter's Guild (without mods of course.) Also you had to eventually pick a faction and build your Stronghold, and after that alternate factions would attack you. This is a simple example. But in Oblivion, you actually do a thieves quest where you steal from the Mage's Guild. But you can be in the Mage Guild and be the Master and basically steal from yourself on the thieves quest. Or do the stealing and still become the leader of the Mage Guild. That is silly. In theory a player can avoid this by not participating in the quest lines, but that isn't the same. You steal from the Mage Guild then there should be consequences for that. Regardless of if you join the other quest line or not. Streamlining certain things, making games appeal to a wider audience doesn't mean a game has to just let one go do anything without consequence. Part of the fun is making those choices and having to deal with them. If one wishes to play another way, then start a new character. As for the mechanisms, well that is debatable. However in earlier games (like NWN) then your choices of the skills for your character, their race, class and point you put in skills-may be a bit complicated but it allows a character to be different, play different and have different consequences. Now games seem to ignore this and more importantly many only provide one way to play the game. You can't choose not to kill someone. You can't complete a quest more than one way. It gets a bit boring at times. Since TES made games before that allow some of these things, I don't see why they can not now. They can still streamline. They can still have ways to play to appeal to the larger gamer world. Just to have one thing doesn't mean you must totally give up the other.
  20. Embarrassed the "girl?" If you are correct or not in your "judicial" opinion remains to be seen. However accusing someone of lying (unless perhaps you have had 24/7surveillance on her and know as fact she never spoke to legal counsel) and calling others names really do not help your case.
  21. Though in the main I concur with your thesis excepting the Battle of Kadesh. The Canaanites contributed no troops to the battle. Neither Ramses or Muwatallii's account of the battle ever mentioned a Canaanite contingent. The Hittites used their own chariot arm almost exclusively which lead to the subsequent draw instead of the crushing Hittite victory it could have been. It should be acknowledged that Ramses's account of a decisive victory was mostly fiction and the Hittite records were circumspect to say the least. As for the context of Eleanor's actual input in the second crusade I would recommend a Biography of Henry II by W.L. Warren. You will enjoy the read...I did. It is documented (and it is too late for me to dig it all out tonight though I will later if you wish) that the Hittite King came with leaders and/or with soldiers (etc) of allies of many different places and leaders including Rimisharrinaa, the King of Aleppo. Hard to think that this would be mentioned in text if Aleppo as ally did not have some import and contribution (and it may be the King was there himself) and did not impact of the battle in some way. I'm not going to argue that the Hittite King screwed up by not pushing the issue and furthering his attack when he had Ramses "on the ropes" as it were. It certainly was more of a draw that Ramses wished that it was and despite what the temple writings showed. Though props for Ramses for regaining control and fighting to a draw that should have been a loss. My point, was not that Aleppo particularly fight hand in hand in the battle but that this small city has been in the middle of fighting with, in, for, around, against, etc for literally thousands of years (and even been part of propaganda perhaps?) An ally they are with the Hittites and just a few generations later, they are attacked and absorbed by them. This speaks to the larger issue in the Middle East of not maybe generations of blood feuds or military engagements, but thousands of years of it. I don't think if the Aleppo soldiers actually saw battle as compared to the Hittite Chariots in any way makes my point different or impacts what I was trying to say in any way. Nato Allies are still allies if they fight alongside others in a direct specific battle or not, yes? I thank you for the book info. I may check it out when I once again have a chance to read.
  22. ((This isn't really addressing the argument here but I think it has some relevance as to the complexity of this matter. I'm also a straight up history geek loving ancient history. Anyway, I recently read a book of Eleanor of Aquitaine who lived-and participated-in the Second Crusade and lived through the third. This was in the 1100s A.D. In both Crusades the city of Aleppo played a role and was fought over tremendously by both sides, changing hands on several occasions. In fact, long LONG before that there was trouble in the City of Aleppo to which the Hittite King Muwatalli sent his brother to them as a diplomat to help sooth issues. Aleppo had fought along side the Hittites when they battled Ramses the Great at the Battle of Kadesh in about 1274 B.C. The Hittites later conquered Aleppo in about 1556 B.C. So these places have been fought over for the past several thousand years or more. Should I do the Fallout thing now? War, war never changes.))
  23. ItsEvilRickMotherf*#@er banned. Reason for the ban Please register again with a user name that is in adherence with the Terms of Service of the site.
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