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Everything posted by edgeburner

  1. This one irks me. Is there a mod that will keep these settlers from running out of the settlement beyond turret range? I'm not dedicated to settlement building, but, i do like to create some basic settlements. I spend all of this time arranging turrets in a overlapping fire field and the idiots just run beyond the range of the turrets to attack the intruders? Is there a basic mod that will keep them closer to the actual settlement and let the turrets do their thing? Again, I'm not into building major, involved settlements....I only run two basic settlement mods, Better settlers and Better generators. I'm not even gonna' complain about the lightning fast lateral movement speed of raiders and their ability to throw a grenade over the green monster in Fenway Park.....After all, they need some advantage. Their pipe pistols nailing you from atop a five story building is another matter, but, I have a mod for that. :)
  2. edgeburner


    Nah. Pseudo science shatters like cheap glass against the hard surface of proven fact- and there is no way to avoid that collision either. Now how many lives will be upended by such an event is another story. Render to Caesar what is Caesar's; and to logic your unquenchable thirst for truth. :dry: Though once true, that is no longer the case. One must factor in the politics, the media and the $$$$ signs. Influence is the dominant factor now, not peer review, clinical testing, ect. They should attempt a controlled environment series of test on the media and politicians...problem is, how would you institute the controls, when they're in control? :)
  3. edgeburner


    The poison of politics and the inevitable blame-game. The virus was created and loosed upon the planet by China. Period! You can argue Trump's policies 'till the damn cows come home, the fact is, that he is not to blame for those deaths. I recall the political posturing by democrats after Trump instituted the travel ban on China....while democrats like Pelosi and DeBlasio were encouraging social mixing. Biden claiming xenophobia, ect. Remember the literally millions that were protesting and rioting after the nonsensical killing of George Floyd? Were they following CDC guidelines, were they wearing mask and practicing social distancing? Were they traveling form state to state? I recall Trump bending over backwards to supply ventilators, to send hospital ships to NYC and LA, asking automotive companies to re-tool their assembly process to include ventilators, asking distilleries to produce hand sanitizer. Hell, even Dr. Fuaci stated that Trump heeded CDC research and guidelines. Yet, the anti-Trumpers with their theories, after the fact quarterbacking and bias must point the finger! Could Trump have done better, perhaps, but, we all have 20/20 hindsight, eh? The worst thing about this whole ordeal is the fact that it became political. Nothing is safe form the poison of politics in this nation any longer. IMO, until we find a remedy to political poison, we will remain divided as a nation.
  4. A controversial topic indeed. Many of these social media companies web-sites are the primary news source for a lot of folks in this day and age. If the old-guard media networks (television, print, radio, ect) were found in denial of freedom of speech via censorship, misrepresentation of the facts, ect... they would, and, have been, sued. Now that these social media companies are practicing censorship and ignoring the "Passive" role that was the very reason they were granted this immunity by congress. Should they be held legally accountable for their actions? The White Houses stance: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-preventing-online-censorship/
  5. Sorry about the borked embedded link, here you go... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283?tab=description
  6. Proper procedure. I was just wondering if having so many large texture replacers was causing issues. not just the redundancy, but, the games engine limitations. There are programs that will allow you to open BA2 archives and edit then repackage them, but, they are beyond my scope of patience to learn :) I believe there are some of these programs on this very site. You could try installing this mod -capping your frame rate at 60 fps and disabling Vsync in your ini files. Believe me, if your are running a lot of hi-rez texture packs this mod is the proverbial GEM. You can limit your frame rate via the mods included ini file. The mod author recommends leaving Vsync enabled, but, if you cap your frame rate via the ini file, it should work. Also, Some folks have had issue with Windows 10 not properly flushing it's RAM cache. The following procedure seems to help...especially with crash on load issues. It's a simple matter of creating a task via the windows task manager with a small executable.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=offcMVAabLI&feature=emb_logo program
  7. edgeburner


    Funny how climate skeptics are silenced. Hell, a few years ago some dem reps in the HOR wanted to prosecute global warming skeptics under the RICO act? Nigel Lawson being banned from commenting on the BBC? Is that science? No, it's not, it's liberal politics. It's a bias media contributing. It's controlling the narrative. It's fear of contradicting fact. Remember those four California based doctors that questioned the status qou acceptance of Covid science? They were banned from YouTube. Why? Has it all of the sudden become wrong to question scientific theory/ Hypothesis? If so, we have lost science.
  8. Dude, you have a lot of major texture replacement mods loading. Are all of the Luxor, Valius and falcon oil packs BA2's? Reason I ask is because loose texture files always overwrite BA2 archives, you mentioned "a lot" of loose files.... not only that, there is a lot of redundancy in those AIO/large, super inclusive packs. I'm no expert, but, if i were you, I'd chop down some of those large packs and pick the one/s that I like the best. MO2 cannot show overwrites with BA2 archives. As HeyYou stated, drop the crap DLC pack. Your rig is fine, but, the engine this game runs on is not. BTW, judging by your rig, are you running a 144hz + monitor?
  9. Personally, I like "Paul's Hardware".....with honorable mention to Gamer's Nexus and Hardware Unboxed. I'm not especially concerned with what these guys ate for lunch and how their dog is faring......if you get my drift.
  10. edgeburner


    This years general election is not about superficiality, not about personality, it's about policy. Imo, Trumps main issue is that he stands up to a media that has sported a bias against Republicans for about two decades now.. Not only stands up to them, he shoots back. The beltway media elitist club isn't used to that, So, they attempt to tear him down....It's not working. As a matter of fact, it's working against them...Just check their trust ratings. The man has a lot of friends, many of which he helped through tough times....people from all races. Is he a "bad person"? I don't think so. Does he say some nonsensical things? Yes, BUT.....Judge him by policy, not personality. I live about 10 miles away from Biden, have been watching him since the seventies, talked with him on a couple of occasions.....even voted for him twice. The man is a mere shell of his former self. I believe he is suffering form onset dementia....and I have witnessed that horror personally. My mother suffered form it for three years before she passed. Can a teleprompter save him?
  11. HeyYou. Yup, No doubt, I grew up with a couple. put them in front of the old Commodore 64 and they amazed you....Take them to a bar and it was "get them the hell out of here!" :)
  12. Marathon by Bungie, mid-nineties....was Mac-only when I played it. Beat the hell out of Doom in my opinion. You had to think as well as shoot. Much better graphics and story...You can still play it today with two simple downloads... On PC? Deus Ex...the original. Played them all since....none of the later releases can compete. Honorable mention to...Delta Force, Star Craft, and, an incomplete game that kept me in...called "Dungeon Lords" .
  13. "For a long trip thru normal space, you spend a significant time accelerating, maybe some time coasting, and then a significant time decelerating.... so you don't breeze past your destination at some percentage of light speed. :D You get there with just enough velocity to achieve orbit." Yup! it;s all about orbital calculation, planetary axis and rotation, ect. It's sort of like shooting a bullet....if you miss, that bullet cannot possibly change direction and hit the target. Hell, just shooting a unit up to the International space station must be perfectly calculated.....If you miss, you miss. There ain't no chasin' it down and docking.
  14. I've read some interesting theories about bending space and time in order to create a sort of "black hole" that will result in almost instantaneous space travel. The actual physics are beyond my understanding but, it makes for some interesting reading. Google it. Perrraine...spitballing on this sort of topic is perfectly OK. I often wonder just how many of these "geniuses" are overlooked because of circumstance. Maybe they were born in some third world nation and will never be recognized? Never heard from? How many geniuses have withdrawn from society because they are so utterly focused on the technical that they are utterly lacking in social skills? They simply cannot cope with relating to others on a daily basis? Perhaps we will read some of their findings years after they pass? Then again, there is the genealogy/chromosome aspect....Some believe that woman are born into men's physical bodies (and visa versa) because of chromosome misalignment. Hence, transgenderism. How can two parents berth three "normal" children and one with a chromosome misalignment? Is there a correlation? We have a lot to learn.
  15. Are your using 144hz monitor that is G-Sync or G-Sync compatible? The reason i ask is because I had the same issue...with a small mod load (40 + mods). My game used to hang on certain in-game computer terminals also....I discovered (on a forum at a different site) information that basically confirmed this issue. They referenced it as the "144hz bug". This info led me to believe that my refresh-rate could be causing other issues. So, I did the following and haven't crashed in about two weeks. the following is a quote from a previous post.... I think I may have discovered a solution for mine. I run a 144hz G-sync compatible monitor, so, i did a little experiment to see if my refresh rate was causing my random outdoor crashes.. as it sometimes causes hangs when accessing in-game computer terminals. I lowered my monitors refresh rate 120hz. in the NVIDIA control panel. Limited my FPS via the LoadAccelerator mod ini file: FPSLimitInGame = 60FPSLimitInLoading = 350FPSLimitInBlackLoading = 350 Disabled VSync in BethINI. So, basically, Lowering my refresh rate to 120 (a multiple of 60hz), capping my FPS at 60, and, disabling v-sync cured my CTD issues..... Good luck. Oh, i just read that your are running and AMD GPU. This may still work with free-sync and refresh rate changes in the AMD GPU control app.
  16. Thanks for the input, folks. I reckon it is now safe to proceed.
  17. I have heard about various issues occurring with this update, such as the TRIMMing issues, but, has anyone experienced issues with games after installing this update? If so, which games? Personally, I never hop through the major windows update hoop without some research. This update is sitting here on the bench... waiting. Shall I? Or, is it best to wait just a little longer?
  18. Maybe check your network setting? Shot in the dark perhaps, but, probably worth a try. Let's face it, Windows has a tendency to be sneaky.
  19. HeyYou....I have head about the "planet seeding" thing....Creationism vs evolution vs seeding by Xtest.....One thing they all have in common....Faith in believe....be it religion, science or beings from other galaxy/world.If he whole Roswell thing were true..after 70 years, we wouldn't have even a sniff? Think about all of the changes in Government, media and science in that time frame...Yet, basically nothing has changed but the theories and rumor? Odd...especially in the political environment we have suffered though in the last 20 years or so. MrJoseCuervo...That's what you get for listening to your girl :) This occurred in fair weather? Reason I ask is because I actually witnessed a "lightning ball" during a severe thunderstorm when I was a child. It sort of flashed for a few seconds, about ten feet off of the ground and then dissipated....Didn't actually move, but, seemed to hold longer than cloud to ground lightning. Funny thing, i sort of dismissed it as childhood imagination, until my sister, who witnessed it also asked me about it a few months ago....I had no idea or recall that she actually saw it. This occurred back in the 60's Perraine.....I f ind it hard to believe that world leaders could actually agree on something and keep it secret by mutual agreement for 70 + years, through all of the regime/political changes in that have occurred. but, then again, if there is something that literally scares them into doing so throughout the decades.... I am not a conspiracy theorist, but, something is wrong....I'll withhold personal judgement until someone/thing shows me.
  20. I had the same issue with the Stealth Suit-New Vegas mod when I first installed the mod mid-game.. Have you tried a character that hasn't entered the area's were the unique variants spawn yet? I believe this mod may be script-injected at load, so a cell reset may not work....at least it didn't for me. running a character that hadn't entered those cells yet did work. Also, the unique assassins suit in not located IN the building itself, it's on a corpse lying on the ground outside of the building. Not 100% sure, but I believe the craftable variant is listed as "recon suit" or something similar in the chem-station.
  21. Worst Prez ever? Don't know about that, though i believe that the anarchist and groups like BLM (the organization as a whole, not one social justice reform aspect) and other America haters took motivation from his comments like "You didn't build that" "clinging to their guns and bibles" ect. I despised many of Obama's policies, but, when, you cut through the media bullsh*t, He was a capitalist from head to toe..the ultimate crony capitalist, establishment politician from the git-go. He was also the ultimate media darling..the liberal MSM absolutely worshiped him, pandered to him and fawned over him AND his wife. After all, he was the first "black president". It's ok to dismiss the fact that he was bi-racial.....Basically ignoring his "white half" isn't racism in it's purist form, is it? Afterall, skin color doesn't matter, Right? A stark contrast...the absolute media darling vs, the brash, outspoken President that stands up to the media bias. The first Republican prez since Reagan to do so.
  22. Have you ever witnessed a strange looking object flying in the sky defying the laws of physics in it's hyper-sonic+ movement speed/directional flight... with body crushing G-forces? I haven't. Though I occasional watch a show on cable here in the US called "Ancient Aliens" which literally takes every bit of earths history and applies an extraterrestrial aspect to it...from Ancient Egypt to today,everything , from religion, to cults to whatever. IMO, these folks are reaching, their obsession has taken over their logical thought process. However, When qualified fighter-jet drivers encounter these objects and track them on radar....Just what the hell is it? Some Area 51 test in the USA? Maybe a technology that our "enemies" have developed? Maybe they are from another galaxy with technology that we cannot even fathom in our minds? I won't rush to judgement/opinion, but, lets face it. something is not quite right.
  23. For me...MO2, hands down. The amount of control you get is undeniable, unchallenged IMO. Sure, it may take some time to learn the ins and outs, but, it's worth it. Also, it is does not require a Rhodes scholarship to learn. It isn't that difficult. It just takes a little time to get used to it. I was hesitant to take the plunge, but, I did and I'll never look back. You just need to get used to the fact that MO uses a "virtual' folder in order to keep your original game folder clean....Want to do a play-though with a different character and completely different mods....and to it safety, without borking your original game installation folder? Just create a new profile, then add the mods you wish to try. As Greyday01 stated, there are tutorials available on youtube. My personal preference is a series of tutorials for skyrim.. posted by a tuber named "AL Cave". Don't let the skyrim base fool you, the basics are the same. He does an excellent job....
  24. Reasoning? None at all, there is no way to dot all of the I's and cross all of the T's in these games based on logic. You can build a water purifier next to a big puddle at Starlight. I reckon puddles don't evaporate in that world. Of course, If it were somehow based on weather patterns along the east coast of the USA this summer....It would flood the whole mass of starlight....
  25. I think I may have discovered a solution for mine. I run a 144hz G-sync compatible monitor, so, i did a little experiment to see if my refresh rate was causing my random outdoor crashes.. as it sometimes causes hangs when accessing in-game computer terminals. I lowered my monitors refresh rate 120hz. in the NVIDIA control panel. Limited my FPS via the LoadAccelerator mod ini file: FPSLimitInGame = 60FPSLimitInLoading = 350FPSLimitInBlackLoading = 350 Disabled VSync in BethINI. Beats the hell out of adjusting the preset interval entries in 5 differnt ini files. I have spent the last 5 days just running around outside with different characters (one of which is and "old" level 65 character that has about 10 mods removed since his last save) Not a single crash, not even one. Probably about 30 hours or more total. I even ran thought area's that were practically a guaranteed CTD, multiple times, no crashes. My game is butter smooth and rarely dips below 60 FPS even in downtown Boston....Running a 9700k along with an RTX 2060 super, all four of Luxor's AIO texture packs along with Hein's Vivid Fallout AIO. Don't know if this will help, just figured I'd throw it out there.....Might help someone. :)
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