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Everything posted by 3rdtryguy

  1. Yes, it only makes sense that architectural science would have stalled at that point. Looks mighty fine. Hey, I can see a mod where some sleazy scumbag developer wants to build a new subdivision of houses like those, and he want to put them someplace... objectionable. The Lone Wanderer would have to either get him to pick a new spot ( if s/he's good ) or help eliminate the obstacle ( if s/he's evil )
  2. Hmmm.. good question. I think you have to leave a cell for awhile.. ( 3 days? ) before it can regenerate. Watched pots don't boil, ya know. In Oblivion you have to leave a cell, so I'm reasonably sure the same is true for Fallout, built on the same engine. Look on Fallout Nexux for a mod called "New Slower Degradation" if you want an easy fix for your wear & tear on all weapons and armor, even from mods. It's in the gameplay effects section, and makes your stuff last about 10 times longer. I made that mod, but oddly can't remember how I did it. It seems to work just fine for all versions of fallout 3, even though the description says it was made for version 1.6. Another guy made a similar mod which removes ALL degradation. The other stuff... I'm clueless. Sorry.
  3. Mechs are as much for their psychological impact on the enemy as they are for their massive destructive capacity. A platoon of assault mechs strolling into town would tend to freak out the locals and send them running, especially after they opened fire and ever so casually leveled a few buildings along the way. Anyway, those little mini-mechs like we saw in "Avatar" would be pretty handy, both in reality and in Fallout.
  4. Today something odd happened. I went into that old ruined building that's near Tenpenny Tower, the one that Robco faces. Inside, you usually find a dead guy and some critters, or maybe a bunch of ghouls. Today I found the dead guy, and a giant scorpion. "Okay, no problem.. I'll just blast it a good one," I thought, but then weirdness struck. The scorpion looked up at me, turned to face me, and.. sat there. I then noticed in my HUD that it was showing as a friendly! I took a few steps closer, and then it reacted. it raised a claw, and then the other, and then it's tail, and took turns raising and lowering these while swaying it's body to & fro. When I stopped, it stopped, but didn't go back to relaxing. FAR OUT! I thought. Somebody at Bethesda must actually have a pet emperor scorpion, and had apparently studied how it acts to other scorpions. This this was acting like a real scorpion would act in a posturing sort of way. I was tripping out on this, and attempting to engage it in other friendly conversation, when all of a sudden, out of the blue, frickin' DOGMEAT shows up and attacks, ruining everything! Bad doggy! Anyway, I had never heard of any sort of non-hostile scorpions in the game. ( except for a megaton mod that I don't have ) Have any of you ever run across this??
  5. Thanks. You were right, though. I had just a couple too many hitpoints left.
  6. I wanna know why we don't yet have battlemechs in real life. What's the holdup? anyway, mechs would be pretty cool
  7. After all this time, I would have guessed that somebody somewhere would have by now posted a list of all the quest ID # and maybe the quest stages. We all need such a list every now and then, so you'd think that someone would have posted it by now, but after hours of searching, all I can find are other people also trying to find it. I have two broken legs, and Moira won't recognize that I'm hurt, even though I got the message in my pipboy to return to her. I jumped off of her front porch for nothing! GRRRR!!! I really need to fix this with a SetStage command, but with what inputs? I don't want to use GetQuestCompleted because I want my Wasteland Survival Guide to be the very best it can be, and that would cost me.
  8. heh. Mazoga as a supermutant would be awesome.
  9. Here's a question that I know is common, since in my quest for the answer, all I can find are oodles of people asking it: Where is a list of the quest ID's and quest stages??? I have a glitched quest that I can't get past, but could if I had this handy-dandy list.
  10. It's av known glitch, yes, which is caused by something also known. I remember that I once also had this problem, but it went away when I disabled the .. thing... that was causing it. I can't remember what it was, though. There is something incompatible with a patch version and a mod that causes it, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was in my case. From what I gather, there are several different combinations of version/mod which can cause this. I do remember that the mod that caused it for me needed a certain patch version to work, but I didn't have it, but I REALLY wanted that mod and tried it anyway. It aaaaalllmost worked.
  11. Now, now, be nice; don't alienate potential helpers. Obviously he thought that Resdayn was a custom-created person who googling wouldn't find. L33Nexux, yes, that's what we're doing. Sort of. Things have changed, after all, so recreating the original Vvardenfell would be no good. We need to make a version that matches the current state of things in order for it to mesh with the current lore as described in Oblivion. I still think it would be far easier to just use the map already made by someone else and just make the needed changes, but apparently there is a problem with that. Just as well, I suppose; now we can make the parts we need without all that wasted space.
  12. Oh. Okay. For a minute there I thought somebody wanted to build some hamburger stands around Cyrodiil. Hmmmm.... that would work, you know. Hammer & Tongs is the only chainstore in Cyrodiil so far, but restaurants are perfect for that sort of thing.
  13. Hmmm.. I don't know about the whole huge vault bunker thing. There should be a small bunker, of course, but only big enough to accommodate the people at the tower instead of some fullsize vault-tech wonder. Tenpenny Tower, before the war, was not a big office building full of lawyers, executroids, and other scumbags. It was a resort. The surrounding area was a plush resort & spa with golf courses and the like, where the well to do would go on vacation to get away from it all. It's a Grand Hotel, not an office park. When modding it, bear that in mind. Some of the stuff you mentioned simply makes no sense, even though it is pretty cool.
  14. A Big Town mod that you don't activate until AFTER you do the "big trouble" quest would be nice, because then you could make a lot of changes without wrecking the original story. The newly opened houses could have traders, tinkers, mercs, etc..., and the kids could move out of the communal houses and into their own places. You'd need help with this one, but starting some farms and then getting the Little Lamplight kids to all move to Bigtown would be pretty cool, turning it into a real town once food was readily available. How about an Inn? A place that travellers can rent would be nice, and it would be great if the canterbury caravans could add Bigtown to their routes. The Rivet City water caravans should also come by as well. Really, though, if a travelling trader with a HUGE caravan drifted into the wasteland and set up shop at Bigtown, one with a vast amount of caps and inventory, that would be great for starters. As for other places to mod, I think that Fairfax would be good. Making the raiders there non-respawning would be the first step, and then you could add all sorts of stuff to all those empty buildings.
  15. Back in college, or more precisely the town where that college sat, was a book & game store which catered to gamers of every stripe. Every single night of the week, after normal business hours, the store opened up for the flock of gamers who showed up to play for half the night. We had four big tables, each with a different game going every night, so there was plenty of opportunity to try pretty much everything at some point, and boy, did we ever! I'd say that we must have played well over 60 different games each quarter. AD&D was my all time favorite, I suppose, but the competition was stiff indeed. We also invented one heck of a lot of new games. Many of them were actually pretty good, and some had, and still have, some serious commercial potential.
  16. Finally! Doom of Resdayn. It's brand new, epic, and in dire need of people like you. We're going back to Vvardenfell, baby! The necromancers who fled Cyrodiil, unfortunately, are already there, causing big trouble, and somebody's gotta stop 'em before they take their revenge upon all of Tamriel!
  17. Coool... I've long wondered why we don't see more neverwinter stuff in oblivion mod-land.
  18. It's not a bug I've heard of, but I can see how one could happen. When you read the wanted poster the first time, it starts the gray fox quest by allowing the beggars to suddenly be able to talk about him. There is apparently something wrong with the script that does that. My best suggestion would be to find that script in the CS and fix it. Yeah, I know.. much easier said than done. I'm afraid I can't help you at all in how exactly to DO that, but I know that there are numerous scriptjockeys here who can.
  19. That would be Fort Cuptor, on the shore of Lake Canulus. here's another little tidbit about another fort, this time Fort Linchal, a bit north-ish of Kvatch: This necromancer base not only has a bunch of undead guarding the exterior, along with a necromancer or two, it also has one of those dark altars that you can use to make black soul gems. HOWEVER.. that's not the cool part. Look along the walls of the courtyard, and you'll see a statue in an alcove. If you can jump up to it, you'll find a nice big pile of high quality gems that somebody stashed up there where nobody would ever look.
  20. I have no comments about him or his situation, but I would mention one teeny little thing: The fight between Bethsoft and Interplay was over which company would make the real Fallout online game, so it's a strong possibility, now that it's been settled, that all of this effort and aggravation and such was for nothing.
  21. Yep, standard vanilla equipment. Leo really gets around the wasteland, too, so you might just see him again. If you do, he'll usually tell you a fun story about something that happened to him since last you met.
  22. Well, I was thinking about that last night, and I agree; the opening of a vault is kinda boring when it instead could activate a teleporter to somewhere else that no human has ever seen. Maybe the teleporter was used to spirit away evacuees and treasure to some secret place, and then the statues were removed to prevent the humans from ever finding that place. I'm really digging the idea of some other little small landmass, like an island somewhere far away, upon which there lies some very extensive ayleid ruins which were never sacked by Men. They'd be in pretty good shape, and full of stuff we normally never see in such ruins, such as furniture & loot & entombed bodies and some sort of clues as to what these buildings may gave been used for. I like the idea of an entire royal retreat complex, with a mixture of grandiose huge buildings and a whole bunch of little ones which served more utilitarian purposes like simple luxury housing. YEAH! That would be seriously cool. Imagine finding an entire Ayleid town which never fell, but which only sort of faded away when the inhabitants eventually died out or otherwise left for some reason, like maybe a plague. If not that, then at least some sort of place like we see in The Old Way, the deepest sub-ruins beneath Imperial City. That would work, too, zombies or no, as long as it's plain to see that no human has ever seen this stuff. In either case, there needs to be GOBS of loot, maybe even a great welkynd stone that can be actually used for something. OH! Not to get too far off-topic, but one other thing I've also always wanted to see was some sort of Historical society that aims to clean up all of these various old ruins around Cyrodiil and open them up to the public as museums. After mapping them out, clearing out the monsters, and marking the traps, the player could report his findings to the society for a reward.
  23. I did the collector quest yesterday, and something occurred to me. The Aylieds of Nibenay ( Imperial city's original name ) went to an awful lot of trouble to round up the little statues and hide them all around Cyrodiil in an effort to keep the humans from finding them. Has anyone ever wondered WHY? It struck me as odd that Umbacano didn't want to statues for any particular underlying reason, considering he wanted the other stuff for hidden reasons and also considering how he was willing to pay SO much more for the statues than for the other stuff. It hit me. Scattered about or just stuck in a case, the statues are simple artworks with a glowing enchantment. However, what if, in their proper place in the White Gold Tower, they were something else entirely? What if they were a key? I propose a mod in which ten little pedestals are added to the grand council chamber in the tower, or some other big round room, arranged in a big circle around the perimeter. When the statues are all put back in their proper places on those pedestals, something cool happens. I'm leaning toward a big vault door appearing, or maybe some sort of lever appearing which makes a vault door appear when thrown. Inside the vault, of course, would be the Treasury of Nibenay, ripe for the taking, assuming you can get it past the guards. Sound good?
  24. This sounds really cool. I tried a Weye mod once which built it up into a tent city/marketplace/suburb area, but unless it was the only mod running it would crash my game. I never did figure that one out. Anyway, I have a feeling that I'd have the same problem with this one, which is a pity, especially since not a half hour ago I made a post here commenting on the lack of a cleric's faction, and here you've brought back the Imperial Cult. I might try it anyway, being a glutton for punishment. LOL
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