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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Kraivoris - One strike for spamming file upload comments. Furthermore, one of you most egregious posts was removed.


    You have made a number of useless comments that you have apparently repeatedly deleted on File Upload threads. You are not free to spam or troll or post any otherwise inflammatory comments on File threads.


    Per the specifics of our Terms of Service, file commenting is limited to a particular set of criteria only, and if your comment does not fit the criteria, you are not at liberty to post without risk of jeopardizing your membership here.

    File and image database commenting and rating

    Please take the time to read and understand the following before commenting on any files or images uploaded to this site.


    We have a strict zero-tolerance policy for the breaking of our terms and people can and will be banned from the site without warning if they ignore them. Remember; ignorance is not an excuse.



    an interface to offer positive feedback on the functionality of the file in question based on the author’s initial intentions


    the ability to offer constructive criticism on aspects of the file that could be improved


    the chance to ask for feature requests and discuss such requests with other users of the site or the author


    the ability to ask for help in troubleshooting problems with the file in question




    If your comment does not fit in to the above criteria then do not post. If you disagree with the content of a file on the site then do not post. Simply ignore the file and move on. If you believe the content of the file breaches the Nexus terms and conditions then please report the file for moderator viewing and move on, do not take matters in to your own hands.


    If your comment contains text that is likely to personally offend other users of the site either in the language you use or the message of your text then do not post. We take personal attacks very seriously and you will be banned without warning.


    If you believe that someone else’s post does not fit into these criteria then you are encouraged to report the comment in question for moderator review. Above all do not post in reply to the offending comment however good intentioned your post might be, even if you are the author of the file in question. This is known as “feeding the trolls” and “forum vigilantism” and is frowned upon by the moderator staff. You may well end up with a suspension from the site if you partake in this activity.


    This site has extremely dedicated moderating staff who have full authority to edit and delete posts as well as ban accounts instantly and without warning. However the moderating staff cannot possibly read and keep up-to-date with every single comment, rating and file posted on the site. It is up to you, the users of this site, to help keep this site clear of the people who just want to ruin it for everybody by reporting violations of these conditions to the moderators, either through the provided reporting features on the site or via forum PM to the moderating staff.


    Reference post




    Kraivoris | Today, 03:42 AM


    Kraivoris | Today, 03:22 AM


    Kraivoris | Today, 01:39 AM


    Kraivoris | 21 January 2012 - 02:57 AM


    Kraivoris | 21 January 2012 - 12:45 AM




  2. FalloutChild2012 banned.


    Banned for having a tantrum in the Chat room.


    It is not a support chat. If you had made any visible effort to help yourself by reading the instructions someone may have been willing to help you.


    If you had bothered to read the rules prior to entering the chat you would have known that no one there is obligated to give support.


    Since you have shown you fail to read, I doubt your unban request will show any evidence that you can change your ways, but there is always hope.




    ok f*** you little fagogots then





  3. People always say that kind of crap, but I don't see any evidence for it being so. (At least, not over here.)


    If someone breaks into your house and tries to rob you or inflict bodily harm on you, you can legally protect yourself. The problem is that most of the time there is far more going on in these cases, once the evidence starts being examined.


    That "poor lamb" business is not only untrue, it insults your intelligence as well as mine.

  4. Not to beat a dead horse, but in fact posting frustration here is probably a reasonable expression of it.


    Bethesda did in fact tell us we'd get a Creation Kit and even said that it would most likely arrive with the game.


    And sixty dollars is a pretty steep price for a video game, though I don't think that's germane to the argument.


    Many of us are checking daily and commenting here is a way to pass the time.


    If you don't like it, don't bother to read the comments. You know this is why this thread is here.

  5. Maybe you'd like to come babysit my sick two year old while I go admire the trees. Be forewarned, you may want to wear your hazmat suit.


    I'm good at multitasking, I can do a lot of stuff while still obsessing over the pending release of the CK.

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