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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Morrowind


    Fallout 3

    New Vegas


    - all required the accompanying dev kit to be installed in the game directory, and directly accessed the data from the master and plugin files in the data directory.


    - the new dev kit requires Steam Workshop integration.

  2. I just hope they don't lock the use of the CK to the use of Steam. I'd like to use the CK without being required to go through Steam first.


    Interesting. This is perhaps the very reason it's taking so long: (to reg check for a valid Skyrim install.)


    Someone had mentioned "valvetime" ..

  3. How does "At what time does NO PARENTAL DISCIPLINE become abusive" sound.



    Great point! I theorize it's why we have a world that seems to be in such trouble. Kids who have no boundaries, no parental limitations, no discipline at all show all signs of being abused by neglect, by the parental shirking of duties.


    Also, you are right. I was raised in a house where my father's soft voice uncharacteristically raised scared the thunder out of me. I wish I could bottle it, because it works on all the grandkids and great grandkids too.

  4. What is this, the piracy lobby? If you condone piracy here, I will ban you. If you admit you pirated here, I will ban you.


    Clean it up or begone.



    Ill-informed fear-mongering is also likely to be deleted.

  5. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5357-FSQM-0382


    Using Steam launch options to install retail games from disc


    Log in to Steam and click on Library.

    Right-click on the game, select Delete local content, and confirm.

    Insert the first disc into your computer.

    Close Steam (Steam > Exit).

    Press Windows Key + R to open Run

    In the Run window type:


    "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -install E:


    Replace E: with the CD/DVD drive you are installing from if is not correct.

    Replace C:\Program Files\Steam if your Steam installation is not in the default location.

    Press OK. Steam will launch and ask you to sign in if you do not have your password saved. Your installation should continue from the disc.

  6. Master0Necromancer banned.


    Posting adult sexual situation image in General Image share.


    Flagging as adult is not enough, read the Terms of Service.


    Furthermore, Image share is for posting original work, not copying third party art and claiming it is as your own.


    Lots of bannable offenses here. Goodbye.



    NOTE: IMAGE SHARE is part of the FILES Site, not the Forums site. The Strike System only applies to the Forums. Any upload file (including image files) is posted on the Files site, where violations are more serious and often Instant Ban offenses.

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