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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. <snip>

    I am sorry but someones opinion and statements without facts is not something you can do in debates.


    I see people doing that here every day.


    Facts and arguments do not work on trust. A large part of his proof is his claim of experience, I do not know if he really has that experience or not.

    Yet we have a record of consistency on which to base an informed judgement.


    Aurelius is not running for president, if he was I'm sure he'd be thoroughly vetted, and not bothering to post here.


    There is room for opinion in discussion and in debate, and it is respectful to acknowledge that everyone has a right to draw their own conclusions. The problem comes when opinions are all too often masqueraded as facts, and backed up with old wives tales "everybody knows" as in "everybody knows we have a liberal media" instead of thorough research (if you follow the money, that isn't a reasonable conclusion).


    So back to topic at hand, one problem is that my generation, the one most likely vote, was educated in piecemeal fashion and rarely given big picture insight, and I think that's part of the trouble. You went to biology and chemistry, and if you were lucky, astronomy, and in each of those classes you got an elemental chart but none of the teachers ever really acknowledged the whole perspective, and you probably had those classes in different years, and the pressure was on to get a grade, so who has time to contemplate the whole anyway. Likewise, you had a history class on the civil war, and later you had a history class on the continental war and later you had shakespeare, and if you were very lucky you may have gotten a class on medieval history or roman catholicism, but they were all far flung from each other and it was like looking at a square inch of the mona lisa without ever seeing the Mona Lisa.


    I doubt that things have changed much (except that you have no prayer of getting a class on astronomy in high school.) This foolish mechanism for teaching is not only boring but creates an incompetency in rationality and logic. And that's just one problem.



    One more thing. Soldiers are not slaves. Any judge worth his or her salt would laugh that claim out of the courtroom. Case dismissed!

  2. Lol..... Myrmaad have you checked the sky for flying pigs?




    Awww! They're so cute!

  3. :rolleyes:


    Anything can be completely life changing. Music lessons can be completely life changing. Sports can be completely life changing.


    As usual, there's no there there.

  4. I think it's really interesting that Aurelius hasn't posted a thing I disagree with yet.


    My husband says we'd pay a lot less taxes if we had, say, even a 25% flat tax rate. How is that paying more, we are not wealthy by any means? Exactly what is this mythological tax plan of yours, I'd like to hear more than just vague allusions to 'it could be better" when you make a claim like that. (I suspect it's just more BS though.)


    Massive trucks are most definitely not patriotic. They're more like a giant middle finger to the rest of us.

  5. I need to inject that while beauty pageants surely can be terribly unhealthy, they're not even in the same league as lolicon.


    Little girls typically love to dress up in mommy's clothes. They are emulating and mimicing and socializing their (adult) gender. That is not only fine, it's healthy.

    No, little girls don't decide to go out on stage.


    A lot of girls are too young to even decide for themselves and they get sucked into it for their entire life.



    You seem to go out of your way to argue with me.


    No? No to what exactly? Putting words in my mouth again? Because I surely didn't say anything about little girls deciding to go on stage. I was talking about my own experience that proves that little girls like to dress up in mommy's clothes and makeup, just as I did as a child, and every little girl in my family has liked to do also, without exception. None of us, three generations, have participated in "beauty pageants" though I was in 4-H and participated in such things as "fair queen" etc.


    Notice the new paragraph and the extra space in your quoted text? Pageants are off topic for this discussion, as they are nothing like lolicon, which is the subject of this discussion.


    Further observation on this discussion, is that there are people confusing lolicon with "dressup". Dressup is play, is normal, and is healthy.


    Got it now? Let's reiterate:

    Debating pageants is a new topic I won't have any interest in debating, but I always have an interest in pointing out fallacious thinking.

    Unrelated to the subject of pageants, is the observation that mimicry and dress-up play is a form of mimicing the parent and is a primary aspect of how children are socialized into their community, something that has gone on for millenia. If this is an unfamiliar concept you could try reading Mead.

  6. I need to inject that while beauty pageants surely can be terribly unhealthy, they're not even in the same league as lolicon.


    Little girls typically love to dress up in mommy's clothes. They are emulating and mimicing and socializing their (adult) gender. That is not only fine, it's healthy.

  7. I'm not going to do the politics. It's just too ridiculous to do here, you know there are actually political interest websites, where debating politics is much more appropriate than here, in my humble opinion.


    But I will say this: i have observed over my near 50 years of life that we in the US have venerated and enshrined a wasteful, greedy, avaricious way of life.

  8. I'm sorry but this is one of the rare occasions when Bben is not all-knowing.


    As he was typing his message these stories were appearing in my small town local paper






    Many cases of teen missing persons go unreported because inadequately funded local law enforcement tends to assume they are runaways if they can find no other evidence, and solved cases on the doe network show that law enforcement regularly mis-reports data. Many teen missing persons go unsolved and unreported because of these types of errors so they are not included in the statistics.


    And just because it's a family member endangering your child should not automatically nullify those incidents from being counted.


    Damn lies and statistics indeed.


    When it happens to you, and it can happen to anyone, I guarantee your loved one is not a statistic.




    You're probably just as likely to be snatched as you are to have complications resulting in death from a routine surgical procedure.

  9. While I would love to spend every waking moment with my daughter, both her mother and I do have lives with both work and play. We do only leave her with people we trust, but of course, we cannot possibly screen every last person who may come in contact with her. It's completely possible that someone could take her when she is not with me, be gone, I be contacted by who ever was watching her that something was wrong and 5-10 minutes could go by. By the time I actually contacted the police and hauled ass to wherever the GPS told me she was? Hell, 30 minutes to an hour could have gone by, by then.


    I'm not worried about someone taking my child when I am watching her, because I always carry a weapon and wouldn't hesitate to put down anyone who tried to harm her. What I worry about is when she is with my family, or at school, in a place where people who I don't know are around, where minutes can make a huge difference.


    This, this, this!


    Especially because we currently share custody with her mother, who has, let's just call them "a lot of issues".


    And Marharth, being a parent is much different than thinking about being a parent, even with the best of intentions.


    And besides that, you're still quite wrong. An ID chip would help immensely if my child becomes a jane doe. At least I would have answers.


    My husband reminded me last night that our dogs' chips are so tiny they were put in with a syringe.

  10. Eiries has explained it well, and I agree with his assessment.


    I have not used the Supporter Image Share but I have many times inadvertently clicked. In fact I have some old images that would probably be better managed over there.


    Welcome aboard the good ship Nexus.

  11. jacknight67 banned.


    Flaming an upload thread, and arguing with a staff member.


    When a moderator talks to you, I highly suggest you discuss your issue respectfully in the future. You can try that somewhere else, though, because clearly you don't care enough to follow our rules.



    File and image database commenting and rating

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    The commenting, endorsement and rating system is available on Nexus sites to provide users with:




    * an interface to offer positive feedback on the functionality of the file in question based on the author’s initial intentions


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  12. I think you're simply mistaking me for someone who advocates this practice.



    I do think it would be helpful if used for finding missing persons, there seems to be a lot of under-estimation about the amount of missing persons there are, in this particular discussion. Consider how it would help right now in a place like Japan, (or Haiti, or New Orleans).


    I'm personally really not too concerned about big brother, on the other hand I am more concerned about lawless criminals.







    So with safeguards, I think it is worth deep and serious consideration.

  13. The best thing about this exhibit, in my view, is that it is being showcased in the Art category of the Smithsonian rather than the History category.


    The games they chose were meant to be representative of the art form, not a detailed chronicle of all gaming history.


    Whether gaming is truly an art form has long been the subject of fierce debate, and since I believe it is artistic expression, I'm very happy to see this exhibit hosted at the Smithsonian.

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