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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Absolutely all true, Ginny.


    I had a dear great aunt who's long passed away. Me and my grandmom would go stay with her near the end because developed Alzheimers and she would leave things on the stove, and lose things, she would get into all kinds of trouble, but never went wandering off.


    I tend to totally agree with you too, Wizard. In fact, you've basically made my only point.


    A private conversation prompted this thought.

    While I entertain this idea with great caution, I would think this should only be accessible by law enforcement officials at the prompt of something like a missing persons report. Not by mom on her computer in the den.

  2. While I have my own doubts about this, this is no permanent medical procedure. The chip can be easily removed and the RF signal only lasts about 20 years anyway. It doesn't even necessarily leave a perceptible scar. I have a big vaccination scar on my upper right shoulder. Big deal. If I was locked in the trunk of some killer's car, I'd be thanking my lucky stars i had such a chip.



    I assume most of you who are horrified still live at home.


    Here's some more of my very special angel spam.



  3. Wouldn't it be great if the debate forum was actually used to debate facts? Apparently that is way too much to ask and why I will never take a debate here seriously, this thread is a prime example of why. Don't want to spoil your party, but the chip would not be put into their brains. If you're going to attempt to debate something, couldn't you at least debate the reality and not some far-fetched rumor?


    My dogs actually have these same gps chip devices inserted just beneath their skin in the fatty tissue on the back of their necks. The day your child is abducted you might think about it a bit differently. Certainly that's my own worst fear, but does it justify chipping a human being.. I just don't know.


    In a human this tiny grain-of-rice sized microchip is inserted by an authorized medical practitioner or surgeon in the fatty tissue below your right tricep.



  4. No one here is even talking about reparations, EXCEPT YOU.



    Race is a human construct. On a cellular, physical level there is no difference. There is ethnicity but it is somewhat misunderstood when used purely in terms of race without regard to experience.


    I have seen mixed race parents produce offspring that is dark and another that is so-called white.


    I know so-called "white people" who have a black ancestor, and a large majority of so-called "black people" have white ancestors.


    I conclude race is a political, social tool used to discriminate and subjugate, and otherwise has no use in a just society.


    Since it has historically been very successfully used to denigrate a minority by a majority, there is a social imbalance that needs to be counterbalanced and we attempt to do that by celebrating those that were overlooked historically. That's why we celebrate black history month. That's also why we have an International Women's Day.


    Remember that historically, history books, religious tomes, and other propaganda were all written by those in power. That would leave out the women, the children, and any minority.



    No one here has advocated reparations, as if that could solve anything. But we should man up and acknowledge who were the winners and losers and what that means and stop pretending like we all made it on our own with no help, and definitely stop living in denial as if it makes no difference. That is unacceptable. and insulting.

    Now get off of it.


  5. You're so funny.


    Just so you know, "the elders of the tribe" did not sell their own members into slavery, it was competing tribes, and that's because they had a variety of slavery among their own tribes, but it was far different, unimaginably so, then the horrors of Chattel Slavery practiced in the southern colonies. Chattel Slavery was a very special kind of hell where you were dehumanized and not allowed to own anything including the fruits of your own labors.


    That's why it's different from all the other examples.


    Lastly maybe you don't know your great grandparents, but I love mine, and what they learned, what they did, what they suffered has a great impact on my circumstances and my granddaughter's circumstances as well. She knows her great-grandfather too. (And her great-great-grandmother is still alive, so the time is much shorter than you seem to realize.)


    And don't get me started about the insidious ways that racism ubiquitously persists even into today. Have you never heard of Jim Crow? This is not in the past, this continues in present society. Some people "are more equal" than others.

  6. Just because you don't like the idea of copyright, doesn't make it less applicable. It's the law.


    The main reason many items can't be shared is that they were used (ripped from other games) without permission.


    And if they post them here, they can get banned because regardless of what you do, we have to follow the law.

  7. I'm exactly half Irish, dig it? And I am also part native american, so don't tell me how to feel, thanks.


    "slaves never had any wealth to be taken away to begin with" <-------This is the most blatantly ignorant statement I've ever heard, seriously.


    First of all Africa was so full of riches like gold, diamonds, a vast wealth of resources that was divided and characterized as "Cake". That's wealth that was stolen from slaves, and then on top of that their work/labor was stolen was from them. And that labor created a southern stock market and is the backbone of a huge amount of early US wealth, and was the reason for our civil war.


    LOL what did I expect.

  8. Before you bother with the speck in my eye, be sure to dig the log out of your own. I think I'm the one seeing the bigger picture, so we definitely see things differently.


    And yes it would be nice if everyone was treated with courtesy and fairness. I'm not talking about a "leg up", I'm talking about acknowledging they were winning the race for resources when they were pillaged by another group who co-opted race as a way to systematically subjugate a whole large group of people. And then turn around a few years later and say, how come you're not up here with us, and the Calvinist "you're poor because you deserve it, you didn't work hard enough" instead of the realistic, you're poor because my grandfather stole your assets, (and of course that's why I'm rich). And oh yeah, it may not have been your grandfather but your grandfather was in his club and benefited from the theft.


    That's the big picture.

  9. brycereedman2 banned.


    Attempting to upload copyrighted files



    fnv pach 5

    Uploaded 16:33, 8 March 2011, last updated 21:52, 8 March 2011

    ok heres wey i put this file on this site whan people go on a computer on the internet thay probly get mad becuse thay cant find a dlc and a pach for there game so here it is go on downlod it


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