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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. The link in my post works fine for me. (the link to the word 'this')


    It may be working for you because you've been to the site and have it saved in your browser cache. All I see is an error page, even when I try pasting the url. Could you save the image and put it on photobucket/tinypic or similar for us?


    Sure, here it is. (it was from the Lop Ears mod linked earlier).



    That hairstyle is also on that same blog, 2nd page about halfway down. http://kumakumakokuma.blog38.fc2.com/page-1.html There are a couple other similar ones if you go back a few pages, but some of those are too large for default heads. (look for the 次のページ>> at the bottom to review past entries)


    Permanant Link: http://kumakumakokuma.blog38.fc2.com/blog-entry-54.html


    Thankees, I'd give a kudo, but already did.

  2. There's much more to history than what is taught in school. History can be found in books more often then textbooks.


    Vagrant it's so funny you mention the order, that always ticked me off when I was a kid. We covered the Civil War in 4th grade, the Continental War in 5th, and didn't get around to World War 2 until 10th grade. It annoyed the crap out of me that it was thrown at us in a mish mash of disjointed pieces instead of in a linear big picture timeline. They could have simply added a big picture timeline to our subject matter and maybe that would have helped me feel better. As it was I found it disappointing at best.


    My good friend who's been teaching since we graduated many years ago, tells me that I learn in an orderly linear fashion and that some students don't do well with that approach. I'll take her word for it.


    As for the importance of history, both world history and personal history, I think it's so relevant that you discount it at your own peril.


    (I have gotten a lot out of the my college history courses, but history is actually a passion of mine so I was in there mining for gold.)

  3. The link in my post works fine for me. (the link to the word 'this')


    It may be working for you because you've been to the site and have it saved in your browser cache. All I see is an error page, even when I try pasting the url. Could you save the image and put it on photobucket/tinypic or similar for us?


    Sure, here it is. (it was from the Lop Ears mod linked earlier).


  4. Speaking of this, is that hair available anywhere?



    The link won't work, looks like it broken or something:


    Page not found







    The link in my post works fine for me. (the link to the word 'this')



  5. I have a cousin in Leicester ( England ) who has been diagnosed as having schizophrenia and he is convinced that the 'Trigger' was his abuse of marijuana.


    And he also hears voices and hallucinates, yes?

  6. Well, I want to film an arena battle of WoW to show to a friend who's been wanting to see how I fight on one of my characters, but the built in thing I do use is a piece of junk that locks up my computer for a few seconds while recording, before stopping the film and causing me to lose the fight. Is there a program, preferably free, that will allow me to film during gameplay without locking up or slowing me down?



    I can only suggest the few I've used.


    Everyone, it seems has heard of or used FRAPS, so I'll mention it on the off chance you haven't already tried it.


    If you are playing inside a browser, (I don't play) but if you do, Firefox has an addon called Capturefox.


    You can download a 30 day trial of Camtasia Studio.


    You can try the open source Camstudio.


    That's all I've got..

  7. Looking for alt-start / main quest delayer, have been playing MOE MQ delayer and a few other alt starts in its place since I accidentally deleted it - here's what I know:


    Its definitely not arrived by ship, you were able to select from a large selection of starting locations - player ownable houses, inns, guilds, city streets, etc..


    You were able to do standard chargen - but also select level, things like how well off you were and background (including being a wanted criminal - which it was recommended you start out of town), whether you were a vampire, what guilds you were affiliated with, etc. All from a menu screen


    There were additional options to either disable the main quest entirely, or have it start at either the battle of Kvatch OR upon your first arrest (whereby you'd end up in the dungeon at the beginning of the game) - I liked this feature in particular, haven't been able to get it working with other mods and it lets me flesh out my character more. I think there was also the choice of starting in the dungeon as though you were playing vanilla


    I'm not sure if it enabled Uriel Septim to be alive, or the dragonfires still burning, as some of these mods do - I just wanted it so that I could play a few mods before starting the main quest, which I am looking to do at a higher level so that Oblivion is not "happy scamp-land" but a place to be genuinely feared.. I recall the author had planned / considered updating it so that if you ignored the main quest Jauffre would come looking for you instead but I can't say whether this would have been implemented into a newer version from the one I had


    It was a great mod for getting the game off to a start, and I've not been satisfied with anything else I can find to replace it so if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about I'd appreciate it


    Is this the one?Alternate Start Revamped


    If not, search term "alternate start" should help.

  8. hi, i where just wondering if there still are people playing oblivion?:D
    Unknown. But based on the uploads, it seems like there are plenty still playing the Construction Set game. ;)






    I'm still playing both oblivion and morrowind whenever I have a chance to play.

  9. Any particular reason why you wanted to make a new account?


    If there's nothing wrong with the 'old' one I fail to see the reason for changing. Just curious...



    I told him he could change it if he wanted to a few weeks ago. It would have been better to write to me privately though to let me know you wanted to go forward with the change, before just making a new account. That can get you banned, but it's ok this time, since we talked about it prior to your doing it.

  10. This sounds like Belda Elysium Manor House. Find it on PES.


    I am trying to find a mod I downloaded years ago.


    A house east of the tutorial dungeon, just north of Roland Jenseric's cabin, next to Belda.


    Had a couple of female servant NPCs that lived there (which had some very minor hidden quests involving them-such as getting one of them some strawberries or something. Not sure if eventually they would join you as a companion if you completed all the quests).


    You got the house for free and there was a deed to the place and some other notes around the house.


    House had four levels


    basement-water fountain in hallway, 3 small rooms (one was the NPCs' bedroom, one was food storage, and the other was a small office or something)

    1st floor-Had a 'skull' that could send all the ingredients in your inventory to the ingredient sorter on the 3rd floor. Had containers labeled for different material used for weapons/armor (iron, steel, glass, etc.)

    2nd floor-big library and another small room

    3rd floor-bedroom, bathroom, ingredient sorter, dressers were labeled for the different types of clothes that you could store in there if you wanted


    Layout of the house was very similar to the Chorrol Mages Guild, like the modder used it as a base for his mod.

  11. "Ren's beauty Pack" comes with an attractive elf race, as well as long, nice hairstyles, that are even applied to the original races, should you choose to use them.



    You should ask SavageArtistry, who posted an answer earlier if she would give you the link to learn about her cosmetic mod compilation "Modified Hair and Eyes".

  12. I remember downloading a mod that allowed the player to move, rotate, save and load any(trees, rocks, candles, doers, town walls, houses, plants, you name it.) object in oblivion in game. This was the ideal room decorator, because if you didn't like the furniture you could just delete it and place whatever furniture you wanted form the vanilla game or any mod.


    I also remember that it allowed the player to target any item (the effect was they that started glowing purple) move them to anywhere, and lock them in place, ideal if you wanted to, for example, make a sculpture out of onions, potatoes and any other item you can think of.


    I hope this is helpful in finding the mod. Thank you.


    Maybe Decorator Assistant? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6021


    Decorator Assistant only works on items that can be picket up, the one I remember had no limitations, it also warned people that they can relay mess up the game by moving things that are not supposed to be moved, and gave an example screen shot of the bridge in front of the Imperial City being moved out of place. I think it was removed, or something.



    I believe you're looking for Redecoration

  13. Since I'm in midterms, I decided to post one that I think fits the criteria, that I already wrote before.


    Shareel liked days like this, a sky dark blue with softly brooding clouds, warm air breezily caressing her face like a moist kiss, and the rain still far to the south. If only she could stay out here, she hated the depths of the ruins, but knew mother would come tug her back into the damp musty safety beneath the walls. She imagined again her father, why hadn't he come for her, why hadn't he taken her to be schooled in the Dunmer ways of her ancestry. Shareel had ventured to speak sometimes with the friendly bandits and necromancers who worshipped in the safety of the ruins, who would sometimes bring her things like a comb for her hair, or fishysticks. They seemed fascinated by her strange appearance and the wings she inherited from her mother. Useless wings! She knew they were a disappointment to mother, ugly duckling Shareel, with wings too weak to fly. She thought again of her father, she had seen the ashlander camps with their charming warm tents, and the soothing chimes that played the song of the wind. Why couldn't he have taken her to live with them? Why didn't he love her?


    Mother's only dream is for me to be like her. Shareel never bothered to try explain how she felt, her mother was too simple to understand anyway. The only life she was interested in, was the one she knew nesting in feral squalor in the dark safe depths. Shareel dreamed of so much more. Before he left father had taught her to read some of his strange beautiful books. He told the best stories, of gleaming cities, fortune hunters, the Chimer elves, and the Dwarven ones of long ago. He told stories of mighty battles and of the newcomers, the outlanders who brought with them the strange customs from abroad.


    Skipping along the path near the shore, she made a game of hopping from rock to rock, her wings catching the breeze and softly dropping her to the next, further and higher she hopped and jumped, until a sudden sound startled her and she realized she was quite far from the safety of Ashalmawia, shrouded against the sky in the distance now! Starkly still she stood like a statue.


    And then the crackle of a heavy step on the brush, and she turned and ran back, back to the safety of the daedra! Fast heavy steps pounded in her ears and she pushed her wings flat and out, flat and out in the rhythm of her skinny legs, using them to push her forward lest they assist her pursuer by catching the wind, slowing her down.


    She could barely breathe, her heart pounded in her chest, her throat closed as hands closed around it! She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out --


    Her eyes flew open, and she started to laugh and cough with relief, why here she was, right here in the seeming safety of this friendly lost tavern.


    She gave herself a few minutes to allow her heart to stop pounding. Her nerves were still on edge, her wings nervously jittering from her shoulderblades, still aching with the recent fear.


    Shareel instinctively reached for Shard, her beloved dagger, her friend, she had neglected him since stopping here. He needed repairs, she got out her repair hammer and sharpening stone. She needed to prepare some poisons for him as well. She brushed her hair quickly and tucking Shard into the leather pouch she wore on her side, she left the room.


    Just as she closed the door a cacophony arose from the great room below. These Nords, she thought, with a raised eyebrow, all they do is eat and drink. She stopped to get some refreshments, and as she did more travelers were introduced around the room. Family. She smiled, a little ruefully as she was made acquaintance of the newcomers. Cheerily the others continued their merriment, and she took her moment to steal away outside.


    This was a bit north for abundance of Nightshade, but she hoped luck would be on her side. There were lots of morning glories, she'd start with them. And some blackberries over there. Fly Aminata Cap, lots. Milk thistle.. this was turning out to be a lucky day! Each time she'd get a handful of one thing, another was just ahead. Her purse was filling nicely, she smiled. As she continued to gather, she admired the beauty of each plant as she always did, silently offering a little prayer to the gods for each blessing of beauty and life gratefully harvested, remembering that plants were a blessing of safety from harm, and conspirators in the delivery of death to a foe.


    She worried she had no mortar or pestle so she studied the landscape for suitable rocks. If all else failed she could grind them with her teeth and spit them out to cover her blade. Just then a stately purple caught her eye! Nightshade! Quickly she harvested all she could find, 7 plants!


    At that moment there was a crackle of a footstep in the brush. Stiffening, and alert, Shareel readied her dagger, but saw nothing. A deer? No, a man, his arrow whistled past but another caught her thigh. The pain blazed through her and turned to white hot anger and she screamed her bloodcurdling rage (this too a gift from mother). A wing-swept leap and she was upon him, sinking Shard into his neck, and then into his heart, his life sighing out of him and filling her as she absorbed his health, their hearts becoming one beating, first his, louder, then softening as hers beat stronger. The gash in her leg was healing already. With a sickening yank, she ripped out the still sunken arrow and shoved it in his eye. She'd better get back.

  14. For a free product I've had no problems with Avast, and find it better than Avira and AVG by far.


    And while Kaspersky is starting to get more resource intensive it's still the one I most highly recommend.


    In fairness I've never tried Comodo, but I've tested McAfee and Symantec/Norton thoroughly and don't recommend either of those.


    However, on my machines, I also install Firefox with Adblock Plus and NoScript addons, and forbid IE to the point I hide the links. (Cuz if you want me to fix it, you will use what I tell you.)

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