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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. You have to make sure you have installed Cobl properly.


    Then you need to be sure you've installed the required version of OBSE, and installed it correctly.


    You have to make sure you are starting Oblivion with OBSE enabled, which requires an OBSE shortcut, not the default Oblivion launcher.


    And finally it would be good to build a wrye bashed patch if you're using wrye bash. But if you're not, it's more important, if you checked all those things above, to make sure your load order is not causing any conflicts that might interfere with COBL functions.

  2. I'll forever use Fantasy Figures...I like how the body is styled....and it has the two outfits I wear regularly...there's no other versions of it for other bodies.


    Even for my body, I have problems finding clothing...because they normally just convert the skimpy clothing to my body. And when I do find a good medieval/lore friendly clothing, it's either horribly low quality or just doesn't look good on my character. I finally found good clothing for my character. It's pretty decent, very feminine but not showing too much skin




    But I like some variety and this is only about what I can find.


    You're not the only one, HGEC or not, that has problems. People make what they like and sadly most want bikini mail and thong armor.


    Though that was made for UFF (a very pretty body) it does work for anyone using HGEC as well. I use that myself for NPCs in my game.


    I could actually debate "lore-friendly" but that's for another thread. Suffice to say Nirn is not earth, and the time and era is not 16th Century Britain.

  3. What does HGEC mean anyway?



    Didn't someone answer this for you last week? It's an acronym and really nothing more than that at this point. There are so many variants that it actually only refers to the original base for mixing and matching purposes, and thus is almost meaningless. The original body was introduced to the modding community by Exnem and was called Exnem's Eye Candy. Then it was updated to a slightly more lean and petite version by Raiar (if I recall correctly) an Asian modder, and released as Hentai Gentleman's Eye Candy variant. It gained wide support, resulting in a wide range of clothing and armor choices, as it was largely backward compatible with the Exnem body, and that's how it became so popular. More clothing = more popularity = more support = more popularity = more clothing ... The variants come in realistically slender, athletic, voluptuous and bulky versions, to completely unrealistic fantasy versions, so it doesn't even make logical sense to kvetch about "hgec".

  4. I use HGEC and my characters extremely rarely ever wear skimpy clothes. I do like to dress them in bathing suits for swimming and shorts and short skirts when in summer climates, but I use enhanced weather and Dalls Bruma so I have a lot of wintry cold places where they need to dress warmly.


    And I really get sick of the complaints from people who are too lazy to sift through all the stuff that's not to their taste.


    There are plenty of houses, weapons, mounts, tweaks, quests, creatures, overhauls, enchantments, cities, villages, castles, landscapes, races, textures, and miscellany of all sorts that is not to my taste, but you don't see me throwing a tantrum over it.

  5. I'm guessing you're one of the people who thinks NPR isn't biased.


    I don't spend a lot of time watching or reading NPR, so I don't have a frame of reference for that.


    I can tell you that if you think you are not biased, you're fooling yourself. By virtue of being human we all have blinders on, our perceptions color our worldviews.



    On another note, I don't think "conservative" is a relevant term for the right, it simply conveys a misleading message. I would rather like to see them referred to as "preservatives".

  6. Fox News is Conservative (fanatical conservative, but still conservative in philosophy)

    MSNBC is Liberal

    CNN is more moderate, but can appear as both Liberal or Conservative depending on who you are.


    Atleast that's the screwed up US take on the matter.


    While I believe you have a surprisingly good grasp on the philosophical bases of the current two major parties in power, I disagree that MSNBC can fairly be called liberal. It's quite centrist, (though granted, I'm sure it may seem liberal in comparison to Faux.) The main host is a retired Florida Republican.


    In fact Bill Clinton was a centrist, if the truth be told.


    There hasn't been a true liberal philosophy in the mainstream of America since the 20s and 30s and any last vestiges were driven out by McCarthyism; the movement has never recovered in the US. But the Red Scare lives on and has left an indelible stain on American politics.

  7. The problem is a complicated one.


    First, media representations are glamorized, always.


    This is why blonde and blue eyed women became the idealized beauty in the US, Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Barbara Eden, Grace Kelly, Farrah Fawcett, Christie Brinkley, Cheryl Tiegs..


    Just because you think that one has nothing to do with the other doesn't make it so. The fact is, glamorized images do have a measurable effect on what is idealized in the general population. And so, however misguided the idea of legislating behavior/legislating morality is, the intent is to take away the glamorization of prepubescent girls.


    Girls are exploited plenty. While this may do nothing to stop exploitation of the women who participate in pornography, there is a valid argument that it could impede/prevent the casual rape of your kid sister.

  8. yeah, it's pretty big, the tube is the width of a 5 gallon bucket, and 24 inches tall :D Whole thing stands about 6 foot tall without the legs extended :P Yeah, it cost a lot for most folks, but people consider it mid-range...crazy scopes are like 15 grand lol.


    Wow, that's awesome, we were looking at these about, gosh 5 years ago, now. We decided to wait until we get our house remodeling project done (which we are slowly doing ourselves), and it looks like the technology has really gotten better since then. Thanks for sharing!

  9. "forced" to have breast implants? Give me a break. And I can see their point, though legislating it goes a bit far, but at least it shines a nasty cold light of reality on the whole small breast fetish. And "Ms Naughty" is an uneducated dimwit. But what did we expect? One last thing, this is about FLAT chests which are very rare in actual grown up women, who almost always have some defined breast tissue.



    As soon as I read this, I knew you were pretty young, because this is a classic propagandized response.


    I don't think it's any more "bad for you" than playing college football (probably less so), or dirtbiking as a hobby. A friend of mine had a dirtbike accident and became a paraplegic because his neck broke during a crash.


    The risk from marijuana use is relatively low. The higher risk associated with it, is the fact that it's illegal in our society which means to do it you have to be a risk-taking personality i.e. willing to break the law. You probably also have some mental or emotional problems that make you have an inclination to try to self-medicate, but in our society of cigarettes and booze and prescription pills that's rampant anyway. (It mirrors our sick society in my opinion.)


    I think marijuana should be decriminalized, and I think the majority of people agree with that, and we can see that trending with the rise of medical marijuana use in the states.


    I think we waste boatloads of money on the "war on drugs" which has been fought by focusing on incarcerating casual users rather than drug kingpins and cartels. Incarceration merely takes a body from the workforce where they can contribute to society by paying taxes, and puts the weight of their housing and care on the rest of the taxpayers. That's just downright stupid. For what? For smoking pot? This is a nonviolent crime with no actual victims, and potentially takes a prison bed from a rapist or murderer. Get it.


    And we tried "illegalizing" alcohol. It was called PROHIBITION and it failed miserably, just like the war on drugs has. Alcohol should be the model for how to package marijuana, grown locally and boosting economies while taking it out of the hands of the black market. Why would you buy something potentially unlabeled and unsafe from the black market when you could easily walk into a package store and get labeled safe product that helps your local economy?


    You wouldn't.


    One great reason not to do drugs even if you are a casual user, is that buying drugs off the street helps fund terrorism. This is my main argument for legalization.

  11. Thanks for all the knowledge. I already went and rebuilt my whole game, but ill keep what you said in mind for the next time. And for me at least, there is always a next time. I love wrye bash, but I am sure it does way way more than what I know how to do with it. =)


    My main issue now is I really want both COBL and my mod, but there is something there that isn't working well together. I don't understand enough about dirty mods yet to fix this.


    I would be more than fine at you looking at the mod if you don't mind. I put it up at rapid share, I can message you with the link, if thats ok.





    I don't have much time, but try this, (First make sure you make a backup copy of your mod):


    load your mod, and make it (and Oblivion.esm) active in the CS as usual.


    Then click on details. The File Details window will open as in the picture (and you can click on the Type Column in the File Details window to sort all the entries by type, it just makes it easier to look at everything if they're in a good order.)




    Find the Race entry, the only one is your Wood Elf.


    Select it and click your Delete key and a message will pop up as in the picture below, clicking okay will place an ignore flag on that entry.




    Test your mod. I'm sorry I don't have more time at this moment to investigate.



    I suspect this will change your level to 6, but if it does there's another fix for that.

  12. Myrmaad: Thanks for the tip. The shop doesn't have any dependencies.


    But your savegames do. With Wrye Bash you can delete the master dependency from your savegame and not have a crash to desktop afterward.


    In fact, you can substitute the dependency for the shop in that savegame to another mod, maybe a repaired shop for example.



    But all that aside, What selections are you choosing when you build (and rebuild) your bashed patch?


    Remember what Jenrai said, "This could however be caused by COBL's levelling tweaks, installed via the bashed patch."


    And if you are using the Bashed Patch, you must rebuild it each time you add or remove a mod to your load. Best to select all mods, click the Mark Mergeable option and then rebuild the patch with the selections you choose.



    And if you wouldn't mind can I have a look at your plugin? If you prefer not, then how about comparing it's changes as is done when double checking for a dirty mod edit, simply by using the CS, (selecting a mod and making it active and then clicking the details button.) A very quick way to see what changes it makes.



    (For a related discussion, see "how to clean a dirty mod")



    To examine and clean your savedgame, there is no better tool than Wrye Bash as you can list the plugins that were active during that save (making them all master files/dependencies of that saved game file), you can use Wrye Bash to delete or change those dependencies in a savedgame, you can examine all the changes and statistics that were active during that savedgame, and you can update the NPC levels of a saved game to match the Currently Active mods.




    Just a few of the things that Wrye Bash can do.

  13. Thats the difference between true love and and just a partner to manipulate.



    Oh please.




    Have you ever tried to convince someone it wasn't true love?


    Both of you have had some valid points, let's not devolve into a ridiculous and completely different subject.


    i. People are easily influenced by society and those they are closest with, that's scientific, irrefutable fact. People as in the majority of human beings, which makes it a rule.


    ii. It would be better to regulate drug consumption including marijuana so that money is set aside to combat dependencies.


    iii. Marijuana can lead to dependency if only psychologically.


    iv. Drug use of all kinds has been declining overall in young people, but legal (prescription) drug use is on the rise, probably because society encourages people to see their doctors for a quick fix.


    v. Because of that fact, it's fair to assume that legalization of marijuana could possibly lead to an increase in users. However, the restrictions are much greater on the use of marijuana for medical purposes, than they are for most other drugs, such as antidepressants and opiates.

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